
People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

author:Makumaki life
People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

In life, as soon as we hear the word "picking", we will associate it with stinginess, and equate it with stinginess.

Picking is not stingy, but the embodiment of wisdom, is the cherishing and rational use of resources.

With the experience of life, I slowly found that picking a little bit on some things is responsible for myself and the best love for myself.

If you are always troubled by chaotic interpersonal relationships in your life, always offend people because you can't keep your mouth shut, you earn a lot but you always don't have enough money to spend, and you are upset by the negative emotions of yourself and others.

In the face of all kinds of troubles in life, it is recommended that you learn the wisdom of "picking", which can make you richer.

I found that a person who is getting more and more smooth knows the wisdom of "picking".

People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

Pick a little socially

I've always followed this principle in my social life: "If a person can't provide you with emotional value and benefits, no matter how much they give, it's a waste of time." ”

We will meet many people in our lives, some people pull us up, some people pull us down, and we have to be selective to socialize.

If it is for a little face, it is not good to refuse meaningless socialization, it can only be a senseless consumption of yourself.

It is better to refuse meaningless socialization, and use the time saved to enhance your value and let yourself grow.

I saw a netizen talking about his social life online.

It has been 9 years since he graduated from college, and now almost all of his classmates are no longer in touch, elementary school classmates, junior high school classmates, high school classmates, and even college classmates.

In the past, he felt that he was always occupied by some unrelated people who took up too much time, and classmates, colleagues, and friends would get together for dinner when they had nothing to do.

Every time I eat and talk about the topic, it is nothing more than those few things, where to work, what work to do, what is the company environment, and complaining about the oppression of the boss.

After getting married, it is to talk about children, objects, and married life, and many topics are meaningless.

Later, he felt more and more that such gatherings were too meaningless, and simply began to refuse to attend such gatherings.

Slowly, he felt that his circle was smaller, cleaner, and more comfortable.

The rest of the time, I read books, learn some skills I want to learn, improve myself, and feel that my current life makes me more fulfilling and meaningful.

Sometimes we are afraid of being lonely, so we go along with the people around us to do some meaningless socializing in order not to look so different.

People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

Lu Xun said: "Fierce beasts always walk alone, and cattle and sheep are in groups." ”

People who dare to face loneliness are generally stronger inside.

Dare to reject meaningless socializing and spend your time on things of value.

Refuse meaningless socializing, pick a little bit on socializing, save time and energy to improve yourself, and make yourself more valuable.

People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

Pick a little bit in your words

As the saying goes, "Silence is golden." ”

Those who speak less and listen more are more likely to succeed.

We have two ears and one mouth, which tells us that we should listen more and talk less.

If you say too much, you will lose, and if you say the wrong thing, you may offend others, incur the resentment of others, and lose your connections and opportunities.

I have a colleague who always likes to show his superiority in words.

In meetings, he always likes to accuse other colleagues of inaction and lack of seriousness.

Usually can say a few words about anything.,Even if it's something he doesn't understand, he can say something.,Always like to speak quickly.。

He will often comment on other people's behavior, and always like to comment on others.

For this reason, some colleagues have a grudge against him, so his relationship with colleagues in the office is also tense, and even the boss has an opinion about him.

It is not wise to always like to speak quickly and gain a sense of superiority in words, but to offend others and bring disaster upon yourself.

The language is refined, not much.

People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

Think before you speak, and don't talk useless nonsense, which can make your words more valuable and powerful.

Everyone's position is different, don't judge others arbitrarily, don't attack or hurt others with words.

Listen more and talk less, pick a little bit in your words, and let yourself be less troublesome.

People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

Pick a little on money

Benjamin Franklin said, "A dollar saved is a dollar earned." ”

It's hard to make money, but it's easy to spend it.

Money is very important to us, so we have to learn to save money.

For ordinary people who rely on a fixed salary, learn to save money, and what you save is equal to what you earn.

Many of today's young people are moonshine people, and some even overdraft consumption.

When you really need money, you find that you don't have any savings and are stretched.

There is such a story on the Internet.

Xiao Li usually spends money lavishly, and it is not a necessary thing, as long as he likes it, he will buy it.

However, as soon as the freshness wears off, things are left idle at home and become waste.

His monthly salary is also quite a lot, but because of his large spending, his salary is spent before the end of the month, and sometimes he even has to swipe his credit card.

One day, his mother suddenly fell ill and needed surgery.

At this time, Xiao Li realized that he had no savings at all.

I had to scrape together and borrow money from relatives and friends to let my mother have surgery.

Since that incident, Xiao Li has thoroughly realized the importance of money and got rid of the habit of spending money with a lot of money.

Buy only what you need and save the rest of your money.

Xiao Li looked at his savings and felt very down-to-earth and satisfied.

Money is not everything, but no money is everything.

The way to make more money is to open up sources and reduce expenditures, and when it is not easy to open up, you must know how to reduce expenditures.

Consumption should be modest, and if it is not necessary for life, do not buy it.

Save the money on expensive and useless luxuries and use it to buy courses to improve yourself, make yourself more valuable, and earn more money.

Cutting back on unnecessary spending and picking a little bit on money can make you feel more at ease and abundant.

People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

Pick at it emotionally

See a video on TikTok.

Because his father didn't open the blocks for him, the child broke down emotionally and ran to his mother and cried loudly, blaming his father.

People who are truly blessed have lived a very "picky" life all their lives, and the more they pick, the more blessed they are

I want to make my parents compromise and fulfill my wishes.

The mom just looked at the crying child and didn't do anything.

Wait until the child's mood is a little calmer, and then the mother calmly reasoned with the child, told the child that the emotion could not solve any problems, and told him how to solve the problem.

The child was infected by the emotionally stable mother, and found that his emotions had no effect on the parents, so he slowly calmed down and accepted his mother's advice.

The emotionally stable mother used her actions to prove to her child that wanton emotions can't solve anything.

Napoleon said: "A man who can control his emotions is greater than a general who takes a castle." ”

Sometimes it's not the thing itself that hurts us, it's how we react to it.

If you are emotionally turbulent and out of control because of a little thing, it will cause a lot of consumption to yourself.

When encountering unpleasant things, we must know how to control our emotions, be calm and calm, and deal with them calmly, which can better solve difficulties.

We must learn to control our emotions, pick a little bit on our emotions, and reduce our unnecessary consumption.

"Picking" is not only a survival skill, but also a life attitude.

If you use the right door, you can make your life more and more abundant.

Pick a little socially, get close to excellent people, improve yourself more, and become excellent people.

Be a little picky in your words, listen more to others' opinions, think diligently, offend people less, and worry less.

Pick a little bit on money, save more, spend less, improve yourself more, and give yourself a sense of steadfastness and achievement.

Pick a little emotionally, learn to get along with yourself, and avoid self-consumption.

The more people who pick and choose, the smoother it is, do you agree?

Author | Makumaki Li Yiheng