
After the market breaks through 3,000 points, it will change in the future, so prepare in advance

author:The inheritor of wave theory, Mr. Bo

When the stock market rose this time, we could clearly notice that the market did not appear to have an obvious volume, which is a good thing, and it also indicates that there is a possibility of change in the market outlook. And today's market can break through 3000 points, mainly relying on heavyweight stocks, and the performance of the middle and lower markets is generally poor. After all, the funds in the market are limited, and this kind of gameplay of tearing down the east wall and making up the west wall will definitely not last long, and we must be careful about the possibility of subsequent market turns.

After the market breaks through 3,000 points, it will change in the future, so prepare in advance

Although the market has also come out with some good news, but the over-the-counter funds do not buy it, they are too wait-and-see, relying solely on the technical rebound of the market does not have much space, and there is no way to reverse the original trend, which means that the market will continue to fall.

After the market breaks through 3,000 points, it will change in the future, so prepare in advance

The current situation is that the current funds have no way to maintain the rebound pattern, and the funds of small and medium-sized caps are retreating, and the weight is protecting the disk, trying to maintain the prosperity of the index.

I think the current position of the market has almost rebounded in the market, according to the proportion, this is just the third wave of the overall 61.8% proportional position, the corresponding point is around 3010 points, and the highest point of the market today. Therefore, at this time, it is recommended to have a suitable opportunity to leave. Let's not bet on the follow-up trend, whether it will continue to rise or return to 2900 points, we will take these possibilities into account.

After the market breaks through 3,000 points, it will change in the future, so prepare in advance

I hope that the market can come down, so that there will be a new opportunity to buy the bottom. In the face of the current environment, it is definitely better to buy the bottom than to chase high, this is because the market is up to the risk accumulation, the market is down is the release of risk, and the people on the top will also lock the liquid chips, when the market is up, it is easier, the quilt thinks that the market can come up, they have skills to unravel, and they can make money by thinking about the market going up, everyone's mind is together, and the investment is very safe at this time.

The above content is for reference only, the stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market.