
It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

author:Xiaohui said things

If I am not greedy, what am I going to do as an official? What a ridiculous point.

Power, greed and the helplessness of the villagers

It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

First of all, let's talk about this "mysterious branch". This guy is really bold, he has been "picking" the villagers' wool for ten years, and has accumulated nearly 2.5 million collective funds! This is not a small amount, dear friends, think about it, so much money is enough to build a primary school or build a road in the village! But this buddy is good, he directly stuffed the money into his own pocket, and took it to be chic! What a surprise!

Let's take a look at how the money is spent. More than 1.7 million, dear friends, guess what you did? That's right, for his own daily expenses! Eat, drink, and be merry! That's not all, there are still 53 records of tobacco and alcohol acceptance! This is the rhythm of "eating and taking cards" to the extreme!

It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

But then again, this product is so arrogant, is there really no one to take care of it? Of course not! No, the East Window incident, this product was finally targeted by the relevant departments! After investigation, the violations of discipline were revealed one by one, and finally ended up being expelled! What a joy!

As soon as this incident was exposed on the Internet, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

In the comment area, everyone said: With so much money, you must have done a lot of bad things!

It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area has fallen
It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

It seems that everyone is angry and dissatisfied with what this thing has done!

In fact, this incident also shows us a problem: once rights are abused, the consequences are really unimaginable! This village party secretary is using his power to do whatever he wants, completely ignoring the lives and interests of the villagers. This kind of behavior is really hateful! At the same time, we should also be aware of the importance of supervision! If someone had discovered and reported the violation of discipline earlier, perhaps it would not have caused such a big loss.

It's a big deal! In the past ten years, the village party secretary has taken nearly 2.5 million collective funds on the hot search, and the comment area has fallen

But fortunately, the relevant departments have intervened in time and dealt with it seriously, which can be regarded as an explanation to the villagers, which is really happy! This also shows that our society under the rule of law is still making continuous progress, and no violation of discipline and law can escape the punishment of the law!

Through this incident, we should also deeply reflect on it: in the face of rights, can we stick to our bottom line and principles? Will they be driven by greed and selfish desires to commit violations of discipline and law? I hope everyone can learn from this incident!

The editor has something to say

Finally, I want to say: no matter who you are, no matter how much power you have, as long as you dare to violate discipline and law, then what awaits you will be the punishment of the law and the judgment of the people! So, dear friends, you must cherish the rights in your hands, and don't let the rights blind you and lose your way!