
A look back at the Filipino human nature case: the police kidnapped the student and gave it to the mayor, and the female student was abused and tragically killed by several people

author:Cross the mountain pass
A look back at the Filipino human nature case: the police kidnapped the student and gave it to the mayor, and the female student was abused and tragically killed by several people

In 1993, a tragic incident occurred in the Philippines that shocked the whole country.

Irene, a 21-year-old female college student in the Philippines, and Aaron, 19, were exposed to the wilderness, and their deaths were extremely tragic.

Erin is completely naked, her lower body is badly torn, and the male fluid left in her body can even fill a can!

Aaron, on the other hand, had multiple fractures all over his body, deformed limbs, and was obviously subjected to inhuman torture before his death.

Even the battle-hardened investigators were shocked when they saw the two bodies.

However, the most shocking part of this case is about the revelation of the truth.

After several reversals in the case, people suddenly realized that the person who should not have been a criminal became the murderer behind it!

This case vividly tells the darkness of human nature, as well as the abuse and corruption of power.

Looking at what happened to the victim before his death and the process of investigating the case, it can't help but make people sigh: It's so desperate!

1. Two college students who died tragically

On June 28, 1993, Aaron, a 19-year-old student at the Philippine Agricultural College, approached his classmate and friend Erin in a white Toyota van and invited her to a café near the school for a chat.

However, after the two left the café, they disappeared and never returned to the dormitory at night.

Until the next day, an explosive news came from the vicinity of the school that someone had found a white Toyota in a sugar cane field not far from the school.

In the car was Erin, who had not returned all night, and she was out of breath at this time.

Alan was found naked, covered in scars, and the signs of humiliation before his death were obvious.

In a sugar cane field not far from where Irene's body was found, the police found Allen, who was covered in bruises and had been beaten to death.

Coincidentally, the people who found Erin and Aaron's bodies were both police officers from Kalawan City (later known as Ka City).

It turned out that on the morning of the 29th, when Deputy Chief George and four police officers were out to arrest drug dealers, they saw a strange Toyota, and a female corpse in the Toyota surprised them.

A forensic examination revealed that Erin had many of the man's body fluids left behind that could add up to fill a can.

Combined with the scars on his body and the degree of tears on important parts, it can be seen that he suffered inhuman abuse before his death.

The same is true of Aaron, who does not have a piece of good flesh on his body, and the marks of fractures are all over his body, which shows that the abuser has a lot of trouble with him, and his hands are very ruthless.

Both of them were killed by a shot at close range after being abused, Erin was shot in the face, her head exploded, and blood splattered all over the car.

This was obviously a case of an extremely bad nature, and the chief of police who took over the case immediately concluded that it was a case of premeditated and vicious murder committed by a gang.

However, George, the deputy director who found the body at this time, had a different idea, he felt that this should be a human tragedy due to emotional conflicts.

George stated that according to his investigation, Aaron liked Erin, but Erin already had a boyfriend named Kit at school.

Aaron still stalked Erin after knowing that she had a boyfriend, so there was a conflict between the two for a long time.

George concluded that Aaron must have violated Erin and killed her, and finally committed suicide.

Deputy Director George's statement is obviously untenable and more like a subjective assumption.

First of all, this inference makes it difficult to explain the presence of multiple men's bodily fluids in Erin's body, and the police have not found evidence of a conflict between Aaron and Erin at this time.

Moreover, Aaron has a lot of scars on his body, which cannot be caused by a weak woman in Erin.

Soon, Deputy Director George's reasoning was overturned.

Due to the heinous nature of the case, the National Bureau of Investigation of the Philippines also intervened in the investigation.

As soon as the steering group arrived, an unbelievable thing happened, which made everyone feel that this case was not simple!

A look back at the Filipino human nature case: the police kidnapped the student and gave it to the mayor, and the female student was abused and tragically killed by several people

2. Did someone turn themselves in?

On June 29, 1993, the day the police found Erin, a white Toyota was transported to City Hall by the police as important evidence.

The car was the first scene of Erin's victimization and needed to be carefully protected pending follow-up investigations.

As soon as it arrived at the city hall, the car was washed inside and out, and a lot of useful information was destroyed.

By the time the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NIBI) arrived at the city hall in Dhaka City, there was no useful information left on the car, all of which was gone.

The person who washed the car was quickly caught by the police, but this person was originally a criminal and belonged to the owner who took the money to do things.

At this time, the investigation bureau realized that there was someone behind it who did not want the investigation team to continue the investigation. So this is simply not a simple love killing.

The examination of the bullets also quickly confirmed that the nature of the case was not as simple as murder.

On the 29th, residents at the scene of the murder picked up some empty bullet casings, which were identified as the remains of the bullets that shot the two people.

It was found that the bullets used to kill both men came from an M16 rifle numbered 773159, which was police equipment, and that the registrant was none other than Officer Louis, who found Irene's body.

The identification of the firearm that committed the crime is undoubtedly good news, and Louis can also be said to be a fish on the chopping board, which can no longer run.

However, before the police could make any further move, Louis went to the police station and turned himself in, along with his brother Boe.

The two men were accompanied by the mayor of Cara, Antonio, to the police station, and Boe was one of the people who found Irene's body that day.

After the two of them entered the police station, they didn't talk nonsense, and immediately admitted that the two were murderers.

When asked the reason, they unanimously said that the two were instructed by Kit, and this Kitt was the boyfriend of Erin mentioned by Deputy Director George.

According to the investigation, this Kit is a son-in-law, and his father used to be a general.

According to their confessions, Kitt found Louis and Boy through a relationship, saying that Alan was too close to his girlfriend Erin, and he was very unhappy, hoping that Louis and Boy could help teach them a lesson.

The testimony of Louis and Boy seems plausible, but it does not stand up to scrutiny.

First of all, is it necessary for a young man with a great future to find the police to kill him through his father's relationship for the sake of his girlfriend's scandal? This is unlikely.

Louis and Kit don't know each other, so how could Kitt find a police officer he doesn't know to help him commit a crime?

The risk is too high, and you may be bitten back by Louis.

Even if the plan succeeded, and Louis listened to Kitt's words, how sure would he not be found afterwards?

The second is the relationship between Aaron and Kit, according to the reaction of their classmates, the two did have a conflict because of Erin, and even had a big fight.

But after the two fought, the relationship eased a lot, and I didn't hear that the conflict between the two deepened, so there is no reliable basis for Kit's murder!

The police chief of the city of Ka became suspicious immediately after hearing the confessions of Louis and Boy, and after some discussion with the investigation team, he decided to go straight to the torture.

Here is an illustration that the Philippines in the nineties of the last century was a country with no rules, and the use of punishment was not a new thing for the police department, especially for some vicious cases, and they believed that there would be unexpected gains under heavy punishment.

Sure enough, Luis and Boe did not endure the brutal corporal punishment and immediately changed their testimony, saying that it was not Kit who instructed them to do things, but the mayor of the city of Cara, Antonio!

At this time, everyone was shocked, a mayor actually instructed the police to kidnap two college students, what was he going to do?

A look back at the Filipino human nature case: the police kidnapped the student and gave it to the mayor, and the female student was abused and tragically killed by several people

3. It's too dark!

Relying on the confessions of the two men and other evidence, Antonio came into the sight of the investigation team.

On August 13, 1993, Antonio was arrested by the investigation team, and as the mayor of the city of Ka, he finally confessed to the crime.

On June 28, 1993, a group of eight people, led by the deputy chief of the Ka City Police Department, George, arrived at the entrance of the University of the Philippines Los Banos campus in a van.

Luis said the purpose of the trip in a playful tone, they were going to capture a female college student and give it to Mayor Antonio, and this person was Irene.

In order to complete his dissertation, Erin interviewed Antonio shortly before the crime, which was a very normal communication, but Antonio was moved by lust, and since then he has been thinking about Erin's graceful figure and wants to take the schoolgirl for himself.

So on June 28, he called several officers from the Ka City Police Station and assigned them the kidnapping mission.

George and his party found Erin and Aaron in a café not far from the school, and under the coercion of eight people, Erin and Aaron had to get into the car, after which they were subjected to inhuman abuse.

Erin was held by two men, her hands and feet were firmly trapped by ropes, and in the car, four men tortured her inhumanely, and before she reached the mayor, she was already covered in bruises.

After arriving at Antonio's farm, Erin was carried into the bedroom by several men, and when the hood on her head was pulled down, Erin's pupils shook, and she couldn't believe that Antonio was such a cruel person.

Erin desperately resisted Antonio's bestiality, but she was too weak to fight the strong Antonio.

In this way, poor Erin was ruined by Antonio.

A government official who was supposed to protect the citizens and think about the citizens became a beast at this moment.

While Antonio was insulting Erin, seven or eight thugs stood outside the door, and they were in charge of guarding the kidnapping.

Across the door, inside is Antonio enjoying the bliss of life, and outside is a group of hungry people who only hear his voice.

The itching of the heart eventually turned into restlessness and evolved into violence, Aaron became the target of their venting, they punched you, kicked me, all kinds of sticks, and even tables and chairs all called him on, and in an instant Aaron was covered in bruises and screams.

The thugs knew in their hearts that these two men could not get out alive, so they had no intention of being soft when they beat Aaron.

Before he could leave the farm, Aaron had been beaten and inconfined to the ground, with lumps on his head and face, and bleeding from his mouth.

A look back at the Filipino human nature case: the police kidnapped the student and gave it to the mayor, and the female student was abused and tragically killed by several people

I don't know how long he was beaten, Aaron passed out, and Antonio's door was opened, and he was naked with his lower body, slightly happily indicating that the Erin inside was the strong man in front of him.

When the car drove to the sugar cane fields, another atrocity began.

Erin was violated by six men for several hours, her breath getting weaker and weaker, and by the end she was a mess and miserable.

In the confession, the rioters said that at least six people were involved in the brutality of Erin, and Erin's eyes were full of tears, and she kept begging the police officers in front of her to spare her, but no one wanted to listen.

At the end of her life, Erin was paralyzed in the car like a puddle of mud, and the cold-blooded Louis carried out the last order, he shoved the muzzle of the gun into Erin's mouth, and with one shot, the 21-year-old female college student died forever.

During the trial, Antonio showed the viciousness of an old wolf, insisting that all the accusations were framed by George and others, saying that he had never seen Irene on that day.

In order to refute the accusations of the prosecution, Antonio even created an alibi for himself along with several mistresses.

For a while, the prosecution couldn't do anything about him.

The rest of the police did the same, blaming all the guilt on the car washer, accusing the police of torture and all testimony under torture.

Yet in the face of a barrage of evidence, all justifications pale in comparison.

After a lengthy trial, the court handed down a verdict in which Antonio and the other six police officers were sentenced to life imprisonment, and even if they could be released on bail, they would have to wait 280 years before they could be released.

After the announcement of this incident, it caused a great shock, and the masses asked the court to change the death sentence of Antonio and others, but the Philippine official rejected the request on the grounds that "the death penalty has been abolished in 1987".

The fallacy here, however, is that the death penalty was abolished in 1987, but the Philippine government had said at the time that it could reinstate the death penalty in the most heinous cases.

And this heinous case just includes kidnapping, rape, child abuse, drug trafficking and other felonies.

Erin's case just includes kidnapping, rape, and murder. It stands to reason that the court should sentence several people to death, but for some reason it would use this as an excuse to refuse.

After Antonio was imprisoned, it was reported that he was living a nourishing life in prison, and in 1999, the police found out that Antonio had been involved in another murder case, and immediately sentenced him to an additional sentence again, this time, he would have to serve a total of 360 years before he could be released from prison.

In 2021, Antonio died of illness in prison at the age of 72.

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