
Lang Zhong went to the banquet and inadvertently saved two little snakes, the female snake: after the feast, she had to squat and eat

author:Jax's hand

On this day, Liu Yuanwai's house outside the village was very lively, gongs and drums were noisy, it turned out that his son-in-law wanted to marry his daughter-in-law, and Liu Yuanwai also specially sent someone to invite Li Langzhong to drink happy wine. Li Langzhong is usually not very good at socializing, but people are so enthusiastic, he can't shirk it, so he packed up the medicine box and prepared to join in the fun.

Walking on the mountain road to Liu Yuanwai's house, Li Langzhong enjoyed the scenery along the way while pondering about the patients in the village. Suddenly, he heard a little movement in the grass on the side of the road, and when he stopped, he saw that two small snakes were being chased by a big bird, and they were about to die. Li Lang was soft in the center, he knew that snakes were very important in nature, and the eyes of the two little snakes were full of desire to survive, so he couldn't help but want to help. He hurriedly took out some herbs from the medicine box and scattered them at the big bird, which was startled and flapped its wings and flew away.

The little snake was saved, and circled around Li Lang, spitting out the letter, as if to thank him. Li Langzhong smiled, stroked their heads, and said, "Little ones, go home quickly, you have to be careful in the future." As he was talking, a big female snake came out of the grass, her eyes vigilant, staring at Li Langzhong. Li Lang's center tightened, but he quickly calmed down, knowing that this female snake was the mother of the little snake, and quickly explained: "Mother snake, don't get me wrong, I am saving your child, and I don't have a bad heart." The mother snake seemed to understand, her eyes slowly softened, and she lowered her head and licked the little snakes to make sure they were okay. Then, it looked up at Li Langzhong, and a trace of gratitude flashed in its eyes.

Lang Zhong went to the banquet and inadvertently saved two little snakes, the female snake: after the feast, she had to squat and eat

At this moment, the servants of Liu Yuan's family came in a hurry, urging Li Langzhong to go to the banquet quickly. Li Langzhong had no choice but to say goodbye to the female snake, turned around and walked to Liu Yuanwai's house. But just as he turned around, the female snake suddenly spoke: "Engong, you have to squat and eat after the feast." Li Langzhong was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, the female snake's eyes flashed with a mysterious light, as if he could see through his thoughts. Although he was puzzled, he nodded and wrote it down.

When I arrived at Liu Yuanwai's house, the banquet had already begun. Li Langzhong sat down according to the rules and looked at the dishes on the table, which were so rich that he was a little overwhelmed. He looked around and saw that everyone else had already started eating, so he had no choice but to pick up the chopsticks. Gee, that's pretty scary. I thought that at the beginning, Li Langzhong was about to eat a piece of meat, and the words of the female snake suddenly flashed in his mind, and his heart moved, thinking, yes, let's try. So, as soon as he put the chopsticks down, he squatted on the ground and began to eat. This action immediately attracted the attention of the people around him, but Li Langzhong didn't care about that, he only had that meal in his eyes. At this moment, he noticed a crack in the ground under the table, and there was still a smell of evil in the crack. Li Lang was in the center of the house, and quickly stood up, trying to slip away. But at this moment, a big black claw suddenly stretched out from the crack and grabbed his foot and neck. Li Langzhong was a struggle, but the claws were getting tighter and tighter. When the people next to him saw it, they were all frightened and screamed.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky, illuminating the entire banquet hall. In the golden light, the figure of the female snake slowly appeared, her eyes full of worry and eagerness. Li Langzhong looked at it, and the warmth in his heart was so warm, he knew that the female snake was here to save him. He held back his strength, and with all his strength, he finally shook off the black hand. Then, he stood up and bowed deeply to the female snake in thanks. The she-snake nodded, and turned to the black hand in the crack with an earth-shattering roar. The black hand seemed to be frightened by the female snake's momentum, and slowly retracted. The crack gradually closed, and everything was calm again. The people around were stunned, and they asked Li Langzhong about the ins and outs of this matter. Li Langzhong didn't hide it, and told them all the causes and consequences of the incident. When everyone heard this, they were all very emotional, and they were grateful for the kindness of the female snake.

Lang Zhong went to the banquet and inadvertently saved two little snakes, the female snake: after the feast, she had to squat and eat

Since then, Li Langzhong's relationship with the female snake has been iron. Every time Li Langzhong encounters any danger, the female snake always appears as soon as possible to protect his safety. Li Langzhong did not forget the kindness of the female snake, and used his medical skills to treat and save people in the village, and became a good Langzhong respected by the villagers. This is Li Langzhong's banquet, and he inadvertently saved the two little snakes, and as a result, he formed a deep friendship. This tells us that both humans and animals must respect and help each other in order to create a harmonious and beautiful world.

After that incident, Li Langzhong's prestige in the village was even higher, but the matter of the female snake became a pimple in his heart. From time to time, he would think of the mysterious eyes of the female snake and the sudden reminder. He wondered in his heart, what is the origin of this female snake, how can she speak, and know what the future holds? On this day, Li Langzhong was busy tinkering with medicinal materials in the medicine house when he suddenly heard a commotion outside. He put down the work in his hand and walked out of the medicine house to see that several villagers ran over in a panic, their faces turned pale. "Li Langzhong, the big thing is not good, something is wrong with Liu Yuanwai's family!" A villager said breathlessly. "Oh mom, what's the big deal?" Li Langzhong frowned, and asked with a bit of northeastern straightforwardness in his tone. "At the banquet at Liu Yuanwai's house, there was a sudden 'bang', and a big pit collapsed underground, and the black gas in the pit was rising, and a black hand stretched out and dragged several guests in!" The villagers danced and danced, talking and gesturing, looking frightened. When Li Langzhong heard this, he sighed in his heart, wasn't this the scene he witnessed at the banquet that day? He eagerly asked, "What happened then?" "Then the she-snake appeared, and with a roar, the black hand retracted, and the pit was closed." The villager then said, "Li Langzhong, do you think this matter is very evil?" So why is the female snake so powerful? Li Langzhong pondered for a moment and had a number in his heart. He patted the villager on the shoulder and said in the bold tone of the Northeasterners: "I know about this, don't panic, it's not a big deal." The female snake is the messenger of the mountain god Niangniang, specially to protect our water and soil. "The messenger of the mountain god Niangniang?" Villagers, you look at me, I look at you, and they are very surprised by this statement. "That's right." Li Langzhong nodded and continued, "I saved two little snakes that day, but I actually inadvertently saved the child of the mountain god Niangniang. In order to thank me, the mountain god sent a female snake to protect me. The black hand at the banquet that day was actually an evil in the mountains, wanting to harm our village. The she-snake appeared just in time and chased them away. The villagers listened to Li Langzhong's explanation and expressed their convincing. They have said that in the future, they must respect nature more, care for the environment, and no longer harm animals at will.

As the days passed, Li Langzhong continued his medical life in the village. He used his medical skills to treat countless patients, and also used his kindness and wisdom to resolve many conflicts in the village. And the female snake also appears in his life from time to time, bringing him some unexpected surprises and help. One night, Li Langzhong was studying medicine at home when he suddenly heard a quick knock on the door outside. He put down his medical book and walked out of the door, only to see a villager running in panting. "Li Langzhong, ...... quickly Save my son! The villager said anxiously. What's wrong with your son? Li Langzhong hurriedly asked. He...... He didn't know why, he suddenly fainted, his face turned blue and his whole body was cold. The villager said as he wiped tears from his eyes. When Li Langzhong heard this, his heart tightened. He hurriedly picked up the medicine box and followed the villagers to his house. I saw a young man lying on the bed, his face pale and his breath weak. Li Langzhong hurriedly stepped forward to check and found that the young man was highly poisoned. "What's going on?" Li Langzhong asked. "I don't know." The villager shook his head and said, "He went to the mountains to collect medicine in the afternoon, and that's it when he comes back." Li Langzhong pondered for a moment, and suddenly remembered the female snake. He turned his head and shouted to the people in the village, "You guys look here first, I have to go find the female snake to help." As soon as the words fell, Li Langzhong left the village in a hurry. He trotted all the way up the hill and found the nest of the she-snake. I saw that the female snake was coiled on a big rock, and her eyes were full of deep energy. Li Langzhong stepped forward and bowed, and told the female snake about his intentions. When the female snake heard this, she nodded, and said, "I know this. Your son has been poisoned by the Nether Serpent, and he must use my snake gall to cure it. "Snake gall bladder?" When Li Langzhong heard this, he was stunned, he knew that the snake gall was a treasure, and the snake gall of the female snake was even more valuable. He hurriedly said, "What's going on?" I can't let you put yourself in there to save my son. "It's fine." The female snake shook her head and said, "I have lived for hundreds of years, and I have a very open view of life and death. Besides, you saved my child before, and I have to repay this love. It's also my pleasure to be able to help you now. After saying that, the female snake opened her mouth and spit out a crystal clear snake gall. Li Langzhong took the snake gall, and he couldn't say the gratitude in his heart. He hurried back to the village and used snake gall to detoxify the young man. It didn't take long for the young man to wake up, and his face slowly turned rosy. Since then, Li Langzhong's relationship with the female snake has become more iron. Together, they guarded the land and made a good life for the people of the village. The legend of the female snake also spread in the village and became a topic of conversation among everyone. In the small village at the foot of Cuiyun Mountain, the days are as calm as water, and the story of Li Langzhong and the female snake is like a fresh breeze in the mountains, gently blowing into the hearts of the villagers and becoming a warm current in their hearts. The years are unforgiving, although Li Langzhong is old, his medical skills are still so clever, and his heart is still so kind. When the people in the village had a headache and brain fever, he was always the first to lend a helping hand, and with those hands that had saved countless people, he continued to bring hope and health to the villagers. As for the female snake, she is still guarding this land on Cuiyun Mountain. Her figure appears in the mountains and forests from time to time, her eyes are deep and mysterious, as if she can see through everything in the world. She silently guards the creatures of this land, allowing them to make their home here. One day, Li Langzhong was collecting medicine on the mountain, and he slipped carelessly and broke his leg. He endured the pain and limped back to the village, his face pale and his clothes soaked with sweat. The villagers all came to see him, but they all knew in their hearts that no matter how high Li Langzhong's medical skills were, his injuries might not be cured. Just then, the female snake appeared. She gently walked to Li Langzhong's bedside and stared at him with those eyes full of wisdom. Then, slowly, she opened her mouth and spat out a glittering golden bead. "This is my Nedan who will heal your wounds." The voice of the female snake was low and mysterious, as if coming from the depths of the valley. Oh, this Li Langzhong looked at the female snake, and the surprise in his heart was like eating chili peppers. He knew in his heart that this Neidan was the root of life for the female snake. He hurriedly waved his hand, as if chasing flies: "No, no, I can't want this baby." You've broken your heart for this land, how can I let you take Nedan again? The female snake smiled slightly, with a little bitterness in her smile, and said, "You saved my baby, and I can't repay this love." Now that I can help you, I feel comfortable. Besides, I've lived so long that I can continue to guard this land without Nedan. ”

Lang Zhong went to the banquet and inadvertently saved two little snakes, the female snake: after the feast, she had to squat and eat

After speaking, the female snake raised her head lightly and put Neidan in Li Langzhong's hand. The inner dan in Li Langzhong's hand was warm and full of strength, and the gratitude in his heart was like drinking honey. He closed his eyes and swallowed Nedan. Wow, a miracle is coming! Li Langzhong's injury is like a trick, okay! His face was ruddy, and he was full of spirits, like a young man. He opened his eyes and looked at the female snake, and his eyes were full of gratitude and respect: "Thank you, female snake." He said, "I have to use my medical skills to treat the people in the village, and I have to guard the creatures in this land." ”

The serpent nodded and said, "I believe in you." Now I'm going back to the mountains, and you'll have to take care of yourself. After saying that, the female snake turned around and walked slowly up the mountain, and her figure gradually disappeared into the mountain forest, leaving a golden light flashing in the air. Since then, Li Langzhong has worked harder to save people, his medical skills have become more and more good, and his reputation has spread farther and farther. The legend of the female snake has also spread more and more in the mouths of the people in the village, and it has become the most beautiful legend in this land.

Lang Zhong went to the banquet and inadvertently saved two little snakes, the female snake: after the feast, she had to squat and eat

The kid in Li Langzhong, looking at the eyes of the beast, his heart was warm, and the eyes of the beast slowly became grateful. It licked Li Langzhong's hand lightly, as if to say, "Dude, thank you." At this time, the head of the female snake eldest sister appeared, looking at Li Langzhong's carefulness, her eyes flashing, as if she was looking at her own child. She walked up to Li Langzhong, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Young man, good job!" You are not only a good hand at healing diseases and saving people, but also a caring and responsible person. I'm so proud of you! ”

When Li Langzhong heard this, the warm current in his heart rushed to his head. He looked at the kind smile of the female snake as if he were looking at his own mother. He bowed deeply and said, "Thank you, Sister Snake. It was you who taught me what true kindness and responsibility are. The eldest sister of the female snake smiled slightly, turned around and walked up the mountain, and the figure slowly disappeared into the mountain forest, leaving a piece of golden light flashing in the air. Li Langzhong stood there, watching the back of the eldest sister of the female snake, and his heart was full of gratitude and admiration. He knew that the most precious thing in this life was the legendary encounter with the eldest sister of the female snake.