
The merchant rescued the old donkey, and the old donkey came to dream in the middle of the night: your wife is in danger

author:Spring Rainy Season I

Our Nagada, there is such a merchant named Zhang Dachuan, who looks very energetic, has a loyal face, carries a burden, walks around the streets and alleys, sells some gadgets, like needlework, cosmetics. Zhang Dachuan is one thing, doing business is another, and having a good heart is another, and he is willing to help anyone who is in trouble.

One day, when he walked to the foot of the mountain, he saw an old man leading a scrawny old donkey, and his eyes were dark. The old man's face was gloomy, and he said that his family had suffered a disaster, and he had to sell this old man for some food. Zhang Dachuan listened, it was not a taste in his heart, he looked at the old donkey, and thought: This donkey has been with the old man for a lifetime, and when he is old, he will be sold, which is really distressing. He gritted his teeth and said to the old man: "Brother, I will accept this donkey." You don't sell it, give it a stutter, it will live for a few years. Although my burden is heavy, it will not be in the way if I have one more burden. When the old man heard this, his tears were about to fall, and he thanked him again and again, and handed over the old donkey to Zhang Dachuan.

Since then, Zhang Dachuan has had such an old donkey on his burden. Don't look at its age, it walks quite steadily. Zhang Dachuan was busy working every day, and the old donkey followed behind and became his best partner.

The merchant rescued the old donkey, and the old donkey came to dream in the middle of the night: your wife is in danger

One night, Zhang Dachuan was so tired that he fell asleep on the kang as soon as he got home. In his sleep, he saw the old donkey wearing the clothes of a Taoist priest, and said to him with a serious face: "Dachuan, you have to be careful when you go out tomorrow, your wife is in danger." Zhang Dachuan was startled, woke up, and wondered in his heart: Why is this dream so strange? Why does the old donkey still wear Taoist clothes?

Early the next morning, Zhang Dachuan woke up, and it was still dark outside. He remembered last night's dream, and his heart beat a drum. He looked at the old donkey, who was eating the hay leisurely, and there was nothing wrong. Zhang Dachuan shook his head and thought: Maybe he thinks too much, how can the old donkey support his dreams? But he just couldn't let go of it in his heart, so he decided not to go out today, and stayed at home with his wife.

His wife's name is Xiulan, she is a diligent person, and she is constantly busy at home and abroad. Zhang Dachuan told her about last night's dream, Xiulan listened to it, smiled and said, "You person, why do you still believe this?" I'm fine at home, what's the danger? But Zhang Dachuan just couldn't let go of his heart, so Xiulan didn't go anywhere today, just stayed at home. Xiulan saw that he was so serious, so she agreed.

The merchant rescued the old donkey, and the old donkey came to dream in the middle of the night: your wife is in danger

In the afternoon, Zhang Dachuan was sitting in the courtyard basking in the sun when he suddenly heard a commotion outside. He hurriedly ran out to take a look, only to see a group of people surrounding his yard, pointing and pointing. Zhang Dachuan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly squeezed into the crowd. I saw Xiulan fall to the ground, her face pale, and a kitchen knife was thrown next to her. When Zhang Dachuan saw this scene, his head buzzed, and his heart was in his throat. Dachuan, the young man, hurriedly rushed forward, hugged Xiulan, and shouted her name at the top of his voice. Xiulan's eyes slowly opened, and her voice was as weak as a mosquito: "Dachuan, are you back...... I just ...... Just now, my brain was hot, I picked up the kitchen knife, and I wanted to do something...... "Before she finished speaking, she was like a kite with a broken string, and she fell headlong. Dachuan's tears fell down like beads with broken threads, and he quickly picked up Xiulan and went straight to the medical center.

The doctor in the hospital saw Xiulan's appearance and immediately said, "This girl is evil." As soon as Dachuan heard this, the stone in his heart fell to the ground, and the dream last night, daring to love is a real thing! The doctor prescribed a prescription for Xiulan and told Dachuan to take good care of her.

Dachuan took Xiulan home, thinking about it in his heart. He remembered the old donkey, and remembered the dream he had given him the night before. Okawa had an idea in his heart, he had to go to the old donkey and ask for an understanding. He hurried to the barn, where the old donkey was still eating fodder. Dachuan walked over, patted the old donkey's head, and said, "Old man, did you give me a dream last night?" What's going on with my wife? The old donkey raised his head, looked at Dachuan, and suddenly spoke: "Dachuan, your wife has fallen into evil." This evil spirit is not simple, you have to find a way to get rid of it. When Okawa heard that the old donkey could speak, he was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground, and stammered, "You...... Why do you know how to speak? The old donkey smiled and said, "I was originally a donkey in the Taoist temple, I have been cultivating for many years, and I am a bit of a Taoist. Last night, I saw that your wife was in danger, so I gave you a dream. Go to the Taoist priest, he can help you. ”

The merchant rescued the old donkey, and the old donkey came to dream in the middle of the night: your wife is in danger

Dachuan listened to the old donkey's words, quickly thanked him, turned around and ran towards the Taoist temple. He knew in his heart that this was not a joke, and he had to quickly find a Taoist priest for help. Along the way, Dachuan was up and down in his heart, and there were words in his mouth: "God, you have to bless my wife to be fine, I can be a cow and a horse for you in my life!" In this way, he ran and prayed, and finally arrived at the door of the Taoist temple. This Taoist temple is located on the mountainside, surrounded by clouds and mist, and it is full of fairy spirit when it looks at it. Dachuan stood at the door, panting, and looked up to see that the door plaque read "Sanqingguan" three big characters, shining gold, particularly conspicuous. He swallowed, steadied himself, and stepped inside.

The Taoist temple was quiet, and there was only a small Taoist priest cleaning the courtyard. Da Chuan hurriedly walked over, grabbed the little Taoist's hand, and said urgently: "Little master, quick, help me find your master, my wife is evil, I have to save her quickly!" The little Taoist priest was taken aback by his sudden move, and quickly asked the ins and outs, and then took Dachuan to see the master. The viewer is a white-bearded old man, who looks like a fairy. After listening to Dachuan's story, he frowned, muttered for a moment, and then said, "This evil qi is indeed unusual, and Poor Dao needs to see it for himself." "Let's take a look at this, we have to do something first." When Dachuan heard this, his heart blossomed, and he asked urgently, "What is the job?" You keep saying, I can do anything! The viewer grinned and said, "Hurry home and bring your old donkey, the fairy spirit on its body can help us a lot." When Dachuan heard this, his heart lit up, it turned out that the old donkey was not an ordinary person! He didn't say a word, nodded his head, turned his head and ran home. After arriving home, he didn't say anything, just took the old donkey out and went straight to the Taoist temple.

When I arrived at the Taoist temple, my eyes lit up when I saw the old donkey. He circled around the old donkey a few times, then nodded and said, "What a fairy donkey!" We're going to your house tonight. "That night, the moonlight was like water, and the cool breeze was blowing. The viewer took the little Taoist priest and Da Chuan, rode the old donkey, and went straight to Da Chuan's house. Along the way, the old donkey ran as fast as he could, as if he knew his mission.

The merchant rescued the old donkey, and the old donkey came to dream in the middle of the night: your wife is in danger

When he arrived at Dachuan's house, when the viewer saw Xiulan lying on the bed, his face immediately sank. He asked the little Taoist priest to set up a position, and then took out a charm and put it on Xiulan's forehead. Then, he closed his eyes, muttered in his mouth, and began to exorcise evil spirits. At this moment, a black gas suddenly emerged from Xiulan's body and swirled in the air. When the watcher saw it, he shouted: "Evil animal, don't get out of here!" As soon as the words fell, a golden light shot out from the old donkey's body, heading straight for the black gas. The black gas was illuminated by the golden light, and immediately let out a miserable scream, and then turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared into the night sky.

The exorcism was successful, and Xiulan slowly woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Okawa and the Guanzhu surrounding her, her face full of doubts. When Okawa saw that she was awake, he was so excited that he hugged her, and tears fell down like beads with broken threads. Seeing this, the Lord smiled slightly and said, "Okay, now that the evil spirit is gone, your wife is fine." However, this evil spirit is not simple, and you will have to be careful in the future. Okawa nodded again and again, indicating that he must remember it. The viewer turned to the old donkey again and said, "You fairy donkey, you have been a great help tonight, and the poor Dao is grateful." Since you've been cultivating for so many years, why don't you continue to practice at the Taoist Temple. The old donkey listened and nodded, as if he understood what the Lord had said.

Dachuan's heart is warm, he knows that he can meet nobles like the Lord and the old donkey in his life, it is really the ancestral tomb with green smoke, and he is lucky to walk shit. Since then, he engraved the words "doing good deeds and accumulating virtue" on his heart, and when he saw people, he would blow the legend of him, the old donkey, and the master.

The merchant rescued the old donkey, and the old donkey came to dream in the middle of the night: your wife is in danger

In the blink of an eye, a few years have passed in a flash, and Dachuan's merchant business is as hot as something, and the days at home are getting more and more moisturized. But in his heart, he did not forget the kindness of the Lord and the old donkey. Every year, he has to go to the Taoist temple to take a turn, bring some fresh fruits and vegetables to the master, and talk to the little Taoist priests.

That winter, Okawa carried his burden and walked in the white snow, thinking about what to bring to the viewer. As he walked, he suddenly saw a person lying in the snow in front of him, covered with a thin layer of snow, and he didn't move. Dachuan's heart tightened, and he ran over in three steps and two steps to take a look, the man's face was as white as paper, and his lips were purple from the cold, obviously frozen. Dachuan didn't say anything, just took off his padded jacket, covered the man, and then picked him up and trotted all the way home.

When he got home, he asked his wife Xiulan to boil a big pot of hot water, gave the man a hot bath, and poured a bowl of hot ginger soup. In a few moments, the man relented. When the man saw that he was saved, he had tears in his eyes and kowtowed to Dachuan vigorously. Da Chuan hurriedly helped him up, and when he asked, he found out that this person's name was Li Erzhu, a vendor from a foreign country, who was lost because of the wind and snow on the road, so he froze and fell in the snow.

The merchant rescued the old donkey, and the old donkey came to dream in the middle of the night: your wife is in danger

Dachuan listened to what happened to Li Erzhu, and it was not a taste in his heart. He thought for a moment and said, "Erzhu, since you have nowhere to go, let's stay at my house first." When spring begins, you can plan again. When Li Erzhu heard this, he was moved to tears and thanked him again and again. In this way, Li Erzhu lived in Dachuan's house. He saw that Dachuan's family was kind-hearted and treated him like a relative, and he secretly vowed in his heart that he would repay them well in the future.

After the beginning of spring, Li Erzhu said goodbye to the Dachuan family and returned to his hometown. A few years later, with his diligence and wisdom, he started a big business and became a well-known wealthy businessman in the local area. But in his heart, the kindness of the Okawa family has not been forgotten at all. Every year he had to send people to thank them for saving their lives.

When Okawa received Li Erzhu's gift, he was always full of emotion. He felt that it was just a matter of convenience for him to save Li Erzhu at the beginning, and he didn't expect to get such a rich reward. But he knew in his heart that all this was because of his good deeds and accumulation of virtue, which brought him such good luck.

The merchant rescued the old donkey, and the old donkey came to dream in the middle of the night: your wife is in danger

After a few more years, Dachuan is also getting older, and he no longer walks the streets with his burden, but hands over the merchant business to his son to take care of. This incident can be regarded as a successful end to Dachuan's life. There is an old man named Dachuan in Nagada in the northeast, who loves to sit in his yard all day long, bask in the sun, and talk about family life with the neighbors. One night, Okawa had a dream that he was back in his youth, carrying a burden and walking on the winding mountain road. Suddenly, he saw a shadow in front of him, hey, this isn't our old fellow - that old donkey! The old donkey paced over slowly, rubbed Da Chuan's face with his head affectionately, and then actually spoke: "Da Chuan, you have done good deeds and accumulated virtues in your life, and the blessings you have cultivated are not small. Now that you're older, it's time to enjoy yourself. After waking up from the dream, although Okawa knew that it was just a dream, his heart was warm and down-to-earth. He understands that he can meet so many good people and good things in this life, all because he has always adhered to the creed of "doing good deeds and accumulating virtue".