
The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt

author:Huailai posted
The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt
The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt

On June 28, the "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity jointly sponsored by Yanqing District of Beijing and Huailai County and Chicheng County of Hebei Province was officially launched. More than 60 people, including leaders and party members of the Propaganda Department of Yanqing District Party Committee, Zhangjiakou Radio and Television Station of Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou Daily, and "Yanhuaichi" Financial Media Center, as well as core members of the theme interview team, attended the launching ceremony.

The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt

"Yanhuaichi" is a strip of water in three places, close to each other geographically, close to each other, and is located in the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt, just like a bright pearl embedded in the land of Beijing-Zhangzhou, shining. At the launching ceremony, Hu Jiumei, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Yanqing District Financial Media Center, the "convener" of the event, gave an in-depth interpretation of the topic selection plan and action arrangement of the theme interview of "Walking Yanhuaichi".

The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt

"We chose to start the interview at the site of Xiaozhuanghu Village because it carries the common historical memory and cultural heritage of Yanqing, Huailai and Chicheng. Yanhuaichi and Chi both belong to the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt, which is an important part of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Hu Jiumei said, "The 'Long Yanhuai' coalition regime and the Heping Northern Army Divisional Headquarters were set up in this area, where we inherit the red gene, bathe in the glory of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and carry forward the spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics." We hope that through this interview, we can further strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between the three places, jointly excavate and publicize the historical and cultural and tourism resources of this land, and contribute to the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt. ”

The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt

Subsequently, a flag-awarding ceremony was held, and representatives of the joint interview team received the flag of the joint interview team. The reporter representative of the three financial media centers delivered enthusiastic speeches, expressing their expectations and confidence in this interview activity.

The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt

It is reported that more than 60 media reporters from the three places will set up 10 professional interview teams in the "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity, and from June to October, they will go deep into the three places to carry out the theme report of "Walking Yanhuaichi and Beijing and Zhangzhang to see the development", the special short video report of "Walking Yanhuaichi and the 'tide' of Beijing and Zhangzhou" and the photography activity of "Walking Yanhuaichi and the thousand-year-old ancient road". Among them, 9 thematic reporting teams will carry out detailed and in-depth reports on topics such as the Red Mark, water conservancy construction, and the protection of the Great Wall, showing the unique style and achievements of cooperation between the three places in a panoramic manner. The "Millennium Ancient Road Time Journey" short video special reporting team will be jointly presented by outstanding hosts from the three places, who will communicate around 9 major topics in three concentrated interview activities, appreciate the cultural charm of the ancient post road and the ancient chariot road with the audience, visit the quiet ancient village, experience the ingenuity of intangible cultural heritage, taste traditional food, listen to the stories of the years, and deeply feel the cultural inheritance of the new era.

The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt

The theme interview activity gives full play to the role of the "Yanhuaichi" media alliance, gives full play to its own characteristic advantages, and sincerely cooperates with the three parties to form a joint interview team, and jointly carries out a series of media integration activities through joint topic selection and planning, sharing news materials, and simultaneous publication and broadcasting reports, and deeply cultivates media integration articles.

This event is not only a powerful inheritance and extensive promotion of Beijing-Zhang culture, but also an affectionate look back on the red history of Pingbei area. On the same day, the "Yanhuai Chi Rong Media Alliance" jointly held a theme party day activity. All party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the host of the three financial media centers recited the red-themed poem "The Sun of July", which reverberated for a long time and reverberated for a long time, and the revolutionary spirit was passed on from generation to generation. Subsequently, the participants visited the ruins of Xiaozhuanghu Village and the Winter Olympics venues, felt the weight of history and cultural inheritance, and reviewed the glory and glory of the Winter Olympics.

After the launching ceremony, the joint interview team of the three places will carry out thematic interviews on 9 routes around the themes of the Great Wall, red culture, rural revitalization, etc., and produce diversified financial media products to show the vivid practices and moving stories of the three places in promoting regional development.

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Reporter |

Editor|Zhang Shugang

Review|Niu Fei, Zhang Xin, Li Yue, review|Zhao Liangge

The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt
The "Walking Yanhuaichi" theme interview activity was launched, empowering the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt

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