
Beipinggao Village, Zhaobao Town, Wenxian County: Theatrical performance to celebrate "July 1st"

author:Wen County today

On the morning of July 1, a theatrical performance was held in Beipinggao Village, Zhaobao Town, to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Beipinggao Village, Zhaobao Town, Wenxian County: Theatrical performance to celebrate "July 1st"

At the event site, all the party members of the Beiping Gao Village Party Branch raised their right fists, reviewed the oath of joining the party in the face of the party flag, reviewed the original intention of joining the party, and built a solid foundation of faith. The dances "Hello to the Motherland" and "Source of the Yellow River" instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene with their beautiful dancing postures and bright costumes. The agile posture of the actors shows the magnificent scene of sunflowers facing the sun, bringing the audience back to those magnificent revolutionary years. Subsequently, programs such as "Red Star Twinkle", "Let's Dance Together" and "Chinese Fan" were staged in turn, with various forms and rich content. The actors' full spirit and beautiful posture expressed their love for the party and their yearning for a better life.

Beipinggao Village, Zhaobao Town, Wenxian County: Theatrical performance to celebrate "July 1st"
Beipinggao Village, Zhaobao Town, Wenxian County: Theatrical performance to celebrate "July 1st"
Beipinggao Village, Zhaobao Town, Wenxian County: Theatrical performance to celebrate "July 1st"

This theatrical performance aims to use the art form that the masses like to see, to create a strong atmosphere of praising the party, respecting the party, and loving the party, and to stimulate the ambition and pride of party members and cadres to move forward bravely in the new journey and make contributions to the new era.

Wenxian Rong Media Center reporter Xie Bingjie intern Zhang Ruizhi reports

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