
Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

author:Strawberry Tea Party

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Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

Edit: Strawberry Tea Party

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

In today's era of star-chasing frenzy, every move of stars has attracted much attention.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

However, for real acting masters, they will always have their own unique way of interpretation, speaking with strength and impressing the audience with their works.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

Recently, Liu Yifei, who became an instant hit with the urban drama "The Story of Rose", has conveyed such a power to us.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

"The Story of Rose" has been widely praised since its launch, especially the role of the heroine Huang Yimei played by Liu Yifei, which left a deep impression on the audience.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

In the play, Huang Yimei has grown from a novice in the workplace to a partner; From a simple girl, she has experienced her first love, marriage, and motherhood, stumbling all the way but never giving up.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

Her life has been full of twists and turns, but in the face of the damage caused by life and love, she has always maintained an optimistic attitude and has the courage to take control of her own destiny.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

It is this spirit of independence and self-improvement that is not afraid of setbacks that has become the key to attracting audiences. After all, in real life, each of us will inevitably encounter difficulties and setbacks, but only by facing them bravely and actively coping can we finally succeed. Huang Yimei vividly interprets this point with her own life history.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

In addition to the appeal of the character itself, Liu Yifei's superb acting skills also make this role lifelike. In the interview, she revealed that she had met a "scumbag", which contrasted with the experience of Rose in the play. But she also said that the "scumbag" that Rose met was not too much. From these words, we can see Liu Yifei's in-depth understanding of the role and her unique insights into life.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

A good actor first needs to have extraordinary life experience to feel and understand the emotions of different characters. As Liu Yifei said: "To act well, you must first be a person." Actors must have humanity and good morals in order to truly understand what love and emotion are.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

In her opinion, some actors become popular too quickly, lack profound artistic cultivation and life experience, and are easy to "float", and they are not very attentive when making works, which is a negative impact on the public and the entire entertainment industry. A truly excellent actor needs to accumulate and hone for a long time, and comprehend the inner world of the character in the constant face of life's tribulations.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

Actors use their own experience to shape the role and fully present the emotional appeal of the character, which is what Liu Yifei admires as "acting with life". She knows very well that it is difficult to impress the audience with only superficial acting skills, and only by filling the role with her own experience can she make the interpretation appear full and powerful.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

It is based on this unique acting concept that Liu Yifei has a deep understanding of Huang Yimei, the heroine in "The Story of Rose". In the play, Huang Yimei has encountered countless hardships in the workplace, relationships, family, etc., but she never gives up, and uses her own efforts and courage to create an ideal life step by step.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

This process of experiencing and sharpening his character is the valuable experience that Liu Yifei has realized on the road of acting for many years.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

Perhaps it is precisely because of this understanding that Liu Yifei is particularly attentive to the role of Huang Yimei, and perfectly integrates her own experience into it, so that this seemingly ordinary urban white-collar worker shows a unique personality charm.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

In the play, whether it is Huang Yimei's dedication to her career, her attachment to her family, or the hardships she suffered on the emotional road, they are all vividly presented in front of the audience through Liu Yifei's delicate interpretation, which makes people have a strong sense of substitution.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

It is this sense of substitution that makes the audience feel as if they are in the scene when watching the drama, and forms a spiritual resonance with Huang Yimei.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

In the face of the impermanence of life, we have all been unable to help ourselves; But as long as you have a dream, with courage and hard work to achieve it step by step, you can finally create a sunny future.

Liu Yifei revealed that she had met a scumbag: What Rose has encountered is actually not a scumbag!

This is also the positive attitude towards life that "The Story of Rose" wants to convey to everyone.

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