
The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities

author:Lu Ming broadcast

The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, guide the party members, cadres and workers of the whole society to carry forward the revolutionary tradition, inherit the red spirit, continue the spiritual blood of the communists, and muster up the spirit of entering a new journey and forging ahead in the new era, the party branch of the Times Report conscientiously organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" with the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of party building and inheriting the red gene", so that all party members and cadres can inherit the red gene, clarify the goals and responsibilities while celebrating the party's birthday, and stimulate the majority of party members and the masses to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and glow their enthusiasm for workto create new performance.

During the July 1st period, the branch organized party members to watch red dramas and movies, organized and carried out clean party classes and clean government warning education, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and carried out activities such as "celebrating July 1st" poetry recitation, so that all party members and cadres can learn the history of the party, understand party discipline, gather strength, forge ahead, and open a new bureau in different forms of red literary and artistic works, enhance the sense of honor, belonging, and mission of party members, and encourage everyone to understand the red power under new historical conditions, keep in mind the original mission, inherit the red gene, and always maintain the true character of struggle. Gather strong spiritual strength for the high-quality development of the journal industry.

The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities

Meng Yuling, secretary of the branch, took the special party class of "Tightening the Strings of Discipline and Building a Solid Embankment of Self-discipline" as the starting point to learn and comprehend General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of party discipline, and led everyone to learn party discipline as it is, continuously enhance the discipline awareness of party members and cadres, and truly achieve the goal of learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline.

On the day of the founding of the party, all party members faced the bright red party flag, under the oath of Comrade Meng Yuling, secretary of the branch, reviewed the oath of joining the party, a sonorous and powerful oath, and a loud promise, expressing the belief and determination of party members to forge ahead, and made a firm commitment to be loyal to the party and never betray the party.

The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities

With the orderly development of a party day activity with the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of party building and inheriting the red gene - celebrating the "July 1st" poetry recitation, the branch celebrated the "July 1st" series of activities to a climax.

The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities
The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities
The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities
The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities
The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities
The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities
The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities
The Times Report Party Branch celebrates the "July 1st" series of activities

Among the poetry recitals is "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China"; There is "If Faith Has Color", which praises the great national spirit of China; There are touching poems such as "Under the Party Flag, I Raised My Right Hand and Clenched My Fist" to praise the arduous course of the Communist Party of China's development over the past century, and the familiar classic dubbing, party members use affectionate red poems to present birthday wishes to our great party and express their sincere love for the party and the motherland. (Text/You Lei)

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