
The brand leads the cultural tourism festival Chunhua dumplings are famous in Sanqin

author:Record what you have seen and heard

——The 3rd Chunhua Buckwheat Dumpling Cultural Tourism Festival was grandly opened

In the middle of summer, everything is beautiful. On the morning of July 2, the Shaanxi Chunhua Buckwheat Industry High-quality Development Conference and the 3rd Chunhua Buckwheat Dumpling Cultural Festival were grandly opened.

The brand leads the cultural tourism festival Chunhua dumplings are famous in Sanqin

The Chunhua buckwheat cultural tourism was held in Liyuan Square, Chunhua County, from July 2nd to 8th, with the theme of "Buckwheat Kyushu, Taste Chunhua", mainly to carry out buckwheat dumplings cultural tourism exhibition, on-site production skills competition, buckwheat industry high-quality development forum and Chunhua buckwheat dumplings for Shaanxi Province well-known brands awarding and release activities.

The brand leads the cultural tourism festival Chunhua dumplings are famous in Sanqin

The Chunhua buckwheat dumplings won the well-known brand in Shaanxi Province, in June, by experts from the brand evaluation committee of our province through the strict review of agricultural product geographical indications, production technology, production scale, buckwheat research and development, etc., in accordance with the "agricultural products, agricultural and sideline products evaluation specifications", and to the public, to determine the "Chunhua buckwheat noodles" brand as a well-known brand in Shaanxi Province. Dong Xianmin, executive chairman of the Senior Advisory Bureau of the Shaanxi Provincial Enterprise Brand Construction Promotion Association, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and director of the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, awarded the plaque to Xiang Jun, deputy secretary of the Chunhua County Party Committee, and read out the "Notice on the Evaluation of Chunhua Buckwheat Noodles as a Well-known Brand in Shaanxi Province". The circular pointed out that "Chunhua buckwheat noodles have been built into an industry and brand that has a leading role in promoting the economic development of the county". It fully affirmed that Chunhua County has made outstanding contributions to brand building. Shaanxi Provincial Enterprise Brand Building Promotion Association will promote the brand of Chunhua buckwheat industry to the whole country and the world.

The brand leads the cultural tourism festival Chunhua dumplings are famous in Sanqin

In recent years, Chunhua County has identified Chunhua buckwheat as the "first industry" for the high-quality development of the county's economy, with a planting area of more than 40,000 mu and an annual output value of more than 600 million.

At the same time, Guan Yangli, director of the Shaanxi Provincial Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standardization Technical Committee and a national standardization expert, made a speech on a well-known brand. 1. Congratulations to Chunhua buckwheat noodles for winning the well-known brand products in Shaanxi Province. Second, the Chunhua County Party Committee and County Government anchor the most local characteristics of the high-quality product Chunhua buckwheat dumpling as a regional public brand to build, is to guide enterprises to become bigger and stronger, to promote the high-quality development of the local economy is an important measure, we for the Chunhua County Party Committee and County Government this pragmatic grasp of the development of characteristic industries style and courage. 3. Some experts predict that the three most critical trends in China in the next ten years are called science and technology dividends, brand dividends, and capital market dividends. Science and technology dividends are to do things that change the world, brand dividends are things that the world can never change, and the capital market is to amplify them. What the brand does is the lowest needs and desires of people, eating, drinking, lazing and sleeping, people not only list food as the first need, but also pursue the quality of food, which will never change. Fourth, it is to call on all walks of life and government leaders to attach great importance to the brand, pay attention to the brand, and truly realize the transformation of Made in China to Created in China, the transformation of Chinese construction to Chinese quality, and the transformation of Chinese products to Chinese brands.

The brand leads the cultural tourism festival Chunhua dumplings are famous in Sanqin

Subsequently, Yang Guangyin, executive chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Enterprise Brand Building Promotion Association, and Jiang Zhixin, member of the Standing Committee of Chunhua County Party Committee and deputy county magistrate, signed the "Chunhua Buckwheat Dumpling Brand Strategic Cooperation Project Framework Agreement" to jointly formulate a brand development strategy, jointly build an influential Chunhua buckwheat dumpling brand, continuously innovate and optimize products and services, meet the increasingly diverse brand needs of consumers, and upgrade Chunhua buckwheat dumplings to truly become a good brand of "reputation in Sanqin, buckwheat in Kyushu".

The brand leads the cultural tourism festival Chunhua dumplings are famous in Sanqin

Contributed by: Shaanxi Provincial Enterprise Brand Building Promotion Association

Editor: Xiaolan

Editor-in-charge: Li Qirong

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