
Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

author:Bug University Hall
Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles
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Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

In 2021, the Chinese film industry lost a legend - Yang Zaibao. This name has made the blood boil of countless audiences, and the image of a tough man he created has conquered an entire generation.

However, as fate would have it, this star in the film industry suffered a low point in his life at the peak of his career and was unjustly imprisoned for four years.

Yang Zaibao's life is as full of ups and downs as the characters he plays. He devoted his life to the screen, not for fame and fortune, but for art. Each character seems to be interpreted with life, deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

Now, the former screen hero has passed away quietly, leaving behind countless classic characters and indelible screen memories. Yang Jaebao's curtain call is not only the departure of an actor, but also symbolizes the end of a glorious film era.

In 1935, Yang Zaibao was born in a turbulent era. His upbringing was closely linked to the development of New China, and this experience laid a deep emotional foundation for his future acting career.

With the gradual opening up of the social atmosphere at the end of the 70s of the 20th century, Yang Zaibao ushered in his golden creative period. In 1983, he starred in "Blood, Always Hot" like a clear stream, which set off a huge wave in the Chinese film industry.

The image of a hot-blooded young man played by Yang Zaibao is like a mirror, reflecting the desire for idealism in the hearts of people in that era. His performance not only infected the audience, but also triggered a deep reflection on the special historical period in society.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

Immediately afterwards, 1985's "Acting Mayor" once again showed Yang Jaebao's acting skills. In this work, he created an image of an upright and brave mayor, allowing the audience to see the new look of the cadre team in the early days of reform and opening up, and also expressed people's yearning for clean politics.

Yang Jae-bao's most well-known role is Shi Donggen in "Red Sun". When he appeared on the screen wearing a battle robe, holding a command knife, and riding a horse and whip, countless audiences were fascinated by it.

At that moment, he was not only Shi Donggen, but also the embodiment of thousands of Chinese soldiers. This role made Yang Jaebao's tough image deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and became a screen idol of that era.

In addition, General Luo Xiao in "From Slave to General" is also one of Yang Zaibao's masterpieces. He vividly portrayed this brave, resolute, upright and selfless general, which inspired the audience's strong patriotism.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

In particular, the image of holding a telescope and looking at it with a determined gaze is still impressive.

Every character of Yang Zaibao is like a sharp sword, pointing directly at the softest place in the audience's heart. He is not acting, but interpreting every role with his life.

It was this kind of almost crazy devotion that made Yang Jae-bao the brightest screen star of that era. The vivid characters he created not only enriched the artistic treasure house of Chinese films, but also set up eternal monuments in the hearts of the audience.

In the era when the wave of commercialization swept the film industry, Yang Zaibao consistently adhered to his artistic beliefs. He firmly believes that art should originate from life and be higher than life, and that without the truth of life, it cannot truly touch the hearts of the audience.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

This belief guides him in every step of his work.

In order to create a lifelike character, Yang Jae-bao has put in unimaginable efforts. When filming "From Slave to General", he wore military uniforms all day long, ate and lived with the officers and soldiers of the army, just to truly show the temperament and style of a general.

This persistent pursuit of art makes his performances always have a strong appeal to the audience.

Yang Zaibao firmly believes that true art should be the perfect combination of truth, goodness and beauty. In his opinion, without any of these elements, the highest level of art cannot be reached.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

It was this insistence on artistic quality that led Yang Jae-bao to make a surprising decision after 1985 - not to appear in movies anymore.

Faced with the increasingly commercial film market in the late 90s, Yang Zaibao chose to remain silent. He could not accept works that sacrificed artistic quality in order to cater to the market.

This persistence, although he lost more opportunities to act, won the respect of colleagues in the industry and the audience.

Yang Zaibao uses his actions to explain what is the social responsibility of an artist. In his opinion, a true artist should use his works to guide the society, rather than blindly pandering to them.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

He once said that the responsibility of an actor is not only to act well, but also to lead by example and pass on positive energy.

This spirit of adhering to ideals and not bending over for interests is particularly valuable in today's increasingly commercial film and television industry. Yang Zaibao's artistic pursuit has not only created classic characters, but also become the spiritual guide for future generations of artists.

With his life's perseverance, he interpreted what a real artist is and became the conscience of an era.

Yang Zaibao's life is just like the ups and downs of the role he played. In 1984, while filming "Two Heroes", fate arranged an unexpected encounter for him.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

Young actor Chen Liming fell in love with this mature and charming actor at first sight and took the initiative to express his love. At first, Yang Zaibao maintained restraint and politely rejected Chen Liming's favor.

However, during the long filming process, Chen Liming's sincere emotions and unremitting pursuit finally moved this seemingly iron-clad man. The two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand and wrote a good story.

Chen Liming later said affectionately: "The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry Mr. Yang Zaibao."

However, the happy life did not last long. Yang Zaibao first experienced the death of his ex-wife, and then his beloved son fell seriously ill. This successive blows made this tough guy who is omnipotent on the screen can't help but burst into tears.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

But instead of being knocked down, he faced life's challenges with greater courage.

The test of fate is not over yet. Just when Yang Zaibao's acting career was in full swing, he was framed and innocently imprisoned for 4 years. From the stars in the limelight to the prisoners behind bars, this is a huge gap that can destroy anyone.

But Yang Zaibao was not defeated, and he still maintained his love for life and the pursuit of art in prison.

In the face of the ups and downs of life, Yang Zaibao has always maintained an optimistic attitude. He often said: "Life is like a play, and drama is like life." We interpret life on the screen, so why not use life to interpret life? This open-minded attitude may be the secret of his ability to move forward in the face of adversity, and the source of his ability to create such a plump role on the screen.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

Yang Zaibao's acting career coincided with a period of drastic social change in China, and his works are all marked by that special era. At the end of the 70s of the 20th century, when Chinese society gradually came out of the haze of the "Cultural Revolution", literature and film became important art forms that led people to deep reflection.

In such a relatively mild social atmosphere, Yang Zaibao seized the golden age of realistic subject creation. He starred in "Blood, Always Hot" (1983), which was like a clear stream, awakening people's inner idealism.

In the film, the image of a hot-blooded young man played by Yang Zaibao seems to tell the audience: Even after going through hardships, we still have to maintain our love for life and hope for the future.

This was followed by "Acting Mayor" (1985), which once again showcased Yang's acting skills. This work reveals the social changes in the early days of reform and opening up, and reflects people's desire for clean politics.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

The image of the honest and brave mayor created by Yang Zaibao became a model for the cadre team of that era.

In "From Slave to General", General Luo Xiao played by Yang Zaibao has inspired the patriotic feelings of countless audiences. When he held a telescope and looked firmly into the distance, the sense of responsibility for the country and the people jumped on the screen and infected every audience.

This character became a heroic role model in the hearts of people of that era.

However, not all of Yang's works will be able to meet the audience smoothly. "The Wilderness", which he starred in, was banned due to its sensitive content, which also reflects the complexity of that era from the side.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

Despite this, Yang Zaibao's hoarse voice full of masculine charm in this work is still impressive.

Although Yang Zaibao has passed away, his place in the history of Chinese cinema is indelible. In the hearts of the audience and the industry, Yang Zaibao has always been an irreplaceable legend.

His charm not only stems from his excellent acting skills, but also from his simple and sincere character.

No matter how popular it is, Yang Zaibao has always maintained a civilian image and never put on a star show. His attitude towards the world has won unanimous praise from colleagues in the industry.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

Yang Zaibao often said: "The responsibility of an actor is not only to act well, but also to lead by example and pass on positive energy." This consistent attitude has made him a role model for future generations of artists to follow.

Compared with some impetuous contemporary stars, Yang Zaibao's professionalism and artistic ethics are particularly valuable. His spirit of going deep into life and studying hard is still regarded as a compulsory course for actors.

In interviews, many young actors often mention Yang's influence on them.

Yang Jae-bao's acting style had a profound influence on later actors. The series of images of workers, soldiers and cadres he created have become classics in the history of Chinese cinema.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

These roles not only show Yang Jaebao's acting skills, but also reflect his deep understanding of the characters and his insight into society.

More importantly, what Yang Zaibao left behind is not only superb acting skills, but also a spirit of artistic pursuit. In today's increasingly commercialized film and television industry, Yang Zaibao's spirit of adhering to artistic ideals and not bending his waist for interests is undoubtedly of great enlightening significance.

He used practical actions to interpret what a real artist is, and became the conscience of an era.

Today, when we revisit Yang Zaibao's works, we can still feel the warmth and power of that era. His performances, which transcend the boundaries of time and space, are still able to impress today's audiences.

Yang Zaibao passed away, filming all his life was not for money, and he was imprisoned for 4 years when he was popular, and he used his life to get classic roles

This may be the true charm of art – timeless and profound.

Yang Jae-bao is gone, but his spirit and works will live on forever in people's hearts. He has spent his life interpreting what a real artist is, and his light will always shine in the sky of Chinese films.

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