
Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

author:Nine brothers

Some netizens said that as long as they have been to Palau, other seas will not be in sight, perhaps, the sea water in Palau is different from other places, it is transparent and clear blue-green, like a gem, and this is the last pure land on the earth free from various industrial pollution.

The beach is also different, it is pure white sand, the sand is still very fine, surrounded by rows of coconut palms, the tropical atmosphere is intoxicating, almost everyone who has been there said that it is like a fairyland, or in a paradise.

Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

The underwater scenery of Palau is also very beautiful, with 90% of the coral coverage, attracting many divers to gather here, and it is not too happy to be able to swim in such a seabed, and it is like turning into a mermaid in an instant.

Against the backdrop of modern and man-made landscapes everywhere, this pristine pure land is particularly desirable, and a beautiful woman in Taiwan Province can't help but want to go to see Palau.

Palau is a country with diplomatic relations with Taiwan Province, and the beauty is very relieved to go, so she has also prepared NT$70,000 for this, and wants to have fun in the past and relax the fatigue brought by work and life on weekdays.

Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

However, this beautiful woman had just set foot on the land of Palau, she was severely "humiliated", and her mood fell to a low point, she didn't understand why she was treated like this, and she didn't do anything special, she just wanted to travel to Palau.

According to netizens, Palau's inspection of this beauty was too careful, at the security check at Palau Airport, the staff asked the beauty to take off her clothes, even her underwear, and some staff members directly put their hands into the beauty's underwear to search, which is simply amazing.

Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

However, the staff didn't seem to want to let go of any details, and then, they asked the beauty to take off her underwear too, and they also needed to do a check.

Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

After this whole set of inspections, this beauty was directly stunned, and at the same time, she was very puzzled, the foreign affairs department of Taiwan Province spends more than NT$30 billion every year to carry out diplomatic relations, which is a considerable expense.

Even if it is not a country with diplomatic relations, then send money to help Palau grow its economy, and treat it warmly, why is it that the more "friends", the more insulting it is? The beauty was puzzled.

Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

Netizens said that the money spent by Taiwan Province was wasted, and Shangjiaozi made friends with a small country of more than 20,000 people, but in fact, people didn't take Taiwan Province seriously at all, and Taiwan Province wishful thinking went to "make friends" with others.

There is some truth in the words of netizens, but please don't over-interpret it, maybe this is the normal process of others? Small island countries, without modern equipment, can only be inspected in a "manual" way, and it is not possible to walk around casually because of diplomatic relations.

Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

Some netizens directly shouted to Taiwan Province, let's hurry back to the embrace of the motherland, China, as the superpower of the world's second largest economy, will return to the motherland, and will have the protection of its mother, so that it can get its due rights and maintain its dignity in the international community.

This netizen said well, there is no country where there is a home, children far away from their mothers are like grass, in the arms of their mothers is treasure, cross-strait reunification is the common wish of all Chinese, I wish Taiwan an early return home.

Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

Some netizens suggested that this beauty from Taiwan Province came to the mainland to travel, the mountains and rivers of the motherland are no worse than Palau, the key is that they will be respected here, and the expenses such as accommodation and food are also cheap, and traveling to the mainland is more cost-effective and more pleasant.

Keep fermenting! Taiwanese beauty You Palau was opened by the customs for inspection, netizens: Too careful!

This suggestion from netizens that the beauties of Taiwan Province might as well listen to it, China's vast land and resources, whether it is natural landscapes or human history, are worth spending time to feel with their hearts, many foreigners don't want to leave when they come, they want to settle down for life, and China's good people are interpreting with actions.

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