
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Fanghua has no regrets, and the original intention does not change to light up the happy community - Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Four Seasons Flower City Community in Zhangjiawo Town

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Fanghua has no regrets, and the original intention does not change to light up the happy community - Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Four Seasons Flower City Community in Zhangjiawo Town

Character introduction

Chen Ying, female, Han nationality, born in May 1984, from Tianjin, joined the Communist Party of China in December 2013, and is currently the secretary of the general party branch and director of the neighborhood committee of Sijihuacheng Community, Zhangjiawo Town. In 2023, it will be rated as an advanced model of national Red Cross volunteer service. In 2024, he will be awarded the honorary titles of "Secretary of the Top Ten Community Party Organizations in Tianjin" and "Outstanding Party Worker in Xiqing District".

There are 5,253 households in the Four Seasons Flower City community, and Chen Ying, as the head of the community, has kept in mind the big and small affairs of more than 10,000 residents, and more than 20 work diaries are full of her feelings and responsibilities.

Integrity and innovation

Create a "leading goose" who works hard

As a large-scale commercial housing community, the Four Seasons Flower City Community has the characteristics of a large foreign population, a large number of young people, a large number of three generations living together, and a large number of lives in the twin cities. "Too many people" used to be a difficult point in the community governance of Four Seasons Flower City. Chen Ying explored the establishment of a working model of "community party branch-community party branch-grid party group-party member center household", built the branch on the grid, organized the coverage of the building, and served the people's homes; Relying on the "grid management" model, adhere to the "three must arrive", "four must visit" and "five must report", so that the residents in the grid have a good grasp of the family situation, personnel categories, hidden contradictions, residents' service needs, hot spots and difficulties that the masses are concerned about. While serving the residents, Chen Ying always puts discipline in the front, earnestly fulfills the duties of the "first responsible person", grasps the "two committees" team, leads the team of grid members, and often recites the "mantra" to the team members, often rings the "warning bell", and often takes "preventive shots", creating a community work team that works hard. Driven by Chen Ying, this difficulty has quietly become the "wealth" of the community, from the difficulty of adjusting to the crowd collecting firewood, turning the former "bystander" into a "participant".

[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Fanghua has no regrets, and the original intention does not change to light up the happy community - Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Four Seasons Flower City Community in Zhangjiawo Town
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Fanghua has no regrets, and the original intention does not change to light up the happy community - Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Four Seasons Flower City Community in Zhangjiawo Town

Drizzle moisturizes

Create a capable and orderly "caring person"

"Xiao Chen is like my daughter," Aunt Zhang said. It turned out that Aunt Zhang was from a Dink family, and in an accidental car accident, both husband and wife were injured, and she couldn't be satisfied with buying vegetables and cooking. After Chen Ying learned about it, she took the initiative to undertake the task of purchasing at Aunt Zhang's house, and helped Aunt Zhang buy daily necessities once every two or three days until Aunt Zhang's old couple recovered. As the secretary of the general party branch of the community, she exchanged sincerity for truth and won the hearts of the people with hard work. The weekly exchange of questions and needs, the handicraft creation of festival themes and other activities mobilize the enthusiasm and activity of residents to participate in activities from different angles, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of residents, and shorten the distance between "neighbors". She also set up and cultivated volunteer service teams such as the Huacheng Party Member Team, the Silver Bell Service Team, the Blue Guard Security Household Guard, and the Story Club Mother Group, established a rapid response mechanism for residents' demands, opened four public sentiment collection channels of "online, offline, household, and discussion", widely collected social conditions and public opinions to form a "list of things to do for the people", and invited residents to participate in community governance, organize various forces in the jurisdiction, jointly solve major problems in residents' lives, and further stimulate the vitality of community governance.

[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Fanghua has no regrets, and the original intention does not change to light up the happy community - Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Four Seasons Flower City Community in Zhangjiawo Town
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Fanghua has no regrets, and the original intention does not change to light up the happy community - Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Four Seasons Flower City Community in Zhangjiawo Town

Gather the sun and create flames

Create a "partner" of pluralistic co-governance

"Secretary, due to the small number of people in the property now, under the condition of ensuring basic operation, there are indeed some difficulties in such a large number of activities of tying wormwood to send wormwood to the owners. We are planning to suspend the delivery of Ai this year. Said the property project manager. On the day of the event, 260 people came to the community to help, and it took only two and a half hours to complete the distribution and binding of wormwood for 5253 households, and finally hung at the door of each Huacheng resident's house, with a special meaning of happiness on it. Chen Ying often said: "Scattering is a sky full of stars, and gathering is a fire." With the community setting up the stage, the partners singing, and the residents supporting, we will gather, mobilize, and use social forces to form a joint force to grasp party building, governance, and service, from the 'scattered civil resident power' to the community autonomy 'public account', from the 'being served' to 'I serve' attitude change, and gradually form a co-governance and sharing situation from 'co-governance' to 'community governance community'. ”

[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Fanghua has no regrets, and the original intention does not change to light up the happy community - Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Four Seasons Flower City Community in Zhangjiawo Town
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Fanghua has no regrets, and the original intention does not change to light up the happy community - Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Four Seasons Flower City Community in Zhangjiawo Town

Chen Ying uses reliable actions, gathers bit by bit warmth, gathers wisdom to create "governance", and brings multiple forces to accurately and finely make the "small needs" of residents into "big people's livelihood", and uses the "small actions" of daily services to hold up the "great happiness" of residents' lives, so that every resident can become a "partner" of Huacheng, and gradually realize that residents "enter the circle", let governance "break the circle", and let happiness "go out of the circle".

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