
Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

author:Yang Guangkan Mountain
Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago


17-year-old Zhang Zhijie only went from swinging the racket to saying goodbye in a moment. On the field, there were no doctors, no AEDs, just cries of terror. An ordinary badminton game turned out to be a fateful stage. Was this an accident or a tragedy that had been planned for a long time?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

1. Tragedy Repeated: When the Stadium Becomes a Deadly Field

The stadium, which was supposed to be a temple of passion and dreams, turned into a life-threatening stage in an instant. Zhang Zhijie's tragedy is like a cruel mirror, reflecting the dark side of our sports world.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Looking back on Zhang Zhijie's last public appearance before his death, his eyes were dark and his face was tired in the CCTV interview. This once energetic teenager seems to have been drained of his vitality overnight. At that time, how many people noticed this warning signal? And how many people have chosen to turn a blind eye?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

What's even more creepy is that a week before the game, a "prophecy" of Zhang Zhijie's death appeared on the Internet. Is this a coincidence, or has someone seen something hidden that no one knows? This question may never be answered, but it undoubtedly casts a mysterious shadow over this tragedy.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

On the day of the competition, Zhang Zhijie still swung the racket hard, as if he wanted to pour all his enthusiasm into this game. However, as fate would have it, his passion soon turned into a desperate struggle. From standing to falling to the ground, only between the electric light and flint. At that moment, the entire arena fell into a terrible silence, as if time had stood still.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Is Zhang Zhijie's departure an accident or an inevitable result? The answer may lie in the next investigation. This tragedy not only took the life of a young man, but also tore open the wound beneath the glossy façade of the sports world. It poses a stark question to us: Are we neglecting the most basic life support in our quest for excellence?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

2. Whose fault is it for the safety of the venue?

The fatal negligence of the organizers is undoubtedly the culprit of this tragedy. The medical staff seemed to have evaporated from the world, and no one showed up at the critical moment. This begs the question, do they really exist? Or is it just an ornament on the event declaration form? Imagine if there had been a professional emergency team present at that time, would Zhang Zhijie's fate have been different? This question, which will never be answered, will become an indelible shadow on the conscience of the organizers.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

However, the situation of the players is equally poignant. For the sake of that ethereal honor, they had to push their bodies to the limit. Under this distorted value of "the runner is the loser", who dares to call it a halt? Zhang Zhijie may have felt uncomfortable for a long time, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted. This fighting spirit, which should have been praiseworthy, turned into a life-threatening catalyst in an environment of insecurity.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

In the end, we can't ignore the helplessness of the audience. They were supposed to be the main force cheering and cheering, but at this moment they became silent witnesses to the tragedy. Some anxiously called out to the doctor, others watched helplessly, and others silently prayed for a miracle. But in the absence of professional rescue, there is so little that these ordinary people can do. This feeling of powerlessness may become a lingering nightmare for them.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

If this tragedy is a mirror, it is a relentless reflection of the ills of our sporting world. The negligence of the organizers, the pressure of the contestants, and the helplessness of the audience, which is not the result of long-term accumulation? Now, the price has been paid with a young life. How many more Zhang Zhijie do we have to wait for before we can really wake up?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

3. Shocking status quo of the industry

In smaller events, safety issues are child's play. In order to save money, the organizers are reluctant to equip even basic medical equipment. Without any guarantees, the contestants are dancing on the tip of a knife. Zhang Zhijie's tragedy is only the tip of the iceberg of this problem. Who knows how many more potential crises are quietly growing around the corners?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

However, don't assume that the big events are all about peace of mind. On the surface, the medical staff are complete and well-equipped, but the actual operation is full of loopholes. At an International Badminton Federation event last year, after a world-class player fainted, the first aid on the scene was in a hurry, almost causing a catastrophe. In this case, the so-called "protection" is nothing more than a pale insurance policy.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

What is even more terrifying is that the atmosphere of "emphasizing grades over safety" has long been ingrained. From clubs to national teams, coaches to athletes, it's as if everyone is lost in this game of fame and fortune. How many times do we hear the slogan "Victory is the only thing"? But when life is a gamble, what's the point of such a victory?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

This status quo not only endangers the lives of athletes, but also desecrates the entire spirit of sportsmanship. If we continue to turn a blind eye, the next person to fall may be the people around you and me. It's time to re-examine our sports culture, or the industry will end up destroying itself.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Fourth, the dead are gone, what about the living

For his family, it was a wound that would never heal. A 17-year-old life should have bloomed, but it was forever frozen on that summer field. Whenever they see their son's racket, their parents' hearts must be torn and painful. Their grief is not only the loss of a loved one, but also the question of the sports world: Why my child?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

In the hearts of fellow players, fear is like a haze. Today is Zhang Zhijie, will it be his turn tomorrow? Every swing can be the last blow of life. This panic is quietly disintegrating the confidence of the athletes. How many people will give up on their dreams because of this? And how many potential sports stars will choose to avoid them in the future?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

And for millions of sports enthusiasts, there is a perplexing paradox: we love sports, but we fear losing our lives. This ambivalence is shaking the foundation of the entire sports industry. If even amateurs are discouraged, how can we talk about a sports powerhouse?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Zhang Zhijie's story is not only an individual tragedy, but also a wake-up call for the entire sports world. It reveals a harsh reality: in our pursuit of excellence, we seem to have forgotten the most basic human care. If we don't wake up in time, such tragedies are destined to happen again and again. And every repetition will further erode people's confidence and love for sports.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago


Zhang Zhijie's departure is a heavy wake-up call, but it is also an opportunity for change. Let's work together to reinvent the spirit of sportsmanship and put safety first. I look forward to the day when every arena will become a celebration of life, and every swing of the racket will be a celebration of dreams. With our efforts, sports can truly become a force that inspires people and conveys hope.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, and the dark circles under his eyes were serious, and someone predicted his death a week ago

What more do you think we can do in the face of the plight of the world of sports? What do you think about your views that could change the future, so please feel free to speak?