
It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, scolded on the hot search, and fried in the comment area

author:Xiaohui said things
It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, scolded on the hot search, and fried in the comment area
It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, scolded on the hot search, and fried in the comment area

First, the doxxing of the incident: the cost of meal allowance disappeared

This has to start with a report from the Audit Commission. The report revealed a startling fact: there were 66 counties, yes, 66! The money that should have been spent on the children's lunch was quietly misappropriated, and the total amount was as high as 2 billion! 2 billion, guys, can you imagine how much money that is?

2. Revealing the means of misappropriation: There are all kinds of things, only you can't think of them

It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, scolded on the hot search, and fried in the comment area
It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, scolded on the hot search, and fried in the comment area

The officials of these counties have really tried their best to embezzle this huge amount of money. Some say it's to pay off debts, some are to pay benefits, and some even cut corners and shoddy. To put it simply, the 15 yuan lunch that should have been given to the children may only cost 10 yuan, and the remaining 5 yuan? Hey, you know.

Debt repayment and other expenses: Oops, isn't this just tearing down the east wall and making up the west wall! Take the children's money to plug their own financial holes, and there is no one to do this.

Fictitious procurement and interception: To put it bluntly, it is to sell dog meat on the head of a sheep. On the surface, it sounds good, but in reality? The children may not even be as good as the leftovers.

Unit welfare giveaway: This is even more excessive. Taking the children's meal supplement to distribute benefits to oneself and others is simply speechless.

Cutting corners and shoddy: this goes without saying, everyone understands it. Cheap is not good, good is not cheap!

Designated Supplier: Gee, isn't that another level of betrayal? Even the market competition is not let go, the supplier is directly designated, and the rebate is soft!

3. Netizens are hotly discussed: anger and disappointment coexist

As soon as this incident came out, netizens were angry and hotly discussed

Some people say: We must severely punish and not lend, and this kind of person cannot be let go!

It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, scolded on the hot search, and fried in the comment area

Some netizens said: To put it bluntly, the cost of violating the law is too low, and increasing punishment is the top priority!

It's a big deal! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts, scolded on the hot search, and fried in the comment area

Fourth, the editor has something to say: it is urgent to protect the rights and interests of children

As a member of the society, I am also deeply saddened. The actions of these officials not only harm the interests of the children, but also trample on the fairness and justice of society. They trade the future of their children for their own selfish interests, and this behavior must be severely condemned and punished by law! At the same time, I would like to call on everyone to always pay attention to the government's behavior and trends, and only by keeping vigilant and supervising can we ensure that these lawbreakers have no chance.

5. Summary

Finally, back to the public money mentioned at the beginning, in simple terms, it is public money, or everyone's money. This money is usually allocated by the government or agencies for some public purpose, such as building public facilities, paying civil servants, or other public services. This money is not the private property of any one person, and it cannot be spent casually, let alone misappropriated elsewhere. Every penny has to be used to ensure the interests of the public. Therefore, if someone dares to embezzle public funds without permission, it is illegal and must be punished by law!