
Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

author:Purple Entertainment

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Purple Entertainment

On a sunny morning, Zhang Lan happily held Xiao Yue'er's little hand and walked together on the soft sand by the sea.

10-year-old Xiao Yue'er smiled brightly, her face was round and full, and her big eyes flashed with intelligence.

This scene can't help but remind people of the video released by Ma Liuji, which records the vacation time of this warm family.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Different from Da S's flat face, Xiao Yue'er's facial features are more vivid and cute, as if every smile can melt the surrounding ice and snow.

The mother-daughter couple's way of getting along seems to be out of place in the usual public figure family, but it feels intimate and natural.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

In this era of rapid development of information technology, many people have gradually neglected the importance of family.

The warmth and companionship of family is still the harbor that everyone desires most in the depths of their hearts.

Recently, Ma Liuji released a video recording the heartwarming moments of Zhang Lan, Wang Xiaofei and their children on vacation.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Although this is only a short video, the power of family happiness and affection it conveys has deeply touched the hearts of countless viewers.

In the video, Wang Xiaofei shows a completely different image.

Dressed in a simple black T-shirt, he no longer looks like a busy businessman, but a loving and smiling father.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

In this scene, he enjoys rare family time with his children, and this transformation makes him more approachable and exudes a charm like no other.

Wang Xiaofei's busy life on weekdays is in stark contrast to this moment.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

In the business arena, he may be a decision-maker, a leader, but in this video, he is just an ordinary father.

His smile and eyes are full of love and expectation for the children, as if the whole world is a better place because of them.

Also appearing with Wang Xiaofei is Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Although the video does not describe her appearance in detail, her role around the children is obvious.

Zhang Lan shows the dual identity of a mother and a friend of her children.

She guards every child with her heart and always with a satisfied smile.

Her love and care permeate every detail and become an integral part of the children's lives.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Zhang Lan is not only the guardian of the children, but also their supporter and guide.

In the video, whenever the children encounter problems, she is always the first to reach out and give them the warmest support.

This intimate relationship is not just a role-play, but a reflection of her heartfelt feelings for her children.

The scene in the video is not a simple family gathering.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

It shows the warmth and harmony of a modern family, where parents accompany their children with genuine love and care.

This kind of scene not only makes people feel the warmth of family, but also reminds us that in our busy lives, what really matters is every precious moment spent with our family.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Xiao Yue'er, 10 years old this year, is slim and elegant, dressed simply, but looks extraordinarily elegant.

Her personality is introverted and calm, her manners are elegant, and she fully shows everyone's beautiful demeanor.

After the meal, she behaved elegantly and calmly, as if inadvertently showing a kind of aristocratic temperament.

Xiao Yue'er's every action and every smile seems to tell the purity and beauty of her heart.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Xiao Linlin, 7 years old, is well-behaved and cute, has a small appetite, and likes to play with all kinds of small objects.

Although he doesn't eat much, every bite is full of satisfaction and happiness.

Xiao Linlin and Aunt Yang have a close relationship, and Aunt Yang always takes care of him patiently, giving him meticulous care like her own children.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Aunt Yang is an integral part of the family, and she is known as "the happiest nanny in the world", not only because of her job, but also because of the deep affection she has with the family.

Although Big S does not appear in the video, her love for children and the protection of privacy are mentioned in the video.

As a public figure, Da S is well aware of the importance of privacy, and she hopes that her children can grow up in a relatively private environment without interference and pressure from the outside world.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Big S's love for children is not only reflected in daily life, but also in her attention to and protection of their privacy.

The video recorded the children's backs or sides, without showing their faces in the front, which may have been at the request of Big S.

This kind of privacy protection measure not only protects the privacy of the children, but also allows the audience to pay more attention to the warmth and affection of the family, rather than focusing on their appearance and fame.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

The video captures the frontal photo of Xiao Yue'er, although it is blurry, it can be seen that her facial features are atmospheric, full of hope and beauty for the future.

During the vacation, the family enjoyed a Western-style breakfast at a fancy restaurant.

The environment of the restaurant is elegant, the food is exquisite, and every dish is full of heart and care.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

During meals, children show different personality traits.

Xiao Yue'er is elegant and calm, while Xiao Linlin shows a strong interest in food, although he doesn't eat much, he is full of curiosity and love for each dish.

After the meal, the family members went to see the sea together.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

The vastness and tranquility of the sea is refreshing, and children play by the sea, showing their innocence.

Xiao Yue'er likes to stand quietly on the beach and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea and sky, while Xiao Linlin likes to run on the beach and enjoy the happiness of freedom.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

At this moment, the happiness of the family is full of everyone's heart.

Zhang Lan looked at the happy appearance of the children and felt extremely satisfied and happy.

She knows that family companionship and love are the most important part of children's growth.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

No matter how busy life is, no matter how heavy the work, the warmth and companionship of family are irreplaceable.

In the video, Aunt Yang always silently follows the children and takes care of their every need.

Her presence makes the whole family more warm and harmonious.

As a nanny, she is not only an assistant at work, but also a friend and loved one for the children.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

Aunt Yang is known as "the happiest nanny in the world", not only because of her work, but also because she has found her worth and sense of belonging in this family.

The importance of family happiness is not only reflected in the bits and pieces of daily life, but also in every small moment.

Zhang Lan is happy to take a vacation with 1 hand and 1, and the 10-year-old Xiao Yue'er has a round and fleshy face, unlike a big S's flat face

The warmth and love of family is an indispensable part of children's growth.

The companionship of the family makes the children feel safe and loved, and this love and care will accompany them throughout their lives and become a source of strength for them to face the challenges of the future.

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