
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

author:Jerry said entertainment
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on July 1.

His mother, Ms. Jiang, fell ill and was hospitalized last night after hearing the bad news, and her mental state was poor.

Zhijie's father died young, and his mother raised him and his sister alone.

The family learned the news at three or four o'clock last night, and stayed awake all night, his aunt had rushed to Jiaxing to accompany his mother, and his sister had gone to Indonesia to deal with the aftermath.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Zhang Zhijie is sensible and filial, trains hard, wins many championships, and buys gifts for his family with the first prize this year.

He had just received an acceptance letter from college, and the day he died was his sister's birthday.

Zhang Zhizhuo was born in an incomplete family, his father left when he was very young, and his mother raised him and his sister alone.

This child is sensible and obedient, has been practicing badminton hard since he was a child, and with his own hard work and talent, he also got the first prize this year and bought gifts for his family.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Shortly before the accident, he had just received his acceptance letter from college, and a bright future beckoned him.

Fate played a cruel joke at this time.

On the day of his death, it happened to be his sister's birthday, and Zhang Zhijie also said that he would make up for his sister's birthday, but who would have thought that this would become a promise that could never be fulfilled.

At three or four o'clock in the night of July 1, the family learned the bad news of Zhang Zhijie's death, and the mother couldn't stand the heavy blow and fell ill and was hospitalized, and her mental state was extremely poor.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

And Zhang Zhijie's sister has endured her grief and went to Indonesia to deal with her brother's death, but her mother was mentally traumatized and could not go to Indonesia to see her son for the last time.

Zhang Zhijie fainted during the match and was carried out on a stretcher about two minutes later.

Prior to this, no CPR and first aid interventions such as AEDs were seen.

Zhang Zhijie's brother-in-law questioned that the on-site first-aid measures were not in place, and there was no one on the scene within 4 minutes of the golden time of first aid, and the time was wasted on transfer.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Zhang Zhijie's sister immediately posted a complaint that the scene was not rescued.

We all know that badminton is a high-intensity game and a high test of physical strength, and Lin Dan has also expressed this.

Fans and media people speculated that Zhang Zhijie's death may have been due to too much fatigue and the intensity of the game.

At present, the national team and the organizing committee have not replied to the specific reason for Zhang Zhijie's death.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

It is really sad that such a young player full of hope and potential has suddenly left us like this.

This tragedy is also a wake-up call.

For the training arrangements of athletes, the team must be scientific and reasonable, fully consider the physical tolerance of athletes, ensure sufficient rest time, and avoid excessive fatigue.

First aid facilities and staffing must be professional and in place to save lives when it matters most.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Life is incomparably precious, and every living life carries countless dreams and hopes.

We hope that this incident will make the organizing committee and team of the competition pay attention to it, and in the future, it will be equipped with professional first-aid equipment to strengthen first-aid training and emergency response capabilities.

Only in this way can we strive for more chances of survival for athletes when the unexpected comes.

At the same time, I also hope that other athletes can take this as a warning, pay attention to their own physical condition, and do not overdraw.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

After all, health is the cornerstone of chasing your dreams.

Although Zhang Zhijie is gone, his hard work and sweat for badminton, his love for his family, and his fighting spirit on the court will always remain in our hearts.

May he still wield a badminton racket in heaven and chase his unfulfilled dreams.

I also hope that his family can get out of their grief as soon as possible and embrace life again.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Let us all remember Zhang Zhijie, and hope that the sports world can learn lessons from such a tragedy, continue to improve and improve, so that similar tragedies will not be repeated.

The loss of this child is really a big loss for the sports world.

How sad it is that such a young, energetic and dreamy life came to an abrupt end on the field like this.

This also makes us reflect on what kind of existence sports competition should be.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Sports are supposed to bring health, happiness and glory, but sometimes, are we too focused on results and victories and ignore the physical limits and health of athletes?

Zhang Zhijie's example is like a mirror that reflects the problems we may have.

We must not only wake up after a tragedy, but also put the safety of athletes first in our daily training and competitions.

Not only badminton competitions, but also all kinds of other sports events should be taken as a warning.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

For the majority of athletes, they must also learn to take care of themselves.

Don't hold on for fear of criticism from your coach or for fear of losing your chance.

The body is your own, and you must know how to take care of it.

If you feel tired, speak up and adjust to take a break, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

At the same time, we, the spectators and fans, don't put too much pressure on the athletes.

More understanding and support, less harsh and abusive.

After all, they are also ordinary people, just working hard for their dreams.

It is hoped that Zhang Zhijie's departure can be a turning point, so that the entire sports community can truly pay attention to the life safety and health of athletes.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

Let everyone who loves sports be able to pursue their dreams in a safe, healthy and fair environment.

Although Zhang Zhijie has left us, his story should be a force to promote the healthy development of sports.

Let's remember this name, remember this teenager who once ran hard for his dreams, and use his story to urge us to make changes and make the future of sports brighter and warmer.

I hope that every figure who sweats the field can chase their shining dreams without hindrance, peace and happiness.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, the chat records before his death were exposed, and the mother-son dialogue caused tears

On the field, they were fully engaged, writing their desire for victory with youth and enthusiasm.

In reality, there will inevitably be accidents and misfortunes, and those heart-wrenching tragedies should not be a stumbling block on the road to chasing dreams.

We sincerely hope that every athlete can receive all-round protection and care when fighting for honor.

Whether it is high-intensity training or fierce competition, it will not bring unbearable pain to their body and mind.

Let them always be full of hope and sunshine on the road of chasing their dreams, and there will be no more such heartbreaking tragedies.

Let every sprint, every jump, every throw leave only splendor and joy, and leave sorrow and pain far away.

The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.