
Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

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Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year


Zhao Benshan has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala 21 times, and in the past 21 years, he has paid a lot for the art of sketches, but he has also lost a lot. As a legend, he even made the decision to abandon his bad wife, but as the years passed, the current situation of the two lives was very different, today we will talk about the story of Zhao Benshan's wife.

met Ge Shuzhen on a blind date

Zhao Benshan was born in 1957 in Tieling, Northeast China. When he was six years old, his mother died and his father left him, leaving him alone. Fortunately, he has a second uncle, who is inseparable from the blind second uncle. They earn a small income by playing erhu performances in large and small theaters and live red and white events. At that time, materials were scarce, and Zhao Benshan's own conditions were not enough to attract the attention of others. However, Ge Shuzhen's appearance was like a beam of light, which instantly warmed Zhao Benshan's long-suffering heart.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

Ge Shuzhen's childhood experience is similar to Zhao Benshan's, she also lost her parents at an early age and depended on her brother for her life. Although the children of poor families are in charge of the family early, Ge Shuzhen is no exception, doing laundry, cooking, and farm work. However, when her brother got married, she was always coldly looked at and excluded by her sister-in-law, and felt that she had become a burden. In desperation, Ge Shuzhen got acquainted with Zhao Benshan through the introduction of the matchmaker.

Ge Shuzhen may feel some resonance with Zhao Benshan, she didn't say much, just nodded lightly and acquiesced to this family business. However, Zhao Benshan was not very satisfied with her. She was dark-skinned, slightly musc, taciturn, and didn't look too pretty. Despite this, Zhao Benshan had no reason to refuse. At that time, there were many bachelors in the village who could not marry a daughter-in-law, although Ge Shuzhen was mediocre, but he did not care about the bride price, let alone dislike his poverty, which was already rare for him.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

So, on the day they met, according to the custom of the village, as long as there was no objection from both parties, the date of the wedding was set. About half a month later, Ge Shuzhen came to Zhao Benshan's house with all her belongings. Their so-called home is actually half of the rented kang seat, in the north, with only 3 square meters of space. To the south, another family lives. At night, they pull up their tents in the middle and form their little world.

On the second day of marriage, Zhao Benshan went to work in the field with other members. After two years of such a peaceful life, they welcomed their eldest daughter, Zhao Yufang. It happened that at this time, the commune re-established the literary and artistic propaganda team. For Zhao Benshan, who is only good at playing and singing, this is a rare opportunity. Therefore, he did not hesitate to return to the commune.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

became famous, but abandoned his wife

When Zhao Benshan faced his son Zhao Tiedan's congenital heart disease, hypochondrosis, deafness and mute and other diseases, he did not evade, but resolutely decided to go all out to make money to treat him. In this difficult moment, Zhao Benshan felt a great responsibility and decided to join a touring theater troupe, embarked on the road of acting, and made unremitting efforts for the future.

As the troupe's tour progressed, Zhao Benshan's work became busier, but he devoted himself to every performance for the sake of his son. Although the income is limited, this is already a significant improvement. At the same time, his wife Ge Shuzhen is also determined, not only to play the role of a father, but also to take on the responsibility of a mother.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

He also actively participates in farm work and strives to increase his family's income. Ge Shuzhen blamed herself for not being able to supplement enough nutrition during pregnancy as the cause of the child's illness, but Zhao Benshan did not blame her, but encouraged her to face the difficulties together. Their determination and hard work show their selflessness and responsibility as parents.

As their income and fame continue to increase, the burden of their lives has been significantly reduced. They moved out of their original simple mud house and into a villa they had built themselves. The child's health has also become more stable. This was supposed to be a happy moment, but Ge Shuzhen couldn't feel happy. Due to the sharp rise in Zhao Benshan's popularity, his performance arrangements have become more and more frequent. He began to live in the troupe and rarely returned home.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

Ge Shuzhen was the only one left in the family, she felt extremely lonely, and the relationship between the two became cold. In 1990, Zhao Benshan's career reached its peak. In this year, he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and performed the sketch "Blind Date". This performance allowed the national audience to get to know this young man from the rural areas of Northeast China.

After becoming a figure in the entertainment industry, Zhao Benshan began to contact various people, including a woman who made him feel excited, Ma Lijuan. Ma Lijuan has an elegant temperament and an erudite image, which made Zhao Benshan fall in love at first sight. Compared with Ge Shuzhen, Zhao Benshan and Ma Lijuan, who is also a sketch actor, have more common language. In 1991, after careful consideration, Zhao Benshan decided to file for divorce from Ma Lijuan. In order to compensate Ge Shuzhen, he chose to leave all his property to her and move out of the house himself.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

From dishwasher to millionaire

Although Ge Shuzhen already has money and a house, her son has not yet received a fundamental treatment, and she worries day and night. In 1994, her youngest son left this world. At the same time, Zhao Benshan divorced Ge Shuzhen, and soon married Ma Lijuan. Becoming a father again, he also lost a child. Ge Shuzhen fell into confusion and suffered a great blow physically and mentally. Luckily, she has a baby daughter by her side, and her company's company has helped her gradually come out of the shadows and start life again.

In order to survive, Ge Shuzhen first found a job as a cashier in a supermarket. After that, with some funds provided by Zhao Benshan, she began to set up a stall outside to sell socks. Despite the meager income, it is enough to make ends meet. My daughter also relied on her own efforts to be admitted to a foreign Chinese university.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

Ge Shuzhen has been trying to save some money and eventually opened a restaurant. Through her meticulous management, the scale of the restaurant has gradually expanded, and the business has become better and better. Although she initially lacked a cultural background, with the labor of her hands, she eventually became a successful woman worth more than a million.

Zhao Benshan's artistic career is like a mirror, through which we can see the changes of the times. His works range from the early "Blind Date" to the later "Not Bad Money", and the themes are constantly changing, reflecting social hotspots and changes in people's ideological concepts. He has accompanied the growth of a generation with laughter, and at the same time recorded the development of society with his works.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

Today, Zhao Benshan has entered the age of sixties, but his love for comedy and deep understanding of life still infect countless people. His story tells us that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, we must maintain an optimistic attitude, create value in our own way, and warm others.


Ge Shuzhen, 32 years ago, was a dishwasher under Zhao Benshan, but she was abandoned by Zhao Benshan for some reason. After experiencing a period of trough, Ge Shuzhen did not give up, but devoted herself to the road of entrepreneurship with a firmer determination. In the early days of entrepreneurship, Ge Shuzhen engaged in a variety of jobs and worked hard to accumulate funds. Rather than being defeated by setbacks, she sees every failure as a motivation to move forward.

Ge Shuzhen: Abandoned by Zhao Benshan 32 years ago, what did she experience from being a dishwasher to earning one million a year

She continued to learn and improve herself, and through her own efforts, she eventually opened a unique restaurant. As a result of her efforts, business has flourished, and her restaurant has not only gained popularity in the local area, but has even attracted wider attention. Today, Ge Shuzhen is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a banner in society. Her story tells us that no matter how big the setbacks and difficulties are, as long as we have strong faith and unremitting efforts, we will definitely achieve our dreams.

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