
My second uncle raised me alone for 16 years, and when I was promoted to the commander of the army, he was paralyzed, and I made a difficult decision

author:Sage practice

(Narrator: Wang Liang Chengwen: Sage Cultivation The illustrations in this article are all from the Internet)

In the winter of that year, the sky was snowing heavily, and the grandfather's family was eating at a table at home, when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, and his father put down his chopsticks and hurried to open the door, and when the door opened, his father saw that it was Grandpa Zhang in the village, and his father quickly let Grandpa Zhang come in, and Grandpa Zhang also put down his chopsticks to give Grandpa Zhang a seat, but Grandpa Zhang said thank you and said his purpose directly.

It turned out that Grandpa Zhang's wife suddenly fell seriously ill and needed a lot of money for surgery, but Grandpa Zhang's family was poor and could not afford it, so he had to borrow money from door to door. Grandpa Zhang left my house with gratitude.

My second uncle raised me alone for 16 years, and when I was promoted to the commander of the army, he was paralyzed, and I made a difficult decision

Soon Grandpa Zhang's wife had surgery, the operation was very successful, in order to thank Grandpa, Grandpa Zhang specially invited Grandpa's family to his house for dinner, Grandpa originally wanted to refuse, but Grandpa Zhang kept inviting, and finally Grandpa only took my father to Grandpa Zhang's house, Grandpa Zhang knew that Grandpa loved to drink, bought 2 bottles of good wine and made a table of good dishes to entertain Grandpa and Father, they chatted while eating, and the dinner table was full of laughter.

After being full of wine and food, Grandpa Zhang suddenly told Grandpa that he had an idea, and Grandpa Zhang directly asked Grandpa Zhang to say, Grandpa Zhang pointed to his daughter on the side and said: "Old man, my Xiaomei is about the same age as your eldest son, why don't we get engaged and become in-laws." When Grandpa heard this, he immediately agreed, and Grandpa was worried that my father had never had a suitable partner, but now he finally found it.

So it was at this drinking party that the relationship between father and mother was decided by grandfather and grandfather.

But after the grandfather and the father left the grandfather's house, the mother confessed her situation to the grandfather, it turned out that the mother had fallen in love with a boy in the neighboring village at this time, their feelings were very deep, the mother told the grandfather that she wanted the grandfather to refuse to be with the father's family affairs, but the grandfather immediately counted down the mother, and told the mother that if she did not marry the father, then she would cut off the relationship with her, the mother was weak by nature, and finally had to tearfully agree to marry the father.

My second uncle raised me alone for 16 years, and when I was promoted to the commander of the army, he was paralyzed, and I made a difficult decision

Soon the mother and father held a wedding, the village people have come to send blessings, after the mother married into our family, it can be said that the father spoiled the sky, the housework at home has always been done by the father, even the meal is made by the father after work, but even so, the mother's attitude towards the father is still very cold, in her heart is unable to accept this man she does not like.

A year later I was born in this world, my birth did not improve my mother's attitude towards my father, my mother also disliked me, during the confinement, she slept all night, as long as I cried and woke up, she would let my grandmother come to hug, and then go back to sleep, although my grandmother was a little angry, but as soon as she saw me, she immediately forgot everything.

But what I didn't expect was that when I was 2 years old, my father had an accident while working outside, and when he arrived at the hospital, he was no longer breathing, and when my grandparents knew the news, they all cried and fainted.

After burying my father, my mother heard that her lover had not yet married a wife and was waiting for her, so she immediately left me and went to find her first love.

My second uncle raised me alone for 16 years, and when I was promoted to the commander of the army, he was paralyzed, and I made a difficult decision

But because my grandparents were born when I was older, my father and second uncle, when I was raised, they were already very old, and there were illnesses and pains, seeing the sad appearance of my grandparents, the second uncle proposed to my grandfather to raise me by myself, but was directly rejected by my grandfather, grandpa's meaning was very clear, he was afraid that my second uncle would not be able to marry a wife after raising me, but the second uncle continued to persuade grandpa in order to reduce the burden of grandparents, and at the insistence of the second uncle, grandpa finally agreed.

So that year, I was officially raised by the second uncle, the second uncle is a well-known carpenter in the village, although he has no culture, but he is very knowledgeable, he knows that if I don't study well, there will be no future interest, he is very concerned about my study, often encourages me to study hard, and as long as I want to read something, he will buy it for me even if he doesn't eat.

Under the education of my second uncle, my academic performance has always been at the top of my grade, and at that time, the people in the village laughed at him for beating me for being a bachelor, but the second uncle was very proud to say to them: "My nephew's future life is worth it." ”

In the year when I finished the high school entrance examination, the second uncle once made furniture in a neighboring village, and he heard that there was a girl in the village who had a good academic performance, but because the family was poor and had no money to drop out of school, the second uncle immediately found the family after hearing it, saying that he wanted to sponsor it, and the family was very grateful to the second uncle, and the girl even kowtowed to the second uncle.

My second uncle raised me alone for 16 years, and when I was promoted to the commander of the army, he was paralyzed, and I made a difficult decision

Soon I went to the first year of high school, because I looked white and good at studying, many girls were willing to play with me, which caused dissatisfaction among other male classmates in the class, once a male classmate in the class with a group of people directly surrounded me when school was out, just when they started, our class flower Xiaorui rushed directly over, loudly scolded them, these classmates knew that Xiaorui had a lot of people behind him, and they all dispersed immediately.

Seeing that I was fine, Xiao Rui let out a sigh, I asked her why she wanted to help me, she smiled and said, "I'm not for you, don't think about it, I'm just to repay your second uncle's kindness." "At this time, I knew that Xiao Rui was the girl sponsored by the second uncle.

Soon we ushered in the college entrance examination, the results came out well, I was admitted to a military school, and Xiao Rui was admitted to a normal school, when I left home to prepare for school, hugged the second uncle and cried, the second uncle comforted me well, told me to study hard to the university, at this time the second uncle has raised me for 16 years.

And I have always kept in touch with Xiao Rui, after graduating from college, she was assigned to our county town to become a teacher, while I stayed in the army, although it was a long place, but we had a good relationship, and soon held a wedding.

My second uncle raised me alone for 16 years, and when I was promoted to the commander of the army, he was paralyzed, and I made a difficult decision

I have always performed very well in the army, and when I was about to be promoted to regiment commander, I suddenly received news from my wife that my second uncle fell off while clearing snow on the roof, resulting in lifelong paralysis.

When I came back to the army, I thought about it for a long time, because my father-in-law and mother-in-law were not in good health, and my wife not only had to take care of them, but also our son, plus she had to work, and it was already at full capacity, and at this time the second uncle needed someone to take care of me, if I stayed in the army, this family would really not be able to support it, so I made a difficult decision.

So I proposed to change jobs, and at that time, our leaders wanted to keep me, but when I told my family about the situation, they were very sorry. The second uncle shed tears of emotion when he found out, and the people in the village were moved to give a thumbs up when they learned about my approach.

Now that I have returned to the county, my family is now very happy thanks to the efforts of my wife and me.