
Fantian Town, Wenxian County: Celebrating "July 1st" colorful activities are different red

author:Wen County today

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, praise the motherland, the party, and the hometown, and encourage the cadres and masses of the town to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and actively participate in the construction of Fantian, Fantian Town has carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st and Celebrating the Party's Grace".

Review the oath of joining the party and forge ahead to praise the original intention.

Fantian Town held a ceremony for party members to review the oath of joining the party, "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, and implement the party's decisions...... "Young party members expressed their pride as party members with full enthusiasm and expressed their sense of mission of loyalty to the party; The old party members showed their upright posture and sonorous voice to unswervingly follow the party and unswervingly listen to the party's spiritual atmosphere. The sonorous oath echoed for a long time, further enhancing the sense of responsibility, glory and mission of all party members, and strengthening the confidence and determination to fight for the party's highest ideals and ultimate goals for life.

Fantian Town, Wenxian County: Celebrating "July 1st" colorful activities are different red
Fantian Town, Wenxian County: Celebrating "July 1st" colorful activities are different red

Carry out theatrical performances and sing songs to praise the party's kindness.

The "Celebration of July 1st" literary and artistic evening in various villages of the town expressed the people's good wishes for the party and their feelings for the country and family. "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", "Sing the Motherland", "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China...... The sonorous and powerful chorus sang the revolutionary spirit of arduous struggle, and made everyone feel the firm confidence of the revolutionary martyrs in sacrificing everything for the party and the people. There are also energetic dances and vigorous queue displays...... A series of programs were splendid, and the actors interpreted their love for the party and their yearning for a better life with sincere performances, winning thunderous applause from the audience.

Fantian Town, Wenxian County: Celebrating "July 1st" colorful activities are different red

Listen to the red classics, and the red heart to the martyrs of the party.

In order to guide all party members to inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, gather the strength to forge ahead, enhance patriotism, and deeply cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs. All villages in Fantian Town carried out activities to watch excellent red films such as "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party", "The Great Cause of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" and "1921". During the movie, everyone seemed to be in that magnificent history, and deeply felt the great feelings of the revolutionary martyrs who did not hesitate to sacrifice everything for the interests of the country and the people. Everyone said that this movie-watching activity is a profound party spirit education and spiritual baptism, and it is necessary to remember history, continue the spiritual blood of the ancestors, shoulder the mission given by the new era, and transform the party's glorious tradition into the driving force for entrepreneurship, based on the post and forge ahead.

The people's will will set sail for the party, and the centennial journey will set sail again. In the next step, Fantian Town will maintain a high mental state, obey the leadership of the party, keep up with the pace of the party, continuously improve the cohesion, appeal and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, and guide the party members, cadres and the masses in the town to strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Fantian Town.

Wen County Rong Media Center reporter Wang Mengjie correspondent Ren Yuge reported

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