
I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

author:Bug University Hall
I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

On a cold winter day, 76-year-old Ms. Wang Rong should have enjoyed family fun, but the reality is a different story. During the Spring Festival, her home was bustling, with two sons, a daughter and their families gathered together, with a total of 10 people.

However, behind this happy gathering, it is the burden that Ms. Wang Rong bears alone.

Every day, from dawn until late at night, she is busy in the kitchen, preparing three meals for the whole family. Shopping, washing vegetables, cooking, tidying up, all the housework falls on her shoulders alone.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

It is sad that in this festival that should be happy, no family member took the initiative to help.

Ms. Wang Rong was exhausted, but helpless. Her hands were rough from labor, and her eyes revealed helplessness and loss.

Ms. Wang's family appears to be happy on the surface. She has two sons and a daughter, all of whom are married and have a stable life. The eldest son holds a key position in the city water company, the younger son works for a well-known renovation company, and the daughter runs a hardware and grocery store in the neighboring village.

Such a family background should have allowed Ms. Wang Rong to enjoy her old age in peace, but the reality is not so.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

This year's Spring Festival, Ms. Wang Rong faces a special challenge. Her wife fell in the vegetable garden and fractured her leg and had to be bedridden to recuperate. This unexpected event made the already heavy household chores even more daunting.

However, in the face of such a predicament, Ms. Wang Rong's children seem to have no time to take care of their parents' needs and are busy with their own affairs.

Despite this, Ms. Wang Rong still insisted on completing all the preparations for the Spring Festival. From the 21st day of the lunar month, she began to make rice cakes. She carefully selected glutinous rice and japonica rice, personally sent it to the town to be processed into powder, and then invited neighbors to help make more than 200 catties of rice cakes together.

The process took several hours and was physically demanding, but Ms. Wang Rong did not complain.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

Then, on the 24th day of the lunar month, she began to make tofu again. From soaking soybeans to grinding soy milk, to spot pulp molding, every step requires care and patience.

In the end, she managed to make two tables of delicious tofu in preparation for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

In the cold weather, Ms. Wang Rong also needs to purchase New Year's goods. Despite the bitter cold, she went to the town alone to buy various necessities such as alcohol, cigarettes, drinks, and condiments.

When she returned home, she began to process a variety of ingredients, such as soaking dried bamboo shoots and kelp, cutting meat and poultry, and even digging and cleaning difficult bergamot yams.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

Each of these preparations took a lot of Ms. Wang Rong's energy and time. In the minus 6 degrees Celsius weather, her hands were often red from the cold, but she still insisted on getting all the work done.

This kind of obscure dedication seems to have become the norm in her life.

However, it is heart-wrenching that Ms. Wang Rong's hard work does not seem to be recognized and appreciated by her family. When she was busy, no one offered to help.

The children are immersed in their own worlds, watching TV or playing with their mobile phones, oblivious to their mother's hard work.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

This situation makes one wonder: in the modern family, is the contribution of the elderly already taken for granted? Are we neglecting the person in our family who needs the most love? Ms. Wang Rong's story is perhaps a self-evident microcosm of many Chinese families.

On the 28th of the lunar month, Ms. Wang Rong got up early and began to prepare for the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner. On this day, the wind was bitterly cold and the temperature plummeted to minus 6 degrees Celsius, but she still braved the cold and went to the vegetable garden alone to pick fresh vegetables.

Ms. Wang Rong's figure looks particularly thin in the cold wind, but it reveals an indomitable tenacity. She cautiously made her way through the rugged hillside to her garden.

Despite the bitter cold, she carefully selects greens, carrots, garlic sprouts and celery, each of which is carefully selected.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

After the harvest, Ms. Wang Rong dragged her tired body to the pond at the entrance of the village. She crouched by the edge of the icy pond, washing her freshly picked vegetables with her almost frozen hands.

The cold water flowed through her fingertips, but she gritted her teeth and persevered. This scene seems to be the epitome of her entire Spring Festival life - paying, persevering, but it seems so lonely.

After half an hour of hard work, Ms. Wang Rong finally finished cleaning the vegetables. She hurried back home, warming her unconscious hands with hot water. After a short break, she immediately plunged back into cooking.

In the kitchen, Ms. Wang Rong skillfully handles a variety of ingredients. She peels, dices, stir-fries, and every move shows years of experience. However, none of the family members offered to help in the process.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

They are either watching TV or playing with their mobile phones in the living room, as if the busy old man in the kitchen has nothing to do with them.

Handling bergamot yam is the most difficult task. The shape of this yam resembles a human hand, and the surface is covered with curved lines, in which soil and roots are intertwined. Ms. Wang Rong had to carefully remove the epidermis while also dealing with that slimy layer of mucus.

The whole process was time-consuming and laborious, but she did it meticulously.

When Ms. Wang Rong finally finished all the dishes and called her family to eat, no one immediately responded. She had to call over and over again, exhaustion and helplessness in her voice.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

In the end, she even had to carry the rice cooker to the dining table herself, an act that seemed to symbolize her role in the family – giving silently but often being overlooked.

In the process of preparing the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, Ms. Wang Rong showed not only cooking skills, but also a silent love. She carefully selects every ingredient and cooks each dish with heart, just to give her family a sumptuous reunion dinner.

However, this intention does not seem to be appreciated and appreciated.

When the meal was finally on the table, Ms. Wang Rong's face showed a smile of relief.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

Ms. Wang Rong's experience makes people wonder: in modern families, is the contribution of the elderly taken for granted? Are we neglecting the person in our family who needs the most love? The preparation process of this Chinese New Year's Eve dinner may be a self-evident microcosm of many Chinese families, which is worth everyone's deep thought.

When the family finally gathered around the table, Ms. Wang Rong had a long-awaited smile on her face. Her two sons, a daughter, and their spouse and children, a total of 10 people, sat around in a seemingly lively scene.

However, this pleasure was soon replaced by the indifference of reality.

At the dinner table, the family enthusiastically discussed their lives and praised the delicious food in front of them. The daughter-in-law was full of praise for the pickled tofu and dried radishes, and asked Ms. Wang Rong how much she made.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

Knowing that there was still a lot of stock, she excitedly offered to take some home. The eldest daughter-in-law has a soft spot for bergamot yams and suggests that Ms. Wang Rong dig more so that they can take them with them when they leave.

The daughter was also amazed by the bamboo shoots and asked where she bought such delicious ingredients.

However, behind these compliments and inquiries, no one noticed Ms. Wang Rong's tired expression, let alone how these delicacies were made. They seem to take it for granted that all this is what the old man should do.

After the meal, the family quickly dispersed and returned to their rooms to continue their entertainment. Some are addicted to TV shows, some play mobile games, and some linger in the village chess and card room.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

Ms. Wang Rong silently cleaned up the dining table and cleaned the mountains of dishes and chopsticks. Her movements, though somewhat slow, are still meticulous.

In this process, Ms. Wang Rong's heart is full of complex emotions. On the one hand, she is relieved to be able to let her family enjoy delicious food; On the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and helplessness.

The reunion dinner she was looking forward to seemed to only stay at the level of food, and lacked real emotional communication and mutual care.

When she finally finished cleaning up, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon. Despite her physical and mental exhaustion, Ms. Wang Rong did not have time to rest because she still needed to prepare for dinner.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

This kind of endless labor seems to have become her daily routine during the Spring Festival.

This reunion dinner was supposed to be a time for family members to connect with each other and express their love. However, the reality contrasts sharply with expectations. Ms. Wang Rong's dedication seems to have become a matter of course, rather than something to be thankful for.

This situation makes people wonder: in modern society, are we gradually ignoring the feelings of the elderly in the family? Does the meaning of the reunion dinner only stay at the level of "eating", and ignore the true meaning of "reunion"? Ms. Wang Rong's story may be a self-evident microcosm of many Chinese families, and it is worth pondering for everyone.

During the Spring Festival, Ms. Wang Rong's life fell into a poignant cycle. Every morning, when the family is still asleep in the warm bed, she has already gotten up and started to prepare breakfast.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

She was busy in the kitchen lightly, for fear of waking up her sleeping family. It wasn't until the aroma filled the house that she whispered to wake them up for breakfast.

At noon and evening, Ms. Wang Rong has to prepare a hearty meal for the whole family. She was busy in and out of the kitchen, her forehead soaked with sweat, and her hands were rough from the long hours of labor.

Sadly, however, this dedication seems to have become a matter of course. Families are accustomed to walking out of the room slowly when the smell of food wafts away, and then quickly return to their respective "little worlds" after eating.

The kitchen seemed to be a forbidden place, and no one wanted to set foot in it. Ms. Wang Rong is constantly busy in the kitchen, while the living room echoes with the laughter of the family and the sound of television.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

This strong contrast can't help but make people feel a little sad.

From the twenty-eighth day of the eldest son's family to the seventh day of the first month; When her daughter's family visited again on the second day of the Lunar New Year, Ms. Wang Rong's life was repeated day after day.

She cooks hearty meals for more than 10 family members every day and never receives any help.

Although she was physically exhausted, Ms. Wang Rong never complained. She always had a gentle smile on her face, as if it were all too normal.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

This situation makes people wonder: in the modern family, has the contribution of the elderly been taken for granted? Are we ignoring their feelings and needs? Ms. Wang Rong's story may be a self-evident microcosm of many Chinese families, and it is worth pondering for everyone.

Ms. Wang Rong's story is not only the personal experience of a 76-year-old man, but also reflects the many problems in contemporary Chinese family relationships.

In this fast-paced society, we often neglect those closest to us. Ms. Wang Rong's hard work and dedication seem to have become a habitual existence.

However, family harmony is not only about material abundance, but also about emotional communication and care.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

This story reminds us of the need to re-examine the division of roles in the family. It is up to each family member to take their share of responsibility and not put all the burden on the elderly.

We need to learn to be grateful, learn to take responsibility, and give the elderly the respect and care they deserve.

At the same time, this story also calls on society to pay more attention to the living conditions of the elderly and provide necessary support and assistance. Only when everyone does their part can we build a truly harmonious and loving family and society.

Let's start from our side, care more about the elderly around us, and let them feel respected and cared for. This is not only a responsibility for the elderly, but also a responsibility for the whole society.

I'm 76 years old and live as a joke! Cook 3 meals a day during the Chinese New Year, all the family, no one helps

Ms. Wang Rong's story should be a starting point for our reflection and change.

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