
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

author:Sister Yang's food notes


Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

1. Konjac broccoli

Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

2. Cucumber and diced carrots

Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

3. Crystal dumplings

Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

4. Egg burger

Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

5. Shrimp roll

Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

6. Scrambled eggs with mushrooms

Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

7. Egg wash shrimp

Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite

8. Meat slices and eggs

Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite
Who invented this way of eating, it is amazing, with a strong sense of satiety, low calorie fat loss, and it will be amazing in one bite