
There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

author:Garin reads


Xiang Yu, whose name is the name of the country, is the grandson of Xiang Yan, a famous general of the Chu State. The Xiang family has been a general for generations and has a family history, but Xiang Yu didn't like to read or learn the art of war when he was a child.

On the contrary, he has shown amazing strength since childhood. Once, he lifted a large tripod weighing thousands of pounds in his hometown, a feat that shocked the Quartet.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

At that time, the four strong men couldn't move this tripod together, but Xiang Yu easily lifted it, which made his prestige spread all over the world. Xiang Yu was born with divine power, which made him always invincible on the battlefield.

Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu: The bravery and tragedy of being able to carry the tripod

Battle of the Great Deer: Determination to break the cauldron

The Battle of Julu was one of the most glorious battles in Xiang Yu's life.

In 207 BC, Xiang Yu led the Chu army against the main force of the 400,000 Qin army. At that time, the princes' armies did not dare to fight and cowered. Xiang Yu decided to break the ship, ordered the soldiers to smash the cooking utensils, scuttle the ship, and signal victory or death.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

This move greatly boosted the morale of the Chu army. Xiang Yu personally led the Chu army to charge into battle, and after a bloody battle, finally defeated the Qin army. This battle not only made Xiang Yu famous, but also completely changed the tide of the battle.

Battle of Pengcheng: A miracle of winning more with less

Another legendary battle of Xiang Yu took place in Pengcheng.

In 205 BC, Liu Bang, the king of Han, united the princes of Wulu, with a total of 560,000 troops, and occupied Xiang Yu's Chu capital Pengcheng. When Xiang Yu heard this, he was furious, and immediately took 30,000 horses and horses back to Pengcheng from Qi State.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

Liu Bang's army was more than ten times that of Xiang Yu, but Xiang Yu was not afraid and personally charged into battle. His bravery and invincibility caused Liu Bang's army to retreat, and in the end, Liu Bang escaped with only a dozen men. This battle brought Xiang Yu's prestige to the peak.

Tragic Song: The helplessness of the hero's end

But Xiang Yu's brilliance did not last long.

In 202 BC, Liu Bang, together with Han Xin, Peng Yue and others, besieged Xiang Yu Yu. Xiang Yu was embattled and demoralized. When he heard Chu Ge at night, he thought that Chu had been occupied by the Han army, and his heart became more and more desperate.

In the end, Xiang Yu broke out of the encirclement and came to the Wujiang River. The chief of the Wujiang Pavilion persuaded him to cross the river to regroup, but Xiang Yu knew that the general trend had gone and was unwilling to cross the river. He said: "I have no shame to see Jiangdong's fathers! Eventually, he killed himself with a knife and ended his life.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

Xiang Yu's story is full of heroism and tragedy. His bravery and record were unmatched, but he lacked strategy and political wisdom and ultimately failed.

This also provides a profound reflection for future generations: only courage may not be able to achieve long-term hegemony.

Flying Tiger General Li Cunxiao: The glory and end of the first fierce general in the late Tang Dynasty

Li Cunxiao's legendary background

Li Cunxiao, whose real name is An Jingsi, was a legendary figure in the late Tang Dynasty. He came from an ordinary family, but he was born with divine power and bravery. When he was a child, his strength was already far superior to that of his peers.

Legend has it that he once used one hand to knock a cow to the ground, a feat that amazed the locals. Later, he was adopted as a righteous son by Li Keyong, the king of Jin, and was given the name Li Cunxiao, and began his legendary life.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

Li Cunxiao followed Li Keyong to fight in the south and the north, and quickly emerged. His bravery and loyalty won the trust of Li Keyong and he was named a pioneer general. Li Cunxiao is not only strong in martial arts, but also very courageous.

Once, he infiltrated the enemy camp alone, killed the enemy general, and successfully brought back the head of the enemy army. This feat made him famous and he was known as the "Flying Tiger General".

General Huwei: Single-handedly the second and third in the world

Li Cunxiao's bravery was vividly displayed in battle after battle. A classic example is his duel with "Iron Gun" Wang Yanzhang. Wang Yanzhang is known as "the second in the world", with strong martial arts and invincible marksmanship.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

When the two armies faced each other, Wang Yanzhang rushed towards Li Cunxiao with great momentum. Li Cunxiao was not in a hurry and faced him head-on.

The two fought fiercely for dozens of rounds, and Li Cunxiao suddenly exerted all his strength, picked off Wang Yanzhang's iron spear with one shot, and then cut off his head with a knife. This battle made Li Cunxiao's prestige shocked, and everyone called him "the first in the world".

Another time, Li Cunxiao fought with Gao Siji. Gao Siji is also a famous general and is known as "the third in the world". When the two fought, Gao Siji tried his best, but he was never able to break through Li Cunxiao's defense.

Li Cunxiao saw an opportunity, jumped up suddenly, and slashed down, Gao Siji fell to the ground in response. This battle brought Li Cunxiao's prestige to the peak, and even the enemy army was in awe of him.

Invincible: Li Cunxiao's record and prestige

Li Cunxiao won many battles on the battlefield and had a brilliant record. He once led hundreds of cavalry to raid the enemy's camp, beheading enemy generals and capturing thousands.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

His bravery and invincibility terrified his enemies and made Li Keyong even more important to him. Li Keyong once said: "If filial piety is there, the enemy army will not dare to act rashly." This sentence fully reflects Li Cunxiao's important position in the army.

Li Cunxiao is not only brave, but also extremely wise. He once laid traps on the battlefield to lure the enemy in, and then launched a surprise attack to annihilate the enemy army in one fell swoop.

Each of his battles inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and increased his prestige in the army.

The tragedy of loyalty: being victimized by jealousy and infighting

Despite Li Cunxiao's great achievements, his ending is embarrassing. His bravery and prestige aroused the jealousy of the other generals under Li Keyong. These people united and framed Li Cunxiao for rebellion.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

Li Keyong listened to slander and put Li Cunxiao in prison. Li Cunxiao was tortured in prison, but he never confessed to rebellion.

In the end, Li Keyong decided to execute Li Cunxiao. He was torn apart by five horses and died a tragic death in prison. Before he died, Li Cunxiao shouted: "Loyalty is not guilty, why do you harm!" ”

His death made people angry and sad about the mediocrity of Li Keyong and the cunning of his generals.

Li Cunxiao's story is full of legend and tragedy.

His bravery and invincibility are admirable, but his loyalty and integrity ultimately led him to a tragic end. Such a hero is both admired and deplored.

Invincible: Li Cunxiao's record and prestige

Li Cunxiao was a feared general in the late Tang Dynasty. He was one of the most formidable heroes of his time. He is not only strong in martial arts, but also brave in battle, always charging forward and invincible.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

In one battle, Li Cunxiao led hundreds of cavalry and suddenly attacked the enemy camp. At that time, the enemy troops were eating and were completely defenseless. Li Cunxiao gave an order, and the cavalry rushed into the enemy camp like a tiger descending from a mountain.

In the shadow of the sword and sword, the enemy army was caught off guard and fell one after another. Li Cunxiao personally led the charge and killed the enemy generals and captured thousands of people. In this battle, Li Cunxiao won more with less, showing his outstanding command ability and unparalleled courage.

On another occasion, Li Cunxiao led his troops to attack the enemy's fortified city. The enemy army was covered with archers on the walls, and arrows rained down. Li Cunxiao was undaunted and personally took the lead in climbing the city wall.

Despite being hit by a few arrows, he stubbornly climbed to the top of the city and engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. The soldiers were infected by his courage and their morale was greatly boosted, and they rushed to the city after him.

In the end, Li Cunxiao led the soldiers to capture this impenetrable city. This battle spread his heroic deeds all over the world.

Li Cunxiao's performance on the battlefield is not only bravery, but also wisdom. He often takes advantage of changes in terrain and weather to design traps to lure enemy troops in, and then launch a surprise attack to annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

Once, at night, he led a small group of elite soldiers to sneak into the rear of the enemy army and set fire to the enemy's grain and grass piles. When the enemy army saw the raging fire, they were immediately in chaos, and Li Cunxiao took the opportunity to launch an attack and defeated the enemy army in one fell swoop.

The use of this tactic caused heavy losses to the enemy and raised Li Cunxiao's prestige to a higher level.

Li Cunxiao's achievements were not only displayed on the battlefield, but his prestige was also spread among the people. Whenever he passed through the village, the people would spontaneously come out to greet him, praising him for his bravery and justice.

Someone once asked him, "Why do generals always rush to the front?" Li Cunxiao replied with a smile: "The duty of a general is to protect the people, and it is my duty to rush to the front." His answer was simple and powerful, demonstrating his sense of responsibility and dedication as a general.

Li Cunxiao's achievements and prestige not only made the enemy fearful, but also made his lord Li Keyong full of trust in him.

Li Keyong once said to the generals at a banquet: "If there is filial piety, our army is invincible!" This sentence fully expresses Li Keyong's high evaluation and trust in Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao's story is full of heroism and legend. Every time he plays, it is like a wonderful performance, which makes people marvel and admire.

His bravery and wisdom make him invincible and invincible on the battlefield. His prestige spread not only among the army, but also among the common people.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

Li Cunxiao's achievements and prestige show the magnificent picture of the changes and heroes of that era. As the ancients said: "There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the trend for hundreds of years." Li Cunxiao's story is the best footnote to this famous saying.

If history could repeat itself: the cross-time and space duel between Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao

Imagine what it would be like if the two heroes, Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao, could meet across time and space?

Both of them are fierce generals who fought on the battlefield, and both have incredible bravery and achievements. Such an encounter is bound to collide with fierce sparks.

One evening, the battlefield was dusty. Xiang Yu rode a tall horse, wearing silver armor, holding an overlord spear, and stood majestically in front of the formation.

He looked around and shouted, "Who dares to fight me?" At this time, Li Cunxiao also rode a war horse and held a long knife, facing him. He sneered: "I, Li Cunxiao, am willing to compete with you!" ”

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

The two fierce generals rode their horses against each other, and the battlefield suddenly fell silent. I saw Xiang Yu let out a long roar, and the overlord spear went out to sea like a dragon, stabbing Li Cunxiao. Li Cunxiao was not to be outdone, the long knife was wielded, the knife was shining, and the two fought fiercely together. Swords and guns collided, sparks flew everywhere, and the murderous atmosphere was soaring.

Who can come out on top in this showdown? Xiang Yu's strength is infinite, known as the "Overlord of Western Chu", and his bravery is unmatched. In the Battle of Julu, he defeated the Qin army with less victory and established his position as the overlord.

And Li Cunxiao, known as the "Flying Tiger General", his record is equally brilliant. He once made a name for himself in a night raid and routed tens of thousands of enemy troops with hundreds of cavalry.

The two fought on the battlefield, and the winner was inseparable. Xiang Yu's overlord spear struck like a raging storm, and Li Cunxiao's long knife was as fast as lightning. They come and go, and the fight is inseparable.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

At this time, Xiang Yu suddenly shouted: "What a Li Cunxiao, it really deserves its reputation!" Li Cunxiao laughed: "Xiang Yu, you are worthy of being the overlord!" ”

What if they could join forces? If the two fierce generals can abandon their preconceptions and face the enemy together, history may be rewritten.

Imagine how Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao would feel when they fought side by side? I am afraid that no enemy will dare to challenge their majesty easily.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

One day, Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao stood together, facing a huge enemy army. Xiang Yu said loudly: "If we join forces, we will definitely be able to defeat these enemies!" Li Cunxiao nodded: "Let's go together and have a good time!" The two rode their horses and charged, Xiang Yu's overlord spear and Li Cunxiao's long knife were like two giant dragons, invincible.

When the enemy saw their might, they fled. This battle made their prestige even louder, and no one dared to compete with them again.

From this hypothesis, we can see how important the combination of courage and wisdom is. Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao are both brave and invincible heroes, but if they could have been more strategic, maybe their endings would have been different.

Courage is important, but wisdom is also essential. A hero must not only have strength, but also wisdom in order to be invincible on the battlefield.

History cannot be repeated, but through such assumptions, we can learn something.

There is probably only one person who can compete with Xiang Yu in Chinese history

The combination of courage and wisdom is the true way to invincibility.

The story of Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao tells us a truth: no matter how brave you are, you need wisdom to assist you in order to become a true hero.


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