
The global esports feast is about to kick off, and teams are preparing for EWC


With the enthusiasm of summer heating up, there are also infinite expectations from esports fans around the world. On the evening of July 1, the much-anticipated Saudi Esports World Cup (EWC) officially entered the countdown stage, and a peak showdown of the world's top League of Legends teams and players will be staged in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. EWC officials have released warm-up animations and posters one after another, which ignited the passion of global e-sports fans and announced that the prelude to this e-sports feast has begun.

The global esports feast is about to kick off, and teams are preparing for EWC

In the center of the poster of this EWC event, the legendary mid-laner Faker, known as the "Big Devil", stands majestically and poses in his classic boo pose, flanked by Chovy, who has been in hot form recently, and Knight, a domestic mid-laner star, on the left and right of him, each with a confident face and even a sign attached to the players. The juxtaposition of the three top midlaners not only indicates that the middle lane will become a key battlefield in this Saudi Cup, but also suggests that the intensity of the competition will be beyond imagination.

The caption on the poster reads, "The world's top League of Legends players are getting ready for the Saudi Cup, and the championship battle will start on July 4." Sara thinks that BLG, GEN and T1 are indeed the favorites to win the EWC this time, and it depends on who can adapt to the version faster, it seems that the organizers are not optimistic about the performance of European and American teams in the competition, and the promotional posters do not give Caps a shot. This glorious battle around the Summoner's Canyon will officially start on July 4, and the world's eyes will be focused on this battlefield full of uncertainties.

The global esports feast is about to kick off, and teams are preparing for EWC

Just two hours before the poster was released, T1 clubs responded to the EWC event by sharing a photo of their players at the airport via social media. In the picture, the five starters and the three coaching teams are resolute and confidently embark on the journey to Riyadh, and the head coach kkOma also participates in the tournament with the team. T1 is very serious about this game, and has mentioned several times in interviews over the past week or so that the team will work hard to prepare and adapt to the new version, after all, their first game is against BLG.

At the same time, the BLG team from China also received good news on July 2, they set off at noon in July and arrived safely in the Saudi capital today, and the faces of the players in the video are full of desire for victory. Despite the 40-degree heat, Elk, the runner on the lower lane, remained optimistic and complained about the high temperature. BLG officials said that they will go all out to adapt to the environment and be fully prepared for the next competition. BLG's positive attitude undoubtedly adds more to the upcoming fierce battle, and they are eager to beat T1 again and go further.

The global esports feast is about to kick off, and teams are preparing for EWC

In the domestic e-sports circle, the discussion about the Saudi Cup is in full swing, and it is especially worth mentioning the "TES upgrade". In fact, JackeyLove also revealed in the live broadcast that they will leave for Saudi Arabia on the afternoon of July 2 and face the strong rival GEN team in the quarterfinals. Facing the South Korean team that have maintained their winning momentum in the summer tournament, JackeyLove has shown the confidence and calmness that is unique to Chinese esports players, and he believes that although GEN is currently doing well, under the BO3 format, any outcome can happen.

"Maybe we'll send GEN home too." JackeyLove's words are not only an affirmation of their own strength, but also a deep understanding of the uncertainty in the esports game, especially since EWC has adopted a new version of the competition, everything is possible. As the competition approaches, many well-known domestic live broadcast platforms have also announced that they have obtained the Chinese broadcast rights of the Saudi E-sports World Cup, including Huya Live and Bilibili Live Broadcast", etc., providing a convenient and high-definition viewing experience for the majority of e-sports fans.

The global esports feast is about to kick off, and teams are preparing for EWC

Although most of the game time is in the early morning in China, sara believes that many viewers will watch the live broadcast on time, eager to feel the passion and charm of this e-sports feast for the first time, and cheer for the LPL team in Riyadh. The Saudi Arabia E-sports World Cup is not only a contest of e-sports technology, but also an exchange and collision of global e-sports culture. Let's look forward to the next few days, with the 8 teams from the four major regions showing their best strength, bringing more fun to this summer and showing their progress since MSI.