
"Your mother-in-law is beaten every day!" The 60-year-old man was abused by an unlicensed caregiver, and the court sentenced him to two years and three months in prison and banned from working as a caregiver for three years

author:Wujiagang Procuratorate

Zhu Qing's mother-in-law suffered a car accident, suffered a head injury, became delirious, could not take care of herself, and her language function was also impaired. After the operation, her son and daughter-in-law admitted her to a rehabilitation hospital and hired a nurse for her. During a visit, the patient's family secretly told Zhu Qing, "Your mother-in-law is beaten every day." What happened to Zhu Qing's mother-in-law?

The scars on the mother-in-law's face

One day at the end of April 2023, Zhu Qing's mother-in-law, Yuan Zhixia, was in a car accident while riding an electric car in her hometown of Hebei. After the accident, the family rushed to take Yuan Zhixia to Beijing for treatment.

As a result of the car accident, Yuan Zhixia's head was damaged, and she became delirious, unable to take care of herself, and her language function was also impaired. Although the surgery has been completed, Yuan Zhixia, who is over 60 years old, needs to go through a long recovery time after surgery to repair the brain damage.

In August of the same year, Yuan Zhixia's family transferred her to a rehabilitation hospital. The family hopes to help Yuan Zhixia recover her physical condition through aftercare care.

Yuan Zhixia's condition requires 24-hour escort. Finding the right caregiver becomes an important issue. Yuan's family learned that the hospital had a long-term partnership with a housekeeping company. Yuan Zhixia's family felt that the housekeeping company that cooperated with the hospital should be more reassuring. Therefore, Yuan Zhixia's family entrusted the housekeeping company to arrange a nurse to take care of Yuan Zhixia. Soon, the housekeeping company sent a nurse Hu Zhenrong who was close to her age for Yuan Zhixia.

From August 10, 2023, Hu Zhenrong began to take care of Yuan Zhixia. Yuan Zhixia's daughter-in-law, Zhu Qing, spends 1 to 2 hours every day visiting her mother-in-law in the hospital. Zhu Qing observed that Hu Zhenrong was very attentive to her mother-in-law and was also warm and friendly to herself. Zhu Qing also saw Hu Zhenrong chatting with other people in the ward. Zhu Qing felt that Hu Zhenrong was not bad and trusted her more.

On September 5, Zhu Qing came to the hospital to visit Yuan Zhixia as usual. This time, Zhu Qing found that her mother-in-law had scars on her face, and Zhu Qing looked at Yuan Zhixia and asked worriedly, "How did you get hurt?" But Yuan Zhixia was only silent.

After a while, Hu Zhenrong left the ward. The family members of the patients next to them hurriedly whispered to Zhu Qing: "How do you think your mother-in-law's face was injured, she was beaten by your nurse, she was basically beaten every day." ”

Blatant atrocities

Yuan Zhixia lives in a triple room that is part of the hospital's neurological rehabilitation department. The bed is located near the door. The patient next to Yuan Zhixia is a young girl whose mother is taking care of her. Another patient also hired a nurse, and the patient's son often visited his mother. Although he didn't come to the hospital every day, the patient's son said he had seen Hu Zhenrong beating and scolding Yuan Zhixia at least three times.

Under the gaze of so many pairs of eyes, Hu Zhenrong did not relent. Every morning at eight or nine o'clock, the attending doctor will go to the ward to make rounds, mainly to check the patient's physical condition and recovery status. During the physical examination, the doctor needs Yuan Zhixia to make the corresponding position.

Because Yuan Zhixia was no longer able to control her body by herself, Hu Zhenrong had to be by the side to help her make movements. At this time, Hu Zhenrong will appear impatient. She roughly folded Yuan Zhixia's body and forced her to strike the required pose. After that, the doctor finished the routine check-up and left.

In order to repair the damaged nerves, Yuan Zhixia has to go to the hospital's hyperbaric oxygen chamber every Monday to Friday to receive oxygen. The hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a certain distance from the ward, and Yuan Zhixia can only go by wheelchair. In order to prevent Yuan Zhixia from moving around in the wheelchair, Hu Zhenrong found a rope to tie Yuan Zhixia's body and tied her to the wheelchair. Hu Zhenrong strangled the rope while scolding Yuan Zhixia viciously.

Because she can't control her excretion, Yuan Zhixia often soils her clothes. In order to avoid frequently changing and cleaning Yuan Zhixia, Hu Zhenrong sometimes simply let Yuan Zhixia lie there naked.

Hu Zhenrong's personality is uncertain, as long as she is in a bad mood, she will beat and scold Yuan Zhixia. Hu Zhenrong would pull Yuan Zhixia's ears with her hands, sometimes slapping her in the mouth or hitting her on the head. Even, Hu Zhenrong would take the cloth shoes on the ground to slap Yuan Zhixia's face and body.

When Zhu Qing came to visit the patient, she noticed the red marks and abrasions on Yuan Zhixia's body, and Hu Zhenrong would use Yuan Zhixia's failure to cooperate with the examination and her own movement as an excuse to deal with the past.

Just a few days before September 5, 2023, Hu Zhenrong's temper became worse and worse, and the beating and scolding of Yuan Zhixia was much more intense than before. On the same day, Hu Zhenrong directly beat Yuan Zhixia's face with blood because of excessive force, and a blood stain was clearly visible.

As a nurse, Hu Zhenrong naturally knows how to cover up her atrocities. Taking advantage of the convenience of being in the hospital, she got the scotch tape for medical treatment and glued the tape to the bleeding area of Yuan Zhixia's face.

Although Yuan Zhixia's nerves were damaged, it did not mean that she had lost her sense of touch to feel pain. It's just that she can't tell her family all this clearly.

Relevant units shall bear regulatory obligations

After learning about the treatment of her mother-in-law, on the evening of September 5, 2023, Zhu Qing called the police. The police immediately rushed to the hospital and arrested Hu Zhenrong. After calling the police, the nurses at the hospital found that Yuan Zhixia still had a piece of scotch tape on her face, which contained a scabbed wound. After the incident, Zhu Qing transferred Yuan Zhixia out of the hospital.

There is no surveillance in the ward, but there are a number of eyewitnesses who confirmed that Hu Zhenrong beat and abused Yuan Zhixia, and Hu Zhenrong will also do it in other parts of the hospital.

Later, the staff of the hospital also informed the police. After the injury evaluation, Yuan Zhixia's injuries were slight. The public security organs then transferred the case to the Fengtai District Procuratorate in Beijing for review and prosecution.

The review found that Hu Zhenrong did not have a formal nursing qualification certificate, and she was not qualified to work. What makes people think about it is extremely frightening that when the prosecutor investigated Hu Zhenrong's past work experience, they learned that in the past five or six years, she has been working as a nurse in major hospitals. Her main care objects are neurology patients with nerve damage like Yuan Zhixia.

On January 4, 2024, the Fengtai District Procuratorate indicted the case on suspicion of abusing the person under care. On March 29, 2024, the Fengtai District Court adopted the procuratorate's sentencing recommendation and sentenced Hu Zhenrong to two years and three months in prison for the crime of abusing the person under her care, and banned her from engaging in nursing work for three years from the date of her release or parole.

The prosecutor in charge of the case said: "Hu Zhenrong's housekeeping company and the hospital are in a third-party labor dispatch relationship, and the two parties signed an escort service agreement, in which it was written that the hospital would provide necessary support for the housekeeping company to carry out escort work, but there was no agreement that the hospital had a clear supervision responsibility for ordinary patients or other types of patients." ”

According to the "Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Training and Standardized Management of Medical Nursing Personnel in Beijing" jointly issued by the Beijing Municipal Health Commission and other five departments, medical institutions should use qualified medical nurses to engage in corresponding work, and medical nurses should participate in vocational skills training, and only after passing the assessment and receiving the completion certificate of vocational skills training for medical nurses in Beijing can they take up their posts and practice.

At the same time, according to the provisions of the "Tort Liability Section" of the Civil Code, hospitals have the obligation to ensure the safety of patients who come to the hospital for medical treatment. Accordingly, in December 2023, the Fengtai District Procuratorate issued procuratorial suggestions to the hospital and the housekeeping company respectively on this case, and subsequently received a reply letter.

The procuratorial recommendations focus on three points: First, the housekeeping company failed to strictly check and review the qualifications of its employees, and required the unit to conduct a substantive review of the employees' qualifications in the future. Second, it is hoped that domestic service companies will further strengthen the training of employees and the publicity and education of the rule of law to avoid the recurrence of illegal acts. Third, hospitals have the responsibility and obligation to take care of patients. Special neurology patients like Yuan Zhixia generally lack the awareness and ability to resist, and are more likely to be treated unfairly.

In recent years, the rapid development of the housekeeping industry has also led to chaos such as low entry thresholds, lax control, uneven personnel quality, and inadequate supervision and management.

On the one hand, domestic service companies should strictly inspect the qualifications and quality of employees, carry out professional training and legal education, and pension or medical institutions that accept labor dispatch should also fulfill their regulatory obligations to prevent infringements.

On the other hand, family members should avoid private transactions when hiring caregivers, and comprehensively inspect the qualifications of intermediaries, labor contracts, and the work experience and personal qualities of the caregivers, and supervise them through personal care, inspection and monitoring, etc., and do not believe in appearances. (The names of the persons involved in the article have been changed.) This article has been abridged)

[Source: Fangyuan Magazine]

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