
Smooth the passage of life and build a solid foundation for safety - transportation in action

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media

During the 23rd National "Safety Production Month", the Xiqing District Transportation Management Bureau closely followed the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies - Smooth Life Channel", and carried out a series of characteristic activities in various forms and rich contents, effectively tightened the "safety valve" of cadres and workers, built a solid "safety net" for industry enterprises, and effectively promoted the work of safety production.

With the safety publicity "five in" as the carrier, we went deep into the Shanshan Outlets shopping mall in Zhangjiawo Town, and effectively carried out the "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activity. At the event site, through the "Safety Production Month" exhibition board, the distribution of leaflets, on-site consultation and other forms, the safety of production, disaster prevention and mitigation, illegal operation, overrun and overload and other aspects of science publicity, "face-to-face" to explain to the masses the laws and regulations of safety production in the field of transportation, answer the masses consultation, and effectively enhance the safety awareness, rule of law awareness and accident prevention awareness of the masses, and create a strong atmosphere of everyone publicizing safety and attaching importance to safety.

Smooth the passage of life and build a solid foundation for safety - transportation in action
Smooth the passage of life and build a solid foundation for safety - transportation in action

Combined with the 23rd "Safety Production Month" activity, industry experts were invited to organize the main persons in charge of more than 60 industry enterprises such as "two passengers and one danger" key transportation and driver training institutions to carry out special education and training on the judgment standards for major accident hazards and "everyone stresses safety, everyone will respond to emergencies - smooth life channel". During the period, I watched the warning education propaganda film "Smooth Life Channel". Through special education and training, it has further promoted safety awareness into the brain and heart, and improved the level of safety management.

Smooth the passage of life and build a solid foundation for safety - transportation in action
Smooth the passage of life and build a solid foundation for safety - transportation in action

In order to further enhance the fire safety awareness and emergency escape ability of industry enterprises, the staff of the District Transportation Management Bureau took advantage of the opportunity of supervision and inspection of entering the enterprise, closely focused on fire safety training, simulated fire emergency disposal, emergency evacuation and escape, etc., and supervised and inspected 8 key transportation enterprises of "two passengers and one danger" in the jurisdiction. By forcing the implementation of the main responsibility of enterprise fire safety, guiding the development of fire training drills, allowing employees to use fire-fighting equipment proficiently, and realizing the operational skills and escape skills of enterprise employees to deal with sudden emergencies.

Smooth the passage of life and build a solid foundation for safety - transportation in action
Smooth the passage of life and build a solid foundation for safety - transportation in action

In the next step, the Xiqing District Transportation Management Bureau will continue to follow the decisions and arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government, the District Party Committee and the District Government on safety production work, pay close attention to implementation, seek practical results, work together, and do good work, carry out various safety production work, and strive to provide a strong transportation safety guarantee for the high-quality development of our district.

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