
What does it look like when a guy really likes a girl?

author:Clover Liu

What does it look like when a guy really likes a girl?

1 Low self-esteem, eyes evasive

If this man really likes you, he will have a little inferiority complex and will always be cautious, because you are his goddess, and the way he looks at you is dodgy.

Because your eyes are shining in him, and he doesn't dare to do anything to you, it's not that this boy is not bold, it's that he always feels that he is not good here, and he is not worthy of you there, for fear that you will be angry or unhappy.

And you will find that in front of others and in front of you is completely different, he is usually a heartless, but he will be sad for a long time because of your words.

2 Pay attention to your appearance and dress yourself

You say I don't like sloppy boys, he has started all kinds of Tony teacher hairstyles, perfume and mask have begun to take care of their external image,

He will also remember a lot of your little habits, such as my girlfriend, who likes to eat stress. Fried chicken thighs, I'll bring him some if he's fine, that's to remember an abnormality.

What does it look like when a guy really likes a girl?

3. Initiative and enthusiasm

Take the initiative to chat with you frequently, which can definitely see whether he likes you or not, because we boys, as long as we like a girl, we will definitely want the girl to like me.

So I will share all kinds of small things with you, in fact, I just want to get your attention, and I will get back to you quickly when I am busy.

Because I like you, so the most important thing for you is not to hurry back to you, this is absolutely different from the scumbag, the scumbag is hot and cold, how about the boy you really like, it's all enthusiastic.

What does it look like when a guy really likes a girl?

4 Curiosity

I am curious about you, we boys like a girl and we will especially want to understand your emotional experience, because I want to be with you, so I will be very curious, what time do you get up and what time do you go to bed?

What kind of guy would you like to fall in love with. In the same way, if a guy really likes you, he will want to know what you like to eat.

In the future, I can take you to eat, where you like to play, I can take you to play in the future, you only need to judge from the content of his chat with you, whether he is very curious about you.

What does it look like when a guy really likes a girl?

5 Do what you like

If he likes you, he will imitate you, and some details can be seen, such as if you like a certain type of meme, as long as he likes you.

You'll find that he also starts to like to chat with you with this kind of emoji.,Needless to say.,It's all his own search.,We boys know that you like it, then I'll like it with you.,Not because of lovesickness so I like you.,But because I like you.,So I can be similar to you.,

6. Care for you and give your time

If you really like you, you won't be stingy with time, energy, emotion, and material contributions, for example, if you say that you are uncomfortable, he will immediately care about you.

After a while, I will ask you, how are you? And the two of you are not just limited to what online chat, you must want to ask you out frequently, so that you can catch you

7 Spend money for you

It is your business that he thinks is the most important thing, he will unreservedly help you actually do your best to solve your problems, reflect your way of life, let you better and faster adapt to all aspects of discomfort for you to spend money, not to mention, even when you don't say you want to, he is more afraid that he is not good enough. Afraid that I will treat you slowly and make you suffer by yourself, sometimes I buy you an expensive gift and eat instant noodles for a month.

What does it look like when a guy really likes a girl?

8 Tolerance and courtesy

Especially when you quarrel and have conflicts, sometimes you are wrong, sometimes he is wrong, but no matter whose fault it is, as long as it is not a bottom-line problem, he will basically admit his fault.

lick your face full of laugh lines to make you happy, coax you to say that you are wrong, but you must not think that this is what he should do, not that he is humble, but compared to his own face and some principles of right and wrong, he is more afraid of losing you, life without you,

9 Reps

You can feel his sense of responsibility and the responsibility of a man, for example, if you tell him to get married, he will not prevaricate with any difficulties that arise, you will not become very embarrassed, but actively solve the problems that arise.

This is the most important thing, and it is also the most solid foundation for a happy marriage, because marriage is a very real problem, your bride price, your customs, your parents, your family, and so on.

It's not when you're in love, you just want to be happy and you can solve it, you see if there are a lot of boys around you who love each other very much, and they will give up because of these things, if this boy actively works hard to solve these problems, it means that he really wants to give you a good one. Marriage and the future

10 Be jealous

As long as you come into contact with other members of the opposite sex, he will be jealous, although rationally, he will not do anything inappropriate, but emotionally it will be a little uncomfortable.

He is easy to suffer from gains and losses, especially when you send messages, when you don't respond for a long time, he will keep looking through your circle of friends, waiting for your reply, to see if there are any new developments.

11 Take your time

Your business is the most important thing in his opinion, and no matter how busy he is, he will find time to help you. He doesn't care whether his efforts are reciprocated.

Moreover, he is always afraid, feeling that he has not given you enough, he is very tolerant, whether it is right or wrong, as long as it is not a bottom-line issue.

In the end, it must be him who coaxes you, and he is reluctant to treat you in a cold and violent way, but if he leaves you one day, remember that it must not be because he doesn't love you, but because he is really desperate.

Maybe in your eyes, you think he is very humble, but in fact, he is really in love with you completely, so he ignores himself.

What does it look like when a guy really likes a girl?

12 Childish and coquettish

He will talk to you whenever he has time, he will care about all your social status, he knows that you will take care of himself, but he still can't help but worry about you.

In front of you, he will show some of his childish side, and even be coquettish to you, he will publicize the love affair between you, he is willing to spend money for you, and put you in his life plan.

13 Secretly watching you

The mouth may lie, but the body can't deceive people, and they smile when they see you, but it's not a polite smile, but the kind of smile that comes from the heart with light in the eyes.

As long as he is on the occasion, you can always look at her inadvertently, in fact, it is not a casual look, but he is peeking at you and happens to be bumped into by you The third chats with him, you are not afraid of being cold, and you don't have to deliberately find a topic.

Instead, he has been following his topic to explain that he really wants to understand you and want you to understand him, and fourth, he can remember what you said, and remember a small thing that you inadvertently mentioned more clearly than you.

14 Restrain yourself

If he starts getting along, he is bold and confident in front of you, talks eloquently, is open-mouthed, likes to joke, likes to tease.

He even touches you with small gestures, then he doesn't like you so much, maybe he treats you as a prey, if he talks to you, looks at your face carefully, asks you about everything, cares about your feelings

That is, I really like to love you to death, after all, I am not afraid of losing will be bold and sarcastic, and what I really like is both careful and restrained.

15 Take off your guards

When the two of you are alone, he may change from a straight man of steel to a coquettish little princess, not to ask for your attention, but to let go of all his defenses and leave only the most gentle side. After falling in love with someone, they will become different from the boy's instinct, is it to protect his beloved, the sense of responsibility, as soon as the thought appears, it will immediately go in all directions, and it is extremely advanced, and you may not have considered that the things are already in its complete plan

16 Super sense of responsibility

Responsibility is the bond that binds you and him closely, and sometimes responsibility may be a very sweet burden for him, and who wouldn't want to live a more chic life, right?

But because she loves you, he will have an instinctive responsibility, he will find that the good and bad of your life are related to him, and any choice he makes will restore the consequences of these two people, so he will be more responsible for you.

17 Plan for the future

Plan you in the future plan, there must be you in the future plan, even if there is a personal plan, you will try to take into account the choice of both parties to the greatest extent, and will not insist on thinking about yourself.

18 Abnormal behavior

Abnormality is the norm, remember that it is abnormal, on weekdays, boys with witty words are at a loss for girls, and some boys always want to play some romance for you

The boy of the game life is beginning to seriously think about the future of the two people, alas, there is no established specific performance, but it will definitely bring out the side of a person who is not human.

19 Like a fool's sand sculpture

If a guy is really in love with a girl, the girl must be able to clearly feel that her boyfriend is like a fool, like a husky, very middle two and very sand sculptures, do you know why?

There are some boys who seem to be cunning and very greasy in this society, but they are often as innocent as a child in front of the people they love the most

If you behave like this, it proves that this guy has taken off his guard against you. If you completely show the innocence that others can't see in front of you, then he must love you very much

20 Unexpected surprises.

Will unexpectedly give you some garlands, small surprises, small accidents, as an old man, I think that men only don't love you

There is no straight man who really likes you, he can really work on you, he can really put himself in your shoes, and he can't say that he clearly knows what you want

But he will definitely give you something, don't talk about money or evil, let's just talk about some careful thoughts and some small surprises, there will definitely be, because a boy is really in love with a girl, and like a girl, he can't wait to give the whole world, not to mention a little heart, a little thought, a little brain

21 Pretend to be cold

Like an unweaned child, if you don't contact him, he will contact him immediately, after all, some boys are. It's cold

He doesn't want to show it, but you can take a look at it, if one day you suddenly don't contact him, he suddenly has no news, he will come to contact you, and it is absolutely impossible for you to not look for him, he will not look for you

Maybe he came to you just a plain greeting, a simple greeting or some simple relationship, but behind this is buried is a deep love and attention, really like you, really in love with your boy, is not allowed to disappear from his sight.

He must love you very specially, and if you do, you must cherish it.

22 Take you on a tour, and something happens by the way

After traveling together, eating and watching movies, he will hope that the relationship between the two will escalate, entering holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc

When the tourist opened the room, he deliberately said that the money was not enough, so he could only open a double room. If you're lucky, you'll have a night of intimacy. Do something that adults understand.

23 Eyes are gentle

When I see you, I will laugh and see that your eyes are very spoiled and gentle, and my stupid IQ in front of you is negative, like a child who doesn't grow up

He doesn't mind drinking the same bottle of water with you and eating what you have leftovers, no matter how much money he makes, but he is willing to spend money for you, thinks you are stupid, always says that you are going to suffer, and is not worried about you everywhere.

24 Pretending to be deep

I always add that before I talk to you, like that one, can you hand me the pen?

Why doesn't he talk to people like that? Quite simply, this is a kind of underlying psychological and behavioral awareness, which appears frizzy in front of you, and frizziness is because of nervousness or an immature personality, but pretending to be deep in front of you.

Because he feels that he may not be your cup of tea, and wants to change a way to get your attention

25 Make sound to draw you in

The tone of voice when talking to you is more gentle than others or more temperamental than others, and when they pass by you, they will speak louder. To get your attention, do you think that when you go to school, you often encounter the boy in the next class talking loudly at the end of class.

26 Shy

Occasionally, you will blush unconsciously, especially when you are suddenly close, such as in the elevator, when you are not looking

will sneak into your eyes and quickly dodge you when you're discovered. He will smile at you a lot, and don't ask why, because he probably doesn't know why

27 Secretly protect you behind your back

People never take the initiative to participate in making jokes about you, or refute those who say bad things about you. Because she doesn't want you to feel like she's talking about you behind her back

Silently help you behind the scenes to support you, because liking you will stimulate his male desire to protect, he hopes that after knowing him, your life can be better in all aspects,

If the previous ones are met, he still won't admit it, at this time take out his mobile phone to open your circle of friends, and watch it with him, every photo doesn't need to be refreshed, it's all clear, at this time you ask him, what are you doing It's embarrassing.

28 Be very enthusiastic about your best friend

When you beat him and scold him, he laughs and he is very warm to your friends and girlfriends

is only cold to you, and even makes you wonder if he hates me, in fact, the person he likes is you, when you talk and laugh with other boys, he will stare at you and see your hair, don't worry, he is just jealous because he likes you.

29 Fear of losing

I'm very afraid of losing you, to put it bluntly, it's normal for couples to quarrel and have a cold war, but a guy who really loves you, he will definitely come to you, because he can't leave you where you are, in a relationship, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, once you fall in love with someone, you can't easily say give up

30 IQ becomes low

When a person is really in love with another person, he will willingly be a cow and a horse for this person, which may be a little radical, but you go and see how many silly girls there are around you, how many silly guys there are. To put it bluntly, there is no reason to really fall in love with someone