
A 4-year-old boy was poisoned by eating this plant by mistake! Doctor alerts: it is poisonous all over the body

author:Healthy Henan

When I was a guest, I saw that the green plants and leaves were verdant

The 4-year-old boy was curious

Pick the leaves of the green plant and lick it

I never expected that

This bite actually poisoned the boy and was admitted to the ICU

A 4-year-old boy was poisoned by eating this plant by mistake! Doctor alerts: it is poisonous all over the body


The plant that the boy licked was the dripping Kannon

It is poisonous all over the body

The appearance is easily confused with taro

And there is no specific antidote

A 4-year-old boy was poisoned by eating this plant by mistake! Doctor alerts: it is poisonous all over the body


The medical staff of Wuhan Children's Hospital rescued the patient in time

The boy escaped and has now been discharged from the hospital

The reporter learned that this is not an isolated case

There have also been cases of children who have been poisoned by eating oleander by mistake

Kyukyu Doctor

A 4-year-old boy was poisoned by eating this plant by mistake! Doctor alerts: it is poisonous all over the body

Doctor reminds

Once ingested, rinse your mouth and induce vomiting immediately

And send to the hospital as soon as possible

Symptomatic treatment by a medical professional

A 4-year-old boy was poisoned by ingestion of Guanyin

Recently, a 4-year-old boy Chuan Chuan (pseudonym) followed his parents to other people's homes as guests, and while the adults were chatting in the living room, Chuan Chuan was playing alone on the balcony. When he saw a row of green plants, Chuan Chuan was suddenly attracted by a pot of turquoise "Dripping Guanyin", only to see the tip of the leaf dripping with juice, Chuan Chuan curiously picked a small leaf and put it in his mouth, and couldn't help but taste the taste.

Chuan Chuan didn't expect that a strange smell immediately spread on his tongue, and he quickly spit it out. But within a few minutes, Chuan Chuan felt a tingling in his mouth, numb in his tongue, and a little tightness in his throat.

Knowing that Chuan Chuan had eaten the leaves of a potted plant by mistake, his mother hurriedly asked him to drink a large bottle of milk to induce vomiting, and quickly sent Chuan Chuan to the emergency department of Wuhan Children's Hospital for treatment. During this time, Chuan Chuan vomited once, feeling that his stomach was still churning, and the discomfort was not relieved. After gastric lavage in the emergency department, Kawakawa was transferred to the intensive care department for further treatment with a "substance-toxin reaction".

The doctor recalled that when Chuan Chuan was admitted to the ICU, his expression was painful, the corners of his mouth were drooling, his lips were swollen, and he cried out that his throat hurt. After examination, except for sinus tachycardia shown by electrocardiogram results, there were no obvious abnormalities in liver and kidney function, electrolytes, cardiac enzymes, lactate, etc. Under the whole process of ECG monitoring and blood oxygen saturation monitoring, Chuan Chuan received a series of treatments such as laxative, anti-allergic drugs, and stomach protection to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning.

The next day, Chuanchuan's poisoning symptoms were reduced a lot, and he continued to observe and treat for a day. At the time of the re-examination on June 18, his body had recovered his health, and all indicators returned to normal, and he was successfully discharged from the hospital.

These poisonous plants, beware of accidental ingestion

Children who were poisoned by ingestion are not in the isolated cases. The reporter learned that according to the recollection of the doctor, there were also children who accidentally ate oleander and came to the hospital for dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

A 4-year-old boy was poisoned by eating this plant by mistake! Doctor alerts: it is poisonous all over the body

Dr. Cheng Xingfeng examines the child (data map)

"Dripping Guanyin, also known as Alocasia, has a similar appearance to taro, so it is often accidentally eaten and poisoned." According to the doctor, the whole plant of Guanyin is poisonous, if you accidentally come into contact with its juice, the skin will have itching, numbness, stinging, swelling and other manifestations, if you eat its stems or leaves by mistake, a small amount of swallowing can cause itching, congestion and swelling of the mouth, tongue and throat, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., if the poisoning is serious, there is even a risk of suffocation, respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest.

"In addition to dripping Guanyin, plants such as mandala, evergreen, and oleander are also poisonous, so families with children should not plant these green plants, and it is easy to misidentify the problem." The doctor reminded that in the case of Dripping Guanyin, its roots are very similar to taro, and some people often mistakenly eat Dripping Guanyin as taro, and it is important to learn to distinguish them. First of all, we have to see if there are purple spots, there are purple spots in the center of the leaves of the dripping Guanyin, but there are no taro; Secondly, depending on the color of the leaves, the leaves of the dripping Guanyin are darker in color and the taro is relatively lighter; Finally, look at the rhizomes, the rhizomes of the dripping Guanyin are thicker, while the taro is shorter.

A 4-year-old boy was poisoned by eating this plant by mistake! Doctor alerts: it is poisonous all over the body

In addition, in the summer, oleander produces beautiful white or pink flowers, but the roots, stems, skin, leaves, flowers, seeds, and juice of the whole oleander plant are poisonous, and even taking some of the dried leaves of oleander may cause death. Therefore, Cheng Xingfeng has repeatedly reminded that parents must learn to identify if they see it on the side of the road when they take their baby out.

Parents should also educate their children not to touch or swallow the leaves or fruits of unknown plants when playing outdoors. Plants like Dripping Guanyin, which do not have a specific antidote, should be gargled and vomited immediately once ingested, and sent to the hospital as soon as possible, and treated by professional doctors.

Cover of this issue:

A 4-year-old boy was poisoned by eating this plant by mistake! Doctor alerts: it is poisonous all over the body

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