
When the father-in-law wanted to get married, the donkey helped him marry a wife


Hey, hey, in Shiquan Village, north and south of the river, there is a stonemason named Shi Dali, whose craftsmanship is a must, and people are honest, but the family background is almost there, and there is no daughter-in-law in his twenties. The people in the village always teased him: "Dali, when will you find us a happy daughter-in-law?" ”

One day, he was digging stones by the river, when he suddenly heard the sound of horses' hooves and noise in the distance. He looked up, oh mom, this is not the sedan chair of Li Yuanwai's house, why is there a bunch of people around, it seems that there is a quarrel. Dali thought to himself, how can Li Yuanwai, a famous family in ten miles and eight townships, quarrel with others? He put down the work in his hand and walked over to take a look, it turned out to be Li Wan'er, the daughter of Li Yuanwai's family, who was entangled by a few ruffians and hooligans. This Li Wan'er is smart, but she has a brutal personality, and she has to go out today, so she ran into this unlucky thing. Li Yuanwai was so anxious that he turned around, but those scoundrels just didn't give up, and they scolded and scolded.

Looking at this posture vigorously, the fire in my heart is rubbing. He rushed forward, pushed away those scoundrels, and protected Li Wan'er behind him. Li Yuanwai looked at it, hey, this is not Shi Dali, he was so grateful that his tears were about to fall, and he thanked him repeatedly. waved his hand vigorously and said: "Li Yuanwai, don't be polite, we see unevenness on this road, and it is our duty to draw a knife to help." ”

When the father-in-law wanted to get married, the donkey helped him marry a wife

Li Yuanwai looked at this young man very well, and he had a little abacus in his heart. He pulled Shi Dali aside and whispered: "Dali, I think you are a man, and my Wan'er has not yet promised to marry others, if you are willing, I will marry her to you." When Shi Dali heard this, his heart blossomed, isn't this pie in the sky! He hurriedly nodded in agreement.

But as soon as Li Wan'er heard that she was going to marry Shi Dali, she was not happy. She disliked Shi Dali's poor family and felt that he was not handsome enough. Li Yuanwai persuaded her bitterly, saying that Shi Dali is a good person and has good craftsmanship, and he will definitely be able to live a good life in the future. But Li Wan'er just didn't listen, and she was still clamoring to run away from home. Li Yuanwai had no choice, so he had to think of a way to test Shi Dali.

He said to Shi Dali: "Dali, if you want to marry my family Wan'er, it's not impossible. But you've got to do something for me first. There is a big rock in my backyard, and if you chisel it into a stone lion, I will promise to marry Wan'er to you. Shi Dali heard it, what kind of test is this, isn't this a good thing obviously! Without saying a word, he went home and got his tools.

When the father-in-law wanted to get married, the donkey helped him marry a wife

Shi Dali chiseled day and night, and finally chiseled the stone lion on the third day. He ran to show Li Yuanwai excitedly, and Li Yuanwai looked, oops, this stone lion is carved lifelike, what a good workmanship! Although he was satisfied in his heart, he still said: "Dali, your skills are really good, but my family Wan'er is not so easy to marry." "Gee, that's what it has to do. When Shi Dali heard this, what else was going on, and his heart was a little drumming. But when he thought of Li Wan'er's watery face, he gritted his teeth and his heart was crossed, so he agreed. Li Yuanwai said: "Our donkey has been so angry lately that no one can fix it." If you can get it in order, I'll marry Wan'er to you. When Shi Dali heard this, his heart blossomed. He thought that this matter was simple, and he went to fix the donkey with confidence.

But that donkey is really stubborn, Shi Dali tried his best, but the donkey just didn't buy it. He was so tired that he was sweating profusely, and the donkey was still stumbling vigorously. Just as Shi Dali was about to admit it, he had an idea, ran to the river, got some grass and carrots, and then returned to the donkey. He chatted with the donkey as he fed it, and the donkey seemed to listen, and slowly quieted down. Shi Dali took advantage of this opportunity to jump up, and the donkey actually obediently let him ride. When Li Yuanwai saw this posture, he was convinced. He thought to himself, this Shi Dali is really a man with two hits! He walked up to Shi Dali and said, "Dali, you are really a caring person. I promised to marry Wan'er to you. ”

When Li Wan'er heard this, although she was still a little unhappy in her heart, her heart softened when she saw Shi Dali's sincere eyes and sweaty face. She thought, maybe this Shi Dali is really a reliable person! So, in the cheers of the villagers, Shi Dali and Li Wan'er tied the knot. After marriage, the two of them loved each other and lived a happy life. What about the stubborn donkey? It has also become a baby bump for their family, and they work vigorously with stones every day, which has become a scenery in the village.

When the father-in-law wanted to get married, the donkey helped him marry a wife

In the days after marriage, Shi Dali and Li Wan'er lived an ordinary and happy life. Shi Dali still gets up early every day to go to the river to dig stones, and his skills are getting better and better, and his reputation is getting louder and louder. Li Wan'er took care of housework at home and took care of her in-laws, and the two supported each other, and their relationship became deeper and deeper. What about the stubborn donkey? became the "hero" of the family, and went to the river every day with stones, and then came back with stones. The people in the village said that the donkey was spiritual and knew who its benefactor was. Sometimes, when Shi Dali was tired, he sat on the donkey's back to rest for a while, and the donkey walked slowly, as if he knew that his master needed to rest.

Time flies, and a few years have passed. With his diligence and wisdom, Shi Dali's family situation gradually improved. He built a small stone house by the river, which was specially used to store and carve stones. His stone works are not only liked by the villagers, but also attracted merchants from other places to buy them. Li Wan'er is also becoming more and more virtuous, she often helps Shi Dali take care of the stone house, and also makes tea and chats with those merchants who come to buy stones. Her gentleness and kindness have won everyone's praise. The tacit cooperation between husband and wife makes their lives happier and more fulfilling. But good times always seem to be short-lived. One day, a Taoist priest who claimed to have traveled all over the world and knew the heavens suddenly came to the village. He preached everywhere, claiming that the donkey of Shi Dali's family was a divine beast descended from heaven, and if it could be dedicated to the Taoist temple, it would definitely bring peace and smoothness to the whole village. This remark caused quite a stir among the villagers, who came to Shi Dali's house and persuaded him to sacrifice the donkey. Shi Dali was displeased after hearing this, this donkey was of great significance to his family, how could he give it away easily? What's more, the words of the Taoist priest may not be reliable. The villagers ignored his explanations and accused him of being greedy and unwilling to obey God's will. Shi Dali was speechless, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

At this moment, Li Wan'er stood up bravely, she faced everyone, and said firmly: "Fellow villagers, this donkey is the treasure of our family, and it has gone through countless difficult moments with us. How can we give up on the words of an outsider so easily? If there really are gods who want to bless us, how can they be tempted by a donkey? Please distinguish between right and wrong, and don't be fooled by the rhetoric of this Taoist priest. Li Wan'er's words caused the villagers to reflect, and they began to question the authenticity of the Taoist priest and realized that they might be too impulsive.

At that moment, the stubborn donkey let out a long neigh, as if to defend itself. Seeing this, the Taoist priest's face changed, and he hurriedly turned around and left. It turned out that this so-called immortal was just a liar, he took a fancy to the sturdiness of Shi Dali's donkey, and he was greedy and wanted to cheat him. But Li Wan'er's wit exposed his lies, so that he had to leave in a huff.

After this incident, the villagers admired Shi Dali and Li Wan'er even more. They praised Li Wan'er for her intelligence and bravery, and praised Shi Dali's diligence and loyalty. The donkey also became the darling of the village, and everyone rushed to get close to it. Since then, Shi Dali's life has been thriving. Shi Dali's stone carving works were sold all over the world, and he became a well-known master stonemason; Li Wan'er became a good wife and mother and philanthropist in the village. And the donkey, who still accompanies Shi Dali to work by the river every day, has become an indispensable part of their family.

Time flies, and another spring is coming. Shi Dali and Li Wan'er planted a peach grove by the river. In spring, the peach blossoms are in full bloom, as gorgeous as fire; In autumn, the peaches are ripe, red and sweet. This peach forest not only brought the joy of harvest to Shi Dali's family, but also became a good place for the villagers to relax and entertain. The story of Shi Dali's family also spread all over the world. In our village, everyone said that the daughter-in-law and the donkey of Shi Dali's family were really good. Their family is harmonious and hardworking to get rich, isn't it the benchmark of our village and the pride of everyone! One day, Shi Dali was chiseling stones by the river, and he heard the sound of horses' hooves. As soon as he looked up, he saw dust in the distance, and a group of officers and soldiers on tall horses rushed towards him. Shi Dali's heart tightened, thinking to himself what was going on? Our village usually doesn't see any big movements, why are there so many officers and soldiers here today?

When the father-in-law wanted to get married, the donkey helped him marry a wife

As soon as the officers and men arrived, they dismounted one after another. The leader was a general in armor and a majestic spirit. The general walked up to Shi Dali, clasped his fists and saluted, and said, "Master Shi, we are ordered by the imperial court to find a skilled craftsman to carve a royal stone lion for the emperor." I heard that you are very skilled, so I specially invited you to go out of the mountain. When Shi Dali heard that the emperor was looking for him, he was stunned. In his life, he has never even seen the county order a few times, let alone the emperor. He stammered, "General, general, are you—are you mistaken?" I'm just an ordinary stonemason, how can I carve a stone lion for the emperor? ”

The general smiled slightly and said, "Master Shi, you are too modest. Your craft has long been spread among the people, and the emperor is also admired. Please be sure to come with me to Beijing and present your masterpieces to the emperor. When Shi Dali heard this, his heart went up and down. It's not that he doesn't want to go, after all, it's a great honor. But there are still daughters-in-law, children, and the stubborn donkey at home, what can be done at home when he leaves?

At this moment, Li Wan'er walked out of the house. As soon as she saw this stance, she understood what was going on. She walked up to Shi Dali and whispered, "Dali, you go." This is your opportunity and the glory of our family. With me at home, don't worry. When Shi Dali heard his daughter-in-law say this, his heart was much more steady. He nodded and said, "Wan'er, then it's hard for you." I will do a good job and win glory for our family. ”

When the father-in-law wanted to get married, the donkey helped him marry a wife

So, Shi Dali followed those officers and soldiers into Beijing. He was there for several months, during which time he carved the royal stone lion day and night. He poured all his heart and soul into the stone lion, and every knife and moment was careful and perfect. Finally, one day, Shi Dali completed the royal stone lion. The stone lion was lifelike and majestic, as if a real lion was roaring. As soon as the emperor saw the stone lion, he was full of praise, and praised Shi Dali's superb craftsmanship again and again. The emperor was delighted, and rewarded Shi Dali with a lot of gold and silver treasures and satin cloth. Shi Dali was grateful and thanked him repeatedly. The emperor asked him if he had any wishes or requirements? Shi Dali thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, I have only one wish, and that is to hope that you will allow me to go home and see my family and that stubborn donkey." When the emperor heard this, he was so happy that he patted his thigh and said, "Master Shi, you are really a man with affection and righteousness!" I'll follow you, so go home. When Shi Dali heard this, he felt the beauty in his heart, and returned to our village with a cart full of gold and silver treasures and treasures rewarded by the emperor.

As soon as he got home, he shouted at the top of his voice: "Wan'er, babies, I'm back!" Li Wan'er and a few little ones heard this, and hurriedly ran out. Seeing Shi Dali, they were all as happy as if they were something. Li Wan'er was in tears, hugged Shi Dali tightly, and said excitedly: "Dali, you are back, you want to kill us!" Shi Dali also hugged his daughter-in-law and babies tightly, and said, "I miss you too!" This time I went to Beijing to carve a stone lion for the emperor, which is really a long insight! You see, these are all rewarded by the emperor! As he spoke, he took out all the treasures in the car and showed them to the big guys.

When the people in the village heard this, they all gathered around, looked at the gold and silver treasures, and praised them one by one: "Oh Mom, this is really a blessing!" Shi Dali, you are the pride of our village! That night, Shi Dali's house was so lively that the whole village came to celebrate him and share his joy and glory. Even the stubborn donkey seemed to feel something, and kept calling, as if he was cheering Shi Dali.

When the father-in-law wanted to get married, the donkey helped him marry a wife

Since then, Shi Dali's life has become more and more prosperous. They used those gold and silver treasures to improve their lives, and also built a magnificent stone carving factory, specializing in carving some exquisite stone carving works, which were sold all over the country and even overseas. Shi Dali has also become a famous stone carving master in the country, and everyone calls him "the king of stone carving". The stubborn donkey also became the mascot of the stone carving factory, wandering around the factory every day, occasionally helping to move stones, and became an indispensable part of the factory.