
After years of famine, the guerrilla brigade lacked food and clothing, and decided to attack the traitors at night

author:Hongchen history says

On a winter night, the guerrilla detachments of the Eighth Route Army advanced in the dark. They have been in this famine land for a long time, lacking food and clothing, but there is a glimmer of opportunity. That cunning bully landlord "high two poor species" hoarded a large amount of food and wealth, which was an excellent source of supplies. Under the cover of night, the partisans cautiously approached the target, and when everything was ready, the assault began...... What will be the fate of the bully? Will the guerrillas' plans be successfully implemented? What's next?

After years of famine, the guerrilla brigade lacked food and clothing, and decided to attack the traitors at night

The embarrassed "sophomore poor species"

Gaoxinzhuang near Qingguji in the southeast of Cao County is the territory of the bully landlords in the southwest of Shandong. This person is the well-known "high school sophomore poor species", whose real name is Gao Shengjun. His ancestors were landlords and old wealthy, and he controlled thousands of acres of manors for generations. Although it is known as a "poor seed", in fact, the family has a lot of money and has hoarded a large number of folk grain.

Gao Shengjun was born in a poor family in the old days, and since he was a child, he was regarded as a "poor species" who did not choose good fortune or misfortune. Fortunately, under the guidance of his teacher, he changed his ways and studied hard. When he reached adulthood, Gao Shengjun had a perverse temperament, abandoned his teachings, and began to be ambitious. He conspiracy and cunning, unscrupulous means to make money, and finally stole the ancestral property and became a fierce landlord.

Gao Shengjun was strong under his crotch and arrogant. He dominated one side, was above the law, and became a bandit and hooligan. He hired hundreds of private soldiers to build up the family arm; The "rich family group" is brave and good at fighting, suppressing the people and doing all kinds of evil. Gao Shengjun was greedy and greedy, occupying more than 30 people's daughters as his aunt's wife, and even more harming the country and the people, colluding with the Japanese puppet army to massacre anti-Japanese heroes.

In troubled times, Gao Shengjun and the Japanese invaders wore a pair of pants, completely ignoring the survival of the country and the nation. In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, he colluded with the puppet army and was a pawn of traitors. In the courtyard of the Gao family, the "Letter of Appointment", "Command Knife" and anti-rebellion banners awarded by the Japanese army were hung high, showing their frenzied side. With the help of foreign force, Gao Shengjun acted arbitrarily and became the local "soil emperor". His side is inferior to the beasts, and is hated by men.

In the winter of 1943, snowflakes were flying all over the land of southwest Lu, and the wind was cold. For three consecutive years, this area has been hit by natural and man-made disasters, and there is a desolate scene everywhere.

After years of famine, the guerrilla brigade lacked food and clothing, and decided to attack the traitors at night

In the spring of that year, sandstorms raged, and yellow sand obscured the sky and sun, and many farmlands were severely damaged by the wind. Immediately afterward, the summer heat was scorching and rainless, and the drought lasted for several months. In the vast fields, the crops withered, and the roots and grains could not survive the autumn harvest season. A sudden locust plague completely robbed the few remaining harvest hopes, and large fields were turned into scorched earth overnight.

Man-made disasters are even more distressing. In order to plunder resources, the Japanese puppet army continued to spur on a large scale and spared no effort to sweep our anti-Japanese base areas. Those ferocious devils, wherever they passed on the road, every family was spared. They burned down people's houses, looted food, forcibly recruited strong men, and even killed people and set fires. Even when they escaped the massacre, many villagers were displaced by the fighting, losing their livelihoods and homes.

In this predicament, years of natural disasters have robbed the people of their food rations, and the ravages of the Japanese have deprived them of their last savings. For a time, in the anti-Japanese base areas in the Dingtao area, people could not sustain, and every family was displaced, and hunger was everywhere. The anti-Japanese guerrilla brigades also suffered greatly, destitute from top to bottom, lacked clothing, lacked food, and were in short supply of weapons and ammunition. The soldiers in the army could only starve and freeze, did not have enough to eat three meals, and most of them wore tattered old clothes.

This land is poor and weak, and the lives are miserable. At the same time, Gao Shengjun, the embarrassed "sophomore poor species", hoarded a large amount of civilian grain, and accumulated huge private wealth by exploiting the people and colluding with the Japanese puppets. For the local guerrilla brigades and the starving masses, how to control the resources in his hands will have a direct bearing on whether the war of resistance can be sustained. The actions of a bad old man actually affect the life and death of the entire base area.

Unexpected help at critical moments

Just when the guerrilla brigade of the Eighth Route Army was in an unprecedented desperate situation, a chance brought them unexpected help.

Late that night, several guerrillas were patrolling near the camp in the Qingguji area when they suddenly spotted several suspicious figures walking in the dark. The team members immediately intercepted them, and after investigation, they found that these people were actually servants of the poor Gao family in the second year of high school.

It turned out that the sophomore poor had accumulated a lot of wealth over the years by exploiting the people and colluding with the Japanese puppet, and their lives were quite luxurious. On weekdays, these servants often need to go out to buy a large number of daily necessities. That night, as usual, someone was sent outside the village to buy goods. But the patrolling partisans stopped them in time.

After years of famine, the guerrilla brigade lacked food and clothing, and decided to attack the traitors at night

After some interrogation, the team members finally learned some important information about the Gao family's compound from these people. The first is the geographical location and the layout of the house, and the second is the number of men in the defensive force, as well as the current situation of food and other material reserves. What's more, they also revealed that there were a large amount of cash and silver dollar reserves in the hands of the sophomore poor people who had not been seized.

Upon hearing this information, the guerrillas were immediately in high spirits. The Jilu-Yu detachment had earlier fought the idea of being poor in the second year of high school in 1939 and made a huge profit. At present, the troops are in a desperate predicament, and this traitor and thief has hoarded a large amount of property and food, which is simply a life-saving straw.

After years of famine, the guerrilla brigade lacked food and clothing, and decided to attack the traitors at night

The team members quickly reported the incident to their superiors. After studying, the leaders of the Eighth Route Army decided to take immediate action to fight the idea of this traitor again. Cheng Shuxun, Kong Lingqin and others quickly worked out a well-thought-out attack plan. They will take advantage of the darkness of the night to raid the Gao family's compound, seize the food and money of the poor sophomore in the second year of high school, and replenish the guerrilla brigade.

Attack the Gao family compound at night to annihilate the traitors

On the night of December 5, 1943, the guerrilla brigade of the Eighth Route Army began a raid on the Gao family compound.

That night, the sky was cloudless, and the bright moonlight outlined the outline of the compound. Dozens of private soldiers hired by the poor sophomore high school were stationed near the camp, and they were heavily guarded all around. The members of the Eighth Route Army lurked in the dark with the help of the night, quietly and silently surrounding the compound.

At midnight, the battle horn finally sounded. The partisans, taking advantage of the cover of darkness, quickly launched a charge. Armed with cold guns, they approached their targets using the bunkers formed by the buildings in the compound. For a time, the gunfire was loud and the flames were everywhere. The traitor armies guarding were defeated and retreated, losing to the elite of the Eighth Route Army.

After years of famine, the guerrilla brigade lacked food and clothing, and decided to attack the traitors at night

After a fierce battle, the compound was finally fully occupied. But the cunning sophomore poor breed has already gotten the news, hiding in the underground secret room and locking the door. The members of the Eighth Route Army surrounded him and exerted heavy pressure. Gao Shengjun saw that the general trend had gone at this time, and in a hurry, he had to open the secret door and honestly disarm and surrender.

Subsequently, the members of the Eighth Route Army began to search the compound and seized huge amounts of weapons and ammunition, food, and gold and silver treasures. The Gao family really got rich as rumored, and the mountains of wealth were staggering. There were thousands of stones of grain, hundreds of thousands of silver dollars worth of gold, silver and jewelry, and millions of cash and a large number of items gathered together. This windfall will strongly support the guerrilla brigade to continue the war of resistance.

When the local people heard about this, they also came to the city, hating the former bully landlord, but still cheering at the victory of the Eighth Route Army. The guerrillas decided to give most of their money to nearby villages free of charge to subsidize the losses caused by the war and won the hearts and minds of the people. The remainder was set aside for military expenses to support the war effort.

Bloody battle Changma Temple launched a difficult struggle

After seizing the spoils of the Gao family's compound, although the guerrilla brigade of the Eighth Route Army temporarily solved the urgent need, the next road was more difficult and tortuous.

At the beginning of 1944, the Eighth Route Army encountered a desperate struggle with the enemy in the vicinity of Changma Temple. At that time, in order to consolidate its rule in the region, the Japanese army gathered an army of several thousand men to carry out a large-scale armed attack to sweep away the "remnants of the bandits".

After years of famine, the guerrilla brigade lacked food and clothing, and decided to attack the traitors at night

Changma Temple is located in a mountainous area, surrounded by mountains, and the terrain is steep. The Eighth Route Army took advantage of the terrain to hold its position here and encountered a tug-of-war with the Japanese army. The two sides fought fiercely over the commanding heights of the mountain, and the sound of gunfire was incessant.

In the smoke of the war, the Jilu-Henan detachment and the student group of Changmamiao Middle School were extremely miserable. They held their positions and fought the enemy for dozens of rounds. The ammunition was running out, the food and grass were running out, but they had to keep fighting. For a time, the troops could only eat bark and weeds to satisfy their hunger. The student group has not been able to grow up for many years, but they have to gnaw at the old and chew the decay in the rain of bullets and bullets, and die for their religion.

Eventually, the enemy forces were unable to capture the temple and were forced to evacuate. However, the Eighth Route Army also paid a very heavy price, with heavy casualties and very few surviving people. At one time, there were less than 100 commanders and fighters left in the Hebei-Shandong-Henan detachment, and there were only seven members left in the student regiment. It can be said that the loss of soldiers is a failure.

After years of famine, the guerrilla brigade lacked food and clothing, and decided to attack the traitors at night

Despite this, the Eighth Route Army still fought tenaciously on this land. They pursued the victory, insisted on guerrilla warfare, and continued to harass the positions of the Japanese puppet army. After this battle, the Eighth Route Army became more deeply aware of the difficulties and dangers of the anti-Japanese road, and thus cultivated a more indomitable will to fight and extraordinary courage. In the years that followed, they fought even more bravely and fought hard for the final victory.