
The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

author:Cold-eyed spring and autumn


The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

Huang Kai, now a second-year LL.M. student at Tsinghua University, is 28 years old and is well known for participating in the "Heartwarming Offer".

Huang Kai was born in a small mountain village in Fujian, he was the first college student in the village, as the first college student, he was naturally very intelligent, however, such a bright child had an extremely unfortunate childhood.

When he was one year old, his parents divorced, and his younger parents saw him as a burden, a shame to mention in a failed marriage, and at that time, his parents were still very young, and they didn't even think about responsibility, responsibility, and how the arrival of a baby would affect their lives. What does it mean for the first person to live? Even foreshadowing destruction! The young couple left their children to their parents, and then they both left the house, each looking for the door to happiness.

However, life is so magical, a discarded particle unintentionally grew into a towering tree, grew into a majestic body, he integrated into the torrent of the city, and after going through twists and turns, it took five years to successfully enter Tsinghua University, and ran wild on the road to success, invincible! Of course, that's an afterthought!

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

Since a person came to the world, he brought his own rations, and he ate all the time, and he lived like a man.

Huang Kai is like that!

Huang Kai, who was abandoned by his parents, grew up next to his grandparents, he had no father and no mother, but he was extremely smart, someone inadvertently led him into the door of reading, and then the smart Huang Kai decided that reading can change his fate, and since then, he has been out of control, and the more he reads on the way to study, the better! Therefore, those children who are willing to work hard only because of their parents' urging and forcing are all jokes in this world! The first thing you have to understand is this: Who is the book for? If you read it for your parents, I advise you to save it!

Huang Kai, who is quite talented on the road to study, walks on the road to success without a single ride, selfishness and fearlessness, however, without the company of his parents, only the care of his growing grandfather, he seems so invisible, standing alone, people can't help but feel pity and sadness.

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

Later, when my mother came back once, she said, "When you are eighteen, I will come to see you." After saying this, the young mother disappeared, never appeared in Huang Kai's life again, the young mother is looking for new happiness everywhere, she can't tolerate a child in her eyes that she has unintentionally created, let alone talk about it.

In the past 18 years, my father rarely came home, during which he came back two or three times during the Chinese New Year, put down some tuition for his grandfather, and left the house in a hurry. The young father was busy chasing his own happiness, and he had no time to take care of the eldest son born to him in the confusion of his youth.

In the fact that his father doesn't love his mother, no matter what, Huang Kai is still growing up day by day, in junior high school, he has grown into a young man with a slim body and a jade tree in the wind, and the books he reads make him eager to see the bigger world outside, and his ambition burns in the chest of this teenager.

Later, during the summer vacation, his father took him into the city, to his new home, and asked him to take care of his other son.

The neighbor asked with concern: "Who is this young man in Yushu Linfeng?" ”
The father said lightly: "It's the son of a neighbor in the country." ”


Huang Kai's spiritual wall collapsed, and at that moment, he clearly realized that in his father's heart, he had no status, and the relationship between father and son had long been cut off, and even, they had never been established with each other. Xiao Huang Kai hurriedly fled from his father's house, and since then, he has never stepped into this house again.

The young father hurriedly entered the marriage at an ignorant age, and when he was not ready, he brought a small life, and then, the marriage broke down, the husband and wife parted ways, and the little life became the object of dislike, abandonment, and blame, and became the exhaust bag and venting basket of the marriage.

Mother is no better than Huang Kai! Huang Kai, who has no parents, in the remaining memories, after all, still retains a good memory of his childhood mother, firmly remembers her life, like all children in this world, he is also looking for a way home, he is very obedient and sensible waiting for himself to grow up to be eighteen years old.

When he was eighteen years old, Huang Kai finally couldn't hold back and called his mother, he thought about his mother's promise, and thought about his mother's intimacy with her, however, things went straight down, on the other end of the phone, his mother told him coldly:

"Please don't disturb my life."

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

At that moment, Huang Kai, who had fantasies about his mother's love, woke up like a dream, if he had fantasies about his father when he was twelve or thirteen years old, his father coldly told him with wordless actions, please stay away from his life. After that, he pinned his only desire on his mother, who was just as cold and kept him away from her life! What kind of family emotion is this, the former parents regarded him as a burden, a burden, even if he was smart and handsome, he was still the object of his parents' dislike, this was a one-way rush of fate, and ended without a problem.

"An autumn wind and rain respects the mulberry field,

There has been no youth since. ”


Since then, Huang Kai no longer has illusions about his parents' feelings, he has no worries, he struggles to grow up alone without distractions, in his emotional world, there is only one person who is the destination of his soul, and that is his grandfather!

A person, without love, will grow up? From Huang Kai, it can be known that those who will grow up will grow up and will grow up well. Relying on grandpa's sunshine and love, like rain and dew, nourishing the fearless heart of the young man and growing up all the way. If it weren't for his grandfather's love, what would Huang Kai be like? Will you live on the streets? Will it send someone under the fence? But how can a person's fate be so miserable? Since a person comes to the world, at least there is a relationship between father and mother, as well as grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, etc., even if his parents do not fulfill their duties, there will always be a kind of family affection to warm his growth! If there is no love, a person will not grow, just like a weed in the desert, without roots and no ties, the grass and trees will be lonely and drifting for a lifetime!

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

Later, Huang Kai said that since then, he no longer has any illusions about his parents, he is a seed, drifting down to the world with the wind, because of the blessing of his elderly grandfather, he grew up to the age of eighteen with great effort, and grew up with waste.

It can only be said that in this world, there is still sunshine after all, and there is still civilization shining on him, no matter how much love he lacks, Huang Kai, who is bathed in the sunshine and rain of his grandfather, finally became an adult, and he has grown into his own towering tree step by step.

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

At the age of eighteen, Huang Kai took the college entrance examination, and his grades were very good, and he could be admitted to many good universities, however, a relative told him to fill in the medical school. Relatives say that if you go to medicine, you can get a job and earn money to support yourself.

The words of relatives are very realistic, if you study and don't have a job, you don't need to go to such a university! Relatives put survival first, focusing on the fundamental needs of the person. The words of the relatives are right, and for other ordinary students, they are right, however, for the extremely excellent Huang Kai, it restricts his development and hinders his future.

At that time, Huang Kai, who was only eighteen years old, did not have the strength to resist, and it was even more difficult to have the courage to refuse, although he was not very clear in his heart, but he still filled in the medical school according to the meaning of Qinxian, and this year's college entrance examination, Huang Kai was admitted to Fujian Medical College.

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

Four years of college life, for the first time opened Huang Kai's horizons, he saw so many people with a similar fate to himself, he saw the vast world outside, he really felt that he didn't like medicine, his interest was far from here, he bravely faced his heart for the first time, if Huang Kai before the age of eighteen was still the same as the clouds, then, Huang Kai, who studied in college, has awakened, began to pursue the mission of his life, and began to dare to live his true self.

Huang Kai, who majored in rehabilitation at Fujian Medical College, ushered in the first awakening of his life.

After graduating from medical school, Huang Kai got a good job, entered the hospital system, and had an "iron bowl", however, in the hard work of the day, Huang Kai knew that his ambition was not here, his heart was not here, and his love was not here.

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

It is an extremely difficult process for a person to go from having a dream to putting it into reality. Some people have thought about it all their lives, but they have not taken action, just like our generation, and some people have thought and acted, but failed, so they are afraid and dare not act again. And some people think, do, fail, continue to do, and finally succeed.

Huang Kai took the exam for five years from his resignation to the postgraduate entrance examination, but he succeeded and finally landed at Tsinghua University's master's degree.

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

After Huang Kai took up his job, he used his savings for two years to start the postgraduate entrance examination, but even he didn't know that the road was long, and he would take the exam for five years.

In the first year, he applied for rehabilitation therapy and failed;

The following year, he applied for finance and failed:

In the third year, he applied for the law of Peking University and sank into the sand;

In his fourth year, he applied to Tsinghua University Law School;

In the fifth year, he applied for Tsinghua Law School and went ashore.

In the past five years, Huang Kai has been admitted to all prestigious schools, and the process of taking the postgraduate examination is also a process of gradually getting out of confusion, first taking the medicine exam, then the finance exam, and then the law exam.

When talking about why he finally chose law as a profession to strive for and dedicate his life to, Huang Kai said:

"I have a strong interest in law, and I think law is a very meaningful subject."

In fact, it is not too clear at the beginning why everyone comes and where their interests are, but a process of constantly asking themselves and constantly exploring. Just like Huang Kai, it goes without saying that although he has a high talent and wisdom in reading, he can't determine the direction of his life all at once! After repeated questioning, follow your heart and soul, find the place that fits your fate, be guided by it, work tirelessly without feeling hard, and enjoy it, this is the interest, ideal and belief that you follow all your life.

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

Huang Kai, who was born in a poor family, has no father, no mother, no relatives and no reason, no one to guide, and no one to give guidance to see, he follows the instinct of life, fearlessly, fearlessly explores and excavates, faces his own heart, and after finding his true interest in a law, he does not hesitate, gives up security and stability in the eyes of the world, like a moth, he pounces without hesitation, and it took a full five years of hard work to successfully go ashore. Each of the sufferings he went through was hellish and enough to crush each of us, but he overcame them, and when we saw him, we were moved to tears.

As he said:

"Why should we compare ourselves to others, it will not grow so well this way. I found that life is always about comparing myself and my past self, and I can achieve the ...... I aspired to before."

Life is a river, walk through it, it is the sky, and every life is like this!

The Tsinghua master's degree who was admitted to the shore in the Five World Wars tells you: What will a fatherless and motherless child look like

Huang Kai was abandoned and abandoned in his childhood, relying on his grandfather's light to illuminate the way forward, and in his youth, he woke up from the confusion of studying medicine and began to follow his heart and pursue his dreams.

Huang Kai has 10,000 reasons to take the wrong path and become a bad person, however, reading books leads his beliefs and makes him a person who spreads light and heat, and emits light and heat.

In the face of Huang Kai, as well as countless people with stories like Huang Kai, we have to reflect on whether our efforts are still enough, whether our original intention is still Pengpai, and whether our enthusiasm for life is still there?

When "a period of fragrant cooking is happy, trivial and ordinary", can we still "step on the deep quagmire and continue to sing distant songs"? ”

That's our life!