
Bixia was seriously injured and hospitalized! The star journey of "The Voice" was blocked, and the support club revealed the loss of a loved one within a year

author:Lively streams

Today's headlines are the first to be released, and the handling must be investigated

, friends, come around and listen to me talk about the heart-wrenching and inspirational things in the music industry recently! I guarantee that after listening to it, you will sigh, the screenwriter can't make up the script of this entertainment industry!

Let's go straight to the point and talk about the rock elf who can always ignite the audience on the stage - Lin Xiaoxiao. You may remember how she shook people with her voice in "The Sound of Nature", and that power could literally make the listener's heart beat up. But recently, this omnipotent female warrior on the stage suffered a sudden "plot killing" in real life, which directly made her disappear from the spotlight and ran to the hospital to stage a "life and death speed".

Bixia was seriously injured and hospitalized! The star journey of "The Voice" was blocked, and the support club revealed the loss of a loved one within a year

It happened on an ordinary day in mid-June, Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly posted a selfie on Weibo, with a faint smile on her face, but the bandages on her head and the tiredness in her eyes still made fans feel distressed. It turned out that she accidentally slipped and fell at home, which directly caused a minor concussion, and the doctor recommended at least three months of rest. Fans take a look, this is still it? have turned into "mom fans", and the message area is full of "Xiaoxiao, your body is important, take your time in your career!" Warm persuasion.

Speaking of Lin Xiaoxiao, her music path is also full of twists and turns. The long-distance love run with her ex-husband Li Xiang, from competing on the same stage in "The Sound of Nature" to entering the marriage hall hand in hand, was once rumored to be a good story. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the two finally chose to break up peacefully and be well. This hasn't eased up yet, Lin Xiaoxiao has encountered such a thing again, and the hearts of fans are like riding a roller coaster.

Bixia was seriously injured and hospitalized! The star journey of "The Voice" was blocked, and the support club revealed the loss of a loved one within a year

However, our Sister Xiaoxiao is not a master who admits defeat easily. During the recuperation period, she was not idle, and began to try to hold concerts online, talk about music, talk about life, and play the guitar from time to time, that tenacity and optimism infected everyone in front of the screen. She said: "Life gives me lemons, and I will make a glass of cold lemonade to quench everyone's thirst." ”

Speaking of which, I have to mention that every appearance of Lin Xiaoxiao is always accompanied by controversy. For example, that time, at a friend's memorial service, she chose a song that was not very "appropriate", although she was criticized by some people, she insisted on using music to express her nostalgia for her friend and her attitude towards life. No, this is such a real and unpretentious her, which makes people love and hate!

Bixia was seriously injured and hospitalized! The star journey of "The Voice" was blocked, and the support club revealed the loss of a loved one within a year

Okay, that's the end of the story, friends, if you are also touched by Lin Xiaoxiao's story, you might as well do it, like, comment, and even retweet it, so that more people can feel this indomitable spirit. Remember, life always has its rhythm, fall and get up, continue to sing our songs, and walk our path. Let's get together next time and bring more different stories, see you there!

Bixia was seriously injured and hospitalized! The star journey of "The Voice" was blocked, and the support club revealed the loss of a loved one within a year

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