
The husband and wife talk at night, and they don't want to have ears on the wall, so the husband will plan and find out the ghost behind him

author:Jax's hand

This time, we are chatting about the story of a small village in the south, called "Huaxi Village". Huaxi Village, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are sincere, but as the saying goes, there are so many unconscious people everywhere who love to do some things like to steal chickens and touch dogs. There is such a couple in the village, the man is called Zhang Dazhu, and the woman is called Li Xiufen, the two have been married for several years, and their relationship is very iron. Zhang Dazhu is a farmer, following the rise and fall of the sun every day, as diligent as anything; Li Xiufen is skillful, and she can do needlework at home and farm work in the field. The two of them don't have a good life, but they can be regarded as harmonious and beautiful.

One night, the moon was as bright as water, and when the breeze blew, Zhang Dazhu came back from farm work, tired as if he was something, but his heart was very comfortable. After dinner, the two sat in the courtyard to enjoy the shade, talking about homely things. Li Xiufen leaned next to Zhang Dazhu and whispered, "Dazhu, when do you think we can be more prosperous these days?" Zhang Dazhu held Li Xiufen's hand and said softly: "Xiufen, don't worry, take your time." We have hands and feet, as long as we are diligent, good days will always come. ”

As he was talking, Zhang Dazhu's ears moved, as if he heard movement in the courtyard next door. He looked up at the moon, and then at the courtyard wall of his house, and muttered a little in his heart. "Xiufen, did you hear anything?" Zhang Dazhu asked in a low voice. "Sound? I didn't hear it, but I heard the crickets chirping. Li Xiufen looked around, a little confused. No, it's not the crickets that scream, it's the sound from the yard next door. Zhang Dazhu stood up and listened carefully to make sure he heard correctly. The two of them looked at each other, and they both felt that something was wrong.

The husband and wife talk at night, and they don't want to have ears on the wall, so the husband will plan and find out the ghost behind him

Zhang Dazhu tiptoed to the wall, his ears close to the wall to listen, and sure enough, there was a sound of whispering and moving things from the courtyard next door. "Xiufen, you go to the house and get a lamp, let's see who is doing the trick." Zhang Dazhu whispered. Li Xiufen hurriedly went into the house to get an oil lamp, and the two of them cautiously walked to the wall, Zhang Dazhu gently pushed open a crack and took a look out. At this glance, the two of them were very angry - Wang Er Mazi next door was secretly moving things to his house! "This Wang Er Mazi, who usually looks like a dog, didn't expect to be a thief!" Zhang Dazhu was so angry that his teeth itched. "What shall we do? Arrest him directly? Li Xiufen asked. Zhang Dazhu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, we have to think of a trick to let him show his feet." ”

The couple discussed it for a while and finally came up with a great idea. Zhang Dazhu quietly went back to the house, took some old clothes, found some rope and cloth strips, and began to get busy. Hey, Li Xiufen, the little daughter-in-law, was busy there and helped Zhang Dazhu with a hand. After a while, Zhang Dazhu came up with a simple trap - he dug a small pit in the corner of his house, spread a thin layer of soil and dead leaves, and put on an old coat, which looked like a real person. When everything was ready, the couple went back to the courtyard, pretending that nothing had happened, and continuing to chat.

After a while, Wang Er Mazi next door crept out again, he looked east and west, and saw that Zhang Dazhu's house was not moving, so he was relieved and boldly continued to move things. At this moment, Zhang Dazhu suddenly shouted: "Hey, hey! There are thieves! He shouted and rushed to the corner. Wang Er Mazi was frightened by this sudden shout, and the thing in his hand fell to the ground with a "clang". He looked back and saw that Zhang Dazhu was pounced on the old clothes, looking like he wanted to catch a thief.

The husband and wife talk at night, and they don't want to have ears on the wall, so the husband will plan and find out the ghost behind him

"Oops! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! Wang Er Mazi hurriedly waved his hand to explain, "I... I'm just here to borrow something...""Borrow something? Did you borrow it like that? Sneaky in the middle of the night! Zhang Dazhu roared angrily. It's true... It's really a misunderstanding..."Wang Er Mazi still wanted to quibble.

At this moment, the villagers rushed over when they heard the movement. When everyone saw this, they all understood what was going on. Several young and strong young men immediately stepped forward to subdue Wang Er Mazi. "Send him to the village chief! Let the village chief give him a review! The villagers shouted. Wang Er Mazi saw that the matter was revealed, so he had to follow everyone to the village chief's house in frustration.

After some interrogation by the village chief and everyone's testimony, Wang Er Mazi finally admitted his theft. The news spread throughout the village. Everyone praised Zhang Dazhu and his wife's wit and bravery, and also expressed strong condemnation of Wang Ermazi's behavior. From then on, Wang Er Mazi no longer dared to do this kind of thing of stealing chickens and dogs, and Zhang Dazhu and his wife became a heroic couple praised by everyone in the village because of this incident.

The husband and wife talk at night, and they don't want to have ears on the wall, so the husband will plan and find out the ghost behind him

After getting this news, Huaxi Village exploded. Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen have become the talk of the village after dinner, and they all say that they are not only diligent, but also smart. And what about Wang Ermazi, he has become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats, and he is a man with his tail between his legs all day long, and he no longer dares to do anything wrong.

But that's not the end of the story. Zhang Dazhu pondered in his heart, this Wang Er Mazi usually looks quite an honest person, why does he have a thief's heart? Isn't there someone behind it? He decided to explore the truth again. The next day, Zhang Dazhu got up early in the morning and pretended to walk around the village entrance as if nothing happened. Sure enough, after a while, I saw Wang Er Mazi sneakily coming back from outside the village, still carrying a package in his hand. Zhang Dazhu remained silent and quietly followed. I saw Wang Er Mazi turn into an abandoned hut at the edge of the village, and after a while, the door of the hut opened, and a burly man came out of it, and the two chatted warmly as soon as they met. Zhang Dazhu, this buddy, squatted in the corner, his ears were erected like antennas, and he listened secretly. It doesn't matter if you hear this, you almost didn't blow up his lungs - dare to be affectionate, that big guy is a tyrant in the next village, named Zhao Tiezhu, this guy usually loves to bully people, and does all kinds of bad things. He fell in love with the fat land in Huaxi Village and wanted to keep it for himself, but he was worried that the villagers would not agree, so he asked Wang Er Mazi to explore the wind first and see which one was easy to bully. Zhang Dazhu knew it in his heart, and he planned to find out the black hand behind this scene and bring some peace to Huaxi Village.

He tiptoed home, told his daughter-in-law Li Xiufen about it, and the two of them decided to discuss it with the village chief first. When the village chief heard this, he slapped the table angrily, and immediately summoned a few old people with heads and faces in the village, as well as a few young and strong young men, to figure out how to deal with Zhao Tiezhu together. After discussing it, everyone decided to secretly observe and collect evidence first, and then find a way to bring Zhao Tiezhu to justice.

The husband and wife talk at night, and they don't want to have ears on the wall, so the husband will plan and find out the ghost behind him

In the following days, Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen secretly stared at Wang Er Mazi and Zhao Tiezhu's every move. They found that Zhao Tiezhu sent people to the village from time to time, either secretly asking who had a treasure, or just robbing it directly. The couple took all this to heart and planned to find an opportunity to hand over the evidence to the government.

Finally one day, Zhao Tiezhu came to Huaxi Village with a group of people, saying that he wanted to "buy" the land in the village. How could the villagers agree, and they came forward to theorize. Zhao Tiezhu saw this posture, and didn't say much, and directly asked his subordinates to grab the ground. Huaxi Village suddenly became a pot of porridge. At this moment, Zhang Dazhu stepped forward and shouted, "Don't panic! We have proof! Zhao Tiezhu, you bully people and grab land, we all have evidence! Today, we're going to send you to the official! As he spoke, he took out a wad of paper from his arms, which was the evidence he and Li Xiufen had secretly collected.

When Zhao Tiezhu saw this situation, he also panicked. He didn't expect Zhang Dazhu to be so witty and able to collect so much evidence. He wanted to run, but it was too late. The villagers rushed up and surrounded him. At this time, the arrest of the government also arrived, and as soon as he saw Zhao Tiezhu, he knew that this thing was a habitual offender, and immediately stepped forward to take him down. After interrogation, Zhao Tiezhu finally recruited, it turned out that he not only let Wang Er Mazi steal in Huaxi Village, but also secretly manipulated several bullies in the neighboring village to bully the common people. When the government heard this, they immediately brought Zhao Tiezhu and Wang Er Mazi and others to justice.

The husband and wife talk at night, and they don't want to have ears on the wall, so the husband will plan and find out the ghost behind him

The villagers of Huaxi Village finally got rid of the bullies and lived a peaceful life. Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen also became heroes in the village because of their wit and bravery. As soon as this news spread, the reputation of Huaxi Village also sounded. Our Huaxi Village is notoriously industrious and simple, and everyone in the village is smart and brave. With them, this place is safe and sound. Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen, the couple, after this incident, their relationship is even more iron. They know in their hearts that as long as the two of them have one heart, they can overcome any hurdle. Since then, the days in Huaxi Village have been like that little chicken eating rice, the more you eat, the more fragrant it becomes. Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen have also become celebrities in the village, and they have used wisdom and courage to guard this water and soil, making Huaxi Village a treasure that everyone wants to go to.

Well, the tail of the story drops like this: Under the protection of Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen, the days of Huaxi Village are getting hotter and hotter. The villagers' admiration for the two of them is like the overflow of the Yellow River, endless. Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen are also living more and more moisturized, enjoying this ordinary and fulfilling day. But in life, I always like to surprise people. One day, Zhang Dazhu came back from working in the field and saw Li Xiufen sitting at the door, looking anxious. His heart tightened, and he ran over in three steps and two steps and asked, "Xiufen, what's wrong?" What's wrong? Li Xiufen raised her head, tears gleaming in her eyes: "Dazhu, the seeds of our family's few acres of land have all been stolen!" "What? Lost seeds? When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he was furious, "Which immoral ghost did this?" "I don't know, I went to the field this morning and saw that all the seeds were gone." Li Xiufen wiped her tears as she spoke. Zhang Dazhu took a deep breath, stabilized his nerves, and said, "Don't panic, let's not panic." I'll figure it out. He went into the house and rummaged through the cabinets, and found a rag bag containing the money and treasures he had saved up for many years. He handed the cloth bag to Li Xiufen: "Xiufen, take this money and go to the town to buy some more seeds." I'm looking for clues at home. Li Xiufen took the cloth bag, hesitated and said: "Dazhu, this money ......" "Oh, what is the money, the seeds matter!" Zhang Dazhu interrupted her, "Go and go back quickly, I'll wait for you at home." Li Xiufen nodded, took the money and rushed to the town. Zhang Dazhu stayed at home and carefully inspected the scene. He found that where the seeds were stolen, there were some strange footprints, which were obviously not his and Li Xiufen's. He followed the footprints and found a small ravine outside the village. No one usually comes to this place, so Zhang Dazhu has a number in his heart. He ducked behind a large rock and waited for the seed thief to show up. After a while, I saw a figure sneaking in. Zhang Dazhu took a look, isn't this the idle Liu Er in the village? How could he do this? Zhang Dazhu did not rush to make a move, but continued to observe. Look at Liu Er's stunned kid, he ran to the field where the seeds were stolen, looked east and west, and then pouted his ass and dug it on the ground. It didn't take long for him to dig up the stolen seeds. Zhang Dazhu looked at this posture, and his heart was like a mirror - he dared to love this Liu Er, he was lazy and cancerous, and he didn't want to go out to work, so he used his crooked brain and wanted to steal some seeds and plant them himself. How did he know that this matter could be bumped into by Zhang Dazhu, and he didn't expect Zhang Dazhu to follow here.

At this moment, Zhang Dazhu suddenly roared: "Liu Er is stunned!" What are you doing here? Before he could finish speaking, he rushed out from behind a large rock. Liu Er was stunned by this voice, and the seeds in his hand were all scattered on the ground. As soon as he looked up and saw that it was Zhang Dazhu, he immediately panicked: "Big ...... Brother Dazhu...... I...... Isn't that just trying to steal some seeds......" "Stealing seeds? Do you still have the face to say? Zhang Dazhu asked angrily, "Do you know how expensive this kind of son is to our family?" If you steal like this, what harvest do we expect this year? ”

The husband and wife talk at night, and they don't want to have ears on the wall, so the husband will plan and find out the ghost behind him

When Liu Er was stunned when he heard this, he also knew that he was wrong, so he knelt on the ground and kowtowed vigorously: "Brother Dazhu, I was wrong...... Really wrong...... Don't dare anymore......" Zhang Dazhu looked at his cowardice, and his heart softened. He sighed, "Okay, okay...... Get up...... I'll spare you this time...... But you have to remember it for a long time, don't do this thing of stealing chickens and dogs in the future......" Liu Er was stunned when he heard this, and tears of gratitude flowed into tears: "Thank you, Brother Dazhu...... Thank you Brother Dazhu......"

At this time, Li Xiufen also came back from the town, and when she saw Liu Er kneeling on the ground and kowtowing, she asked, "Dazhu, what's going on?" Zhang Dazhu told her everything about it, and Li Xiufen also sighed: "Second stunned, you are not too young, you have to find a serious job to do, don't hang around all day long." Liu Er nodded like pounded garlic, promising to change his ways.

Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen saw this situation, so they didn't pursue it anymore. They took the newly purchased seeds and replanted the ground, hoping for a good harvest this year. Liu Er was stunned, after this lesson, he really changed his appearance. He stopped being idle, learned the craft from the elders of the village, and began to work diligently to earn money. Over time, he really became a respectable person.

The husband and wife talk at night, and they don't want to have ears on the wall, so the husband will plan and find out the ghost behind him

The days of Huaxi Village, with the joint efforts of everyone, are becoming more and more prosperous. Zhang Dazhu and Li Xiufen have become legends in the village because of their wisdom and kindness. Their story has also been passed down from generation to generation and has become the most beautiful legend in Huaxi Village.