
Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

author:Healthy Henan

The 29-year-old has been suffering from menstrual cramps since menarche.

At first, the ultrasound did not find anything abnormal, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

However, 4 years ago, her menstrual cramps suddenly intensified, and even painkillers could not relieve them.

To make matters worse, I often have diarrhea during my period.

Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

Xiao Gao thought it was caused by too much work pressure, so he didn't seek medical attention in time.

Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

Until this year, she started to have pain in her left lower abdomen and it became difficult to urinate.

The results of color ultrasound showed that she had chocolate cysts in both ovaries and dilated fluid in her left ureter.

What makes it even more difficult for her to talk about it is that the sex life after the newlywed has also become painful.

Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

A gynaecological examination revealed a painful nodule deep in her pelvis. The MRI found that in addition to the chocolate cyst, there were lesions between her uterus and rectum.

Doctors suspected that she had deep endometriosis.

After fully assessing the condition and organizing a multidisciplinary consultation, Professor Feng Quanling and Director of the First Gynecology Ward of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University (Henan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital) led the endopathy team to perform laparoscopic bilateral ovarian cyst removal and sacral ligament, left ureter, vaginalectal septum, bladder reflex peritoneum, and deep rectal endometriosis lesion resection for Xiao Gao, and loosened the pelvic and ureteral adhesions during the operation, and put a stent into the left ureter, which relieved the ureteral obstruction and saved the kidney function. Postoperative pathological findings also confirmed the diagnosis of endosis.

Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

What is endometriosis

For women, sex is supposed to be a picturesque experience.

Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

However, what is it about some people who feel unbearable pain while enjoying intimate moments?

Under normal circumstances, harmonious sex should be painless and itch-free.

However, dyspareunia can cause a lot of problems for women's health, self-esteem and quality of life.

Want to know the reason behind the pain in intercourse? It's probably deep endometriosis!

What is endoscopy?

Meaning: The endometrium originally lived in the uterine cavity and was periodically exfoliated with hormonal changes. If some wayward endometrial tantrums "run away from home" and appear in parts of the body outside the uterine cavity to move into a new home elsewhere, it can lead to a range of clinical symptoms called endometriosis.

Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

Generally speaking, the most popular places for the endometrium to settle down are the ovaries, uterosacral ligaments, bladder, vaginal-rectal septum and other parts close to the ion uterus.

However, it can also travel far away from the ion uterus, such as the ureters, kidneys, pleura, and even lungs.

In addition, there is a special type in which the ectopic endometrium grows in the myometrium, causing the uterus to enlarge and thicken the myometrium, forming adenomyosis.

According to statistics, 10% of women of childbearing age in the world suffer from endometriosis, 20%~50% of infertile women with endometriosis, and 71%~87% of women with chronic pelvic pain suffer from endometriosis.

Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

What are the symptoms of endoscopy?


Secondary dysmenorrhea

It is the main symptom of endometriosis and gradually worsens as the disease progresses.

Dysmenorrhea typically occurs 1 to 2 days before menstruation, is most intense on the first day of menstruation, and gradually lessens thereafter, with pain occurring deep in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region, and sometimes radiating to the perineum, anus, or thighs.

A small number of patients may present with persistent lower abdominal pain that worsens menstruation.


Menstrual abnormalities

Manifests as heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods, incomplete menstruation, or spotting before menstruation.



The infertility rate of patients with endosis is high, and the causes of infertility are complex, which may be related to changes in the pelvic microenvironment, abnormal immune function, abnormal ovarian function, etc.



May occur in some patients with deep dyspareunia and more pronounced before menstruation.


Sudden abdominal pain

A ruptured ovarian endometriosis cyst can cause deep pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis, and fluid flowing into the pelvis can cause sudden, severe pain with nausea, vomiting, and anal distention. Rupture usually occurs around the time of menstruation, but some can also occur during ovulation.

Who is susceptible to endometriosis?

1. The age of onset of endometriosis is childbearing age, and 76% of patients with endometriosis occur at the age of 25-45 years old.

2. Women who give birth late or do not have children have a higher risk of endometriosis, and ovarian function can be inhibited during pregnancy or lactation, which can prevent and treat endometriosis.

3. Multiple abortion surgery, cesarean section or uterine cavity operation can increase the risk of disease.

4. Endometriosis is a genetic disease, such as when a sister or mother is sick, its risk is several times higher than that of the general population.

How is endometriosis treated?

Although there is no complete cure for endosis at present, as long as we carry out standardized long-term management, we can minimize the pain of patients, control the progression of the disease, and prevent recurrence. To achieve this, both doctors and patients need to work together.

Physicians need to develop individualized long-term management plans for patients and keep a close eye on changes in the condition; Patients need to adjust their mindset, increase their confidence, and actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment recommendations.

How to prevent endometriosis?

1. Eat a reasonable diet, balance the match, and have a rich variety of foods;

2. Carry out an appropriate amount of physical exercise and yoga to prevent the reflux of menstrual blood caused by various reasons, and prohibit intense sports and heavy physical labor during menstruation;

3. Eliminate intercourse during women's menstrual period;

4. Avoid endometrial implantation caused by surgical operations;

5. Try to do a good job of contraception and avoid miscarriage and uterine curettage;

6. During the menstrual period, you must do your own health care, pay attention to control your emotions, and don't sulk, otherwise it will easily lead to endocrine changes.

At the same time, we also want to remind everyone: if you have severe menstrual cramps or dyspareunia, don't ignore it! Seeking prompt medical attention and receiving professional treatment is key to protecting your health.

Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

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Unpleasant sex after marriage? It turns out that the "mastermind" is it...

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