
Why is it difficult for college graduates to find a job?

author:Lawyer Chen Weiguo


Why is it difficult for college graduates to find a job?

Since 1999, higher education (including undergraduate and graduate students) in mainland China has continued to expand its enrollment, known as the Higher Education Reform. This expansion stems from the 1999 Ministry of Education's Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education for the 21st Century, which proposes that by 2010, the gross enrolment ratio in tertiary education should reach 15 per cent of young people of appropriate age. In 2008, the state began to control the expansion of enrollment because of the obvious decline in the quality of higher education.

However, the expansion of higher education is driven by high tuition fees, and the expansion of many institutions of higher education has not been controlled by the state's adjustment policies. The increasing number of college students is not strict in their learning quality, resulting in a serious lack of knowledge and creative ability of many college graduates, many of whom are ambitious and require employers to provide high salaries and high benefits, resulting in many employers being reluctant to recruit college graduates. As a result, it is becoming more and more difficult for college graduates to find employment, and it has become difficult to return.

Higher education is a specialized institution for inheritance, research, integration and innovation of academics, through education and teaching, so that college students can acquire certain professional knowledge, form a perfect personality, noble cultivation, good conduct, have the ability to judge right and wrong, good and evil, and become professionals needed by society.

From 1949 to 1965, there were very few college students on the mainland. That generation of college students was not only well-educated, but also mostly role models in terms of personality. From 1966 to 1970, there was a gap in university education, which led to the discontinuation of high-end talent training.

From 1970 to 1976, although the workers, peasants and soldiers recruited by the university were criticized by many people, that generation of college students solved the crisis of talent disconnection after all, and had a good personality foundation.

From 1977 to 1980, when the state resumed the college entrance examination, many senior high school graduates and a small number of junior high school graduates who went to the mountains and countryside entered universities through the college entrance examination, and the quality of these college graduates was generally high. After 1980, junior and senior high school education returned to normal, and since then, college students who have entered the college entrance examination have obtained systematic higher professional education, and most of them have mastered substantial cultural and professional knowledge by the time they graduate, and have a high sense of ethics and morality, as well as the concept of loving the motherland and socialism. Many of these outstanding talents are still influencing the development of the country today.

Why is it difficult for college graduates to find a job?

Since 1999, the drawbacks of declining the quality of education due to the expansion of university enrollment have continued to appear, and China's decades of reform and opening up practice have not attracted the attention of higher education. The expansion of university enrollment has led to the entry of all kinds of capital into colleges and universities, resulting in many universities with a strong commercial color, far exceeding the educational connotation. In fact, most universities have abandoned the education of ethics and morality and patriotism for their students, with the result that the personality quality of many college graduates is difficult to meet the needs of social development.

Ignoring students' moral character, humanistic ethics education, and personality education is very obvious in the kindergarten education stage, from primary education to university education, basically allowing students to develop freely in all stages, and lacking a guiding mechanism for various non-mainstream cultural concepts. There are many clubs and activities in modern universities, but many students have problems with their personality development.

First of all, many college students lack a sense of national belonging and patriotism.

College graduates belong to the elite class, and should form the concept of collective interests, national interests, and national interests, have a sense of responsibility and dedication to society, the country, and the nation, and should have the patriotic concept of "the rise and fall of the world, and the husband is responsible", but this is not the case. Many college students lack love for the country and support the basic ideas of socialism, and some do not even have a sense of national belonging. Every year, university graduates who study abroad at public expense complete their studies abroad, and many refuse to return home after serving in a foreign country. What's more, after a Chinese-trained college student went to the United States to study, he even publicly said that "the air in the United States is sweeter than in China".

It is conceivable that when college students generally lack patriotic qualities, it is often difficult for them to obtain praise in character assessment when choosing employers, which is also the main reason why many college students cannot be accepted by employers.

Secondly, many college students do not have the quality of "benevolence", are enthusiastic about Western humanistic thought, are indifferent, and lack the spirit of collective cooperation.

"Benevolence" emphasizes "benevolence and love with others", the pursuit of interpersonal harmony, harmony with the community, filial piety and friendship, which is the traditional quality of the Chinese nation. The lack of "benevolence" among modern university graduates is almost universal, and the phenomenon of ignoring the interests of others in pursuit of personal interests is very serious. Many college students do not have "benevolence", ignore interpersonal harmony, lack the spirit of collectivism, and are indifferent and ruthless. Some people do whatever it takes for their personal interests and do not hesitate to harm others and benefit themselves.

The development of modern society requires mutual coordination between people, because every link of social development needs the cooperation of other corresponding social relations to form a joint force for development. Many college graduates lack the quality of group collaboration and cannot be kind to others, which will inevitably affect their employment prospects.

Third, they are arrogant and empty-eyed, unable to face themselves.

Humility and courtesy, humility, arrogance and self-restraint, pragmatism and truth-seeking are traditional Chinese virtues, but most modern university graduates do not have this quality. Many college students abandon their studies in pursuit of love and enjoyment during their studies, and when they are looking for jobs, they write themselves out of the sky and dress themselves up as very elite, but their memory is seriously insufficient. Many college graduates only demand higher salaries when they market themselves, but they do not have a proper view of their own knowledge. When it comes to the employer, neither professional knowledge nor innovation ability can meet the requirements of the employer.

I have spoken to some college graduates, and when I constructively criticized their professional abilities, these former students, who had not been away from school for a long time, were extremely dissatisfied. Some people are very arrogant and look down on others in their daily work. There are many people who can't judge themselves correctly, knowing that their business ability is insufficient, but they refuse to admit that they can't do it, but judge people who are better than their own achievements.

Why is it difficult for college graduates to find a job?

Fourth, many college students are inconsistent in their words and deeds, lack integrity, and cannot do their work in a down-to-earth manner.

Since ancient times, China has advocated the consistency of words and deeds, and the integrity of many college students is not good. Some college students usually play games, fall in love, and even often skip classes during their studies. Every time I take an exam, I want to cheat and get by. Some students are not ashamed of failing their subjects, but are proud of failing them, and many students pass the make-up examination. Asking gunmen to write essays when graduating from college, using the internet to plagiarize and piece together essays is the norm. The introduction of AI software has caused many college students' papers to become the product of hybridization. When such college graduates are hired, they are not only not practical, but also not competitive. In a highly competitive society, all bosses will not use money to support people who are not capable.

Fifth, many college students like pleasure and have no sense of pursuit.

The pursuit is a kind of spiritual realm, and in the ancient dynasties, all the people who led the way had a broad pursuit spirit. In their own undertakings, they pay attention to the progress and development of society, and regard the progress of the nation as the highest state of their spiritual pursuit. The key to the fact that many Chinese celebrities have been able to influence the development of society is that they have set an example for the Chinese people with their spiritual world.

Modern college students fall in love as soon as they go to school, pursue high-end consumption, and ask their parents for personal pleasure without restrictions. Unfilial piety to parents and asking parents to be unfilial is a common phenomenon among college students. It is normal for some college students to ask their parents for thousands of yuan a month, and many college students compare themselves with their classmates and spend ahead of time. When parents find it difficult to afford, they do not hesitate to use their personality to mortgage the "campus loan". Some female college students have betrayed their personality because of "campus loans", and some even committed suicide because of "campus loans".

It is conceivable that many students work hard during the college entrance examination and fall in love after school. They should devote their energy to their studies after going to school, but many of them devote their energy to love and enjoyment, which makes many parents smile bitterly. It is conceivable that these people did not learn the skills during the college years, and after graduating from the university, they could not work in a down-to-earth manner, lacked the motivation to improve, and the employers who lacked talents could only rather lack than abuse.

Sixth, many college students do not have the spirit of hardship and hard work, and lack personal cultivation

Traditional Chinese attach importance to moral practice, attach importance to personal cultivation, and advocate people to play their own active role in improving their own self-cultivation. Many college students despise manual labor and low-level work, and when they are unable to find a job after graduation, they would rather eat their parents at home than engage in manual labor or low-level work. Many college graduates focus their life goals on the civil service examination, resulting in the phenomenon of thousands of troops taking the civil service examination. However, how many of the students who have almost abandoned their studies in the university have no strengths and cannot bear hardships and stand hard work, and in the fierce social competition after graduation, can they pass the civil service examination?

7. Many college students do not pay attention to their personal discipline and practice, and lack correct aspirations.

Since ancient times, Chinese have advocated that they should be ambitious and useful people. At the same time, the Chinese have always attached importance to discipline and can adhere to noble and pure moral character. Be honest and undeceived, brave in the face of righteousness, and even sacrifice your life for righteousness. At the same time, it is necessary to be honest, hardworking and simple, respect teachers and dedication, and so on.

Among modern college students, there are not many people who have discipline and ambition. Many college graduates have not learned useful skills, and they lack integrity. When you are poor, you are too inferior, and when you are rich, you are forgetful, it is difficult to be honest, hard and simple, and it is even more difficult to be brave in the face of righteousness or sacrifice your life for righteousness. This is related to the fierce competition under the market economy, but in the fierce competition of the market economy, people who advocate ambition and have good discipline and practice are often the final victors.

The above problems are the main problems that affect the employment difficulties of modern college graduates, and they are also the main reasons why many older generations look down on modern college students. In fact, there are many outstanding elements among modern university graduates who have become models of modern youth, who have shown the quality of outstanding talents in all walks of life, and they represent the mainstream of contemporary college students. But there are not many of these excellent people, and it is indeed worth pondering for college graduates who have difficulty finding a job or cannot find a job.

In a market economy, there is a very important law of value, that is, input and output tend to move forward in direct proportion. In the same way, the growth of talents requires the accumulation of time, the consolidation of the foundation, and the continuous improvement of knowledge and skills. Thousands of high-rise buildings are not built on flat ground, but after laying a solid foundation, they are supported little by little with various construction materials. The same is true for talents, without accumulation, it is difficult to become talents, and this is the principle of accumulation.

Note: This article only discusses social phenomena and does not in any way mean to belittle contemporary college students.


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