
The Provincial Women's Federation held an honorary retirement ceremony

author:Jiangxi Women's Federation


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On the afternoon of July 1, the Provincial Women's Federation held an honorary retirement ceremony, and Qian Yun, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Provincial Women's Federation, sent retirement certificates, flowers and warm messages to Xiao Xiaolan, a retired first-level inspector of the Provincial Women's Federation, and Yu Meixiang, a second-level inspector. Liu Li, Zhang Xiaowen, Wu Xiaohui, Chen Lihua, members of the party group and vice chairmen of the Provincial Women's Federation, and relevant responsible comrades of the discipline inspection and supervision team in the meeting participated.

The Provincial Women's Federation held an honorary retirement ceremony

On behalf of the party group of the Provincial Women's Federation, Qian Yun fully affirmed the hard work and selfless dedication of the two retired cadres over the years, and their contributions to the work of the Provincial Women's Federation and the development of women and children in Jiangxi, and paid high respect.

The Provincial Women's Federation held an honorary retirement ceremony
The Provincial Women's Federation held an honorary retirement ceremony

Qian Yun said that retirement is by no means the end of life, but a new starting point, in the days of retirement, I hope that you will "leave the post without leaving the party", always strengthen the theoretical armament, and consciously be a firm believer, active communicator and loyal practitioner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; I hope that you will "retire without fading", cherish the glorious history, never forget the original intention of the revolution, and always maintain your political nature; I hope that you will "dedicate yourself without stopping", insist on doing something for the elderly, continue to shine, inherit the glorious tradition, and add positive energy to the cause of the party and the country; I hope that you will "be honest and keep your original intention", consciously stress discipline, abide by the rules, be honest and self-cultivation, and always be a loyal respecter and firm defender of party discipline and state law.

Qian Yun said that the Provincial Women's Federation will do a good job in service with heart and affection and enthusiasm, and always put the health and well-being of retired cadres in mind, so that everyone can enjoy a happy and healthy old age and share the fruits of development in the new era.

The two retired cadres affectionately reviewed the process of working and growing in the Provincial Women's Federation, shared their experience and profound insights, deeply expressed their gratitude to the organization training, their love and reluctance to the big family of the Women's Federation, and expressed that they would continue to care about and support the development of women and children, and continue to exert their residual heat.

The members of the leadership team of the Provincial Women's Federation, the two retired cadres in charge and the main persons in charge of the departments and offices who have worked shared the precious memories and struggles of working hand in hand with Xiao Xiaolan and Yu Meixiang, and expressed their heartfelt thanks and sincere blessings.

The Provincial Women's Federation held an honorary retirement ceremony

Source: Provincial Women's Federation Financial Media Center, Oriental Women's Newspaper Reporter Peng Shimin, Provincial Women's Federation Party Committee (Personnel Department)