
The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?

author:Li Xiaoluo

Everyone knows that Yu Yanran is an important character in the original work of "Do You Know", she and Minglan are brothers and sisters, and they are good girlfriends who talk about everything. Yu Yanran was born in a famous family, her ancestors were the first assistants of a generation, and her family background was prominent. It stands to reason that as the eldest granddaughter, she should be able to marry highly. However, in the end, she married far away from Dali, Yunnan, and married a husband who was many years older than her and had a leg disease. Why is that? What did Yu Yanran experience to have such an unexpected marriage?

The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?

One. Yu Yanran had a noble background, but she was left out in the cold

There are unexpected things in the heavenly family, and there are unsatisfactory experiences in the family. Yu Yanran was born in a noble family of the Yu family, a prominent family, and her ancestors were members of the imperial court. His ancestor Yu Ge Lao Nai Ming Shi left his name "diligent and prudent", which was really a temporary slaughter and a great reputation. When he retired, although he had nothing to do in Shilin, the Yu Mansion was still prominent, with 10,000 households.

Yu Yanran is a grandson, and her biological mother died early, so she should be loved by thousands of people. Who knew that after her mother went to her father, she remarried Xu Xian, started a new cook, and only cared about her newly established small family, and neglected Yu Yanran. This eldest granddaughter is unbeloved.

Fortunately, the old lady Yu Ge and the old lady were sympathetic to the young and took her back to Yu Mansion to raise her. It's just a child's heart, where can I experience the ups and downs of life, and I am often fortunate to be slandered and even slandered by other younger generations as "pampered". It's really a hot and cold world, and people are warm and cold.

The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?

If it weren't for the kindness of her grandparents, it is really hard to imagine that a noble girl would suffer the initial neglect in her life. Later, although there were words of affection and love, she also experienced the vicissitudes of migration, saw the world's fame and fortune and the dark and sinister of the human heart, and achieved the twists and turns of her marriage.

2. After several twists and turns in the marriage, he almost married Gu Tingye

Yu Yanran is over 15 years old and is already at an advanced age. So the Yu family began to work for her. First of all, Mrs. Sheng intended to marry her to Changbai, the son of the Sheng family. Changbai is a Zhongjin scholar, with a bright future, and his family background is not as good as the Yu family, but he is also a big family. It's just that Master Yu thinks very highly of himself, and thinks that Changbai's background is too low. So the marriage ran aground.

However, Yu Yanran's stepmother was arrogant and didn't think she was angry. She looked at a good family affair in the Marquis of Ningyuan's mansion and took the initiative to offer it. The Marquis of Ningyuan is a prince, but the princes in the house are all ambitious and unrestrained. His second son, Gu Tingye, was notorious, drunk and harassed, and took a group of concubines. For a while, Yu Yanran's marriage was exposed, and Gu Tingye actually came to visit, and asked for marriage in person. The old marquis of Ning Yuan also wrote a book to propose marriage together.

The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?

The old couple of Yu Ge were a little tempted. Even if Gu Tingye has a bad character, after all, he is still a powerful person, and his children and grandchildren have their own to stay. It's just that who would have thought that Zhu Manniang, Cheng Biting Jin, would make a big fuss from the capital, saying that Gu Tingye abandoned his wife and children and wanted to marry the grandson of the Yu family. So the Yu Mansion was in chaos, and Yu Ge Lao vomited blood and fainted.

Zhu Manniang's behavior made the Yu Mansion make a fuss. Yu Yanran was both frightened and shocked, and she was worried all day long. For a while, the marriage of the Marquis of Ningyuan Mansion was so yellow, and it completely dispelled the Yu family's desire to marry a daughter. Until the people of the Yu Mansion were panicked, they no longer dared to push Yu Yanran to such a place of right and wrong.

3. Zhu Manniang's troubles hit Yu Yanran

Zhu Manniang is an outer chamber of Gu Tingye, who was originally a prostitute. When Gu Tingye pursued Yu Yanran, she ran all the way from the capital to the gate of Yufu and roared loudly.

The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?

first shouted loudly outside the door of Yufu, accusing Gu Tingye of being a bad man and abandoning his wife and children. also said that Yu Yanran wanted to compete with her and be jealous, and wanted to replace her as the main room. even insulted the ancestors and grandchildren of the Yu family for being embarrassed and wanted to put her to death.

After being dragged into the Yu Mansion by force, Zhu Manniang was even more lawless. In front of the Yu family, she clearly said that she was Gu Tingye's concubine. then asked Yu Yanran to be her concubine and serve her husband with her.

Zhu Manniang's rampant behavior first made Yu Ge so angry that he vomited blood and fainted on the spot, and the old lady was also scared and sick. Yu Yanran herself was even more frightened, her face was colorless, and her words were incoherent. can only use pleading eyes, begging Zhu Manniang to leave quickly.

But even if Zhu Manniang was driven out of the Yu Mansion, the Yu family was already panicked. First of all, Zhu Manniang's various unreasonable abuses caused the entire Yu Mansion to suffer great humiliation. In addition, Gu Tingye's reputation is too bad, and the Yu family is really unwilling to marry their eldest granddaughter into such a place of right and wrong. So he hurried and didn't think about him anymore, just to choose a quiet home for Yu Yanran, away from the troubles.

The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?

Fourth. In order to protect Yu Yanran, the Yu family used a trick

Zhu Manniang's troubles made Yu Yanran suffer a lot of humiliation, and almost buried the lives of the old couple of Yu Ge. The Yu family is self-proven, and they only hate the late marriage of their daughter. So he implemented a trick to marry Yu Yanran away from home.

At first, Lord Yu discussed with Yu Ge Lao to choose an extremely innocent family for Yu Yanran. I am afraid that she will suffer some more setbacks, so I must marry her to a place away from trouble. In the end, the Yu family unanimously made a decision and married Yu Yanran to Dali, Yunnan.

Dali is far away from the capital, and it is difficult to go back and forth, and no one can go to disturb Yu Yanran's Ansheng. Moreover, in order to choose a son-in-law for their granddaughter, the Yu family deliberately chose an elderly man who was over the age of sixteen and had leg and foot diseases as his son-in-law. This kind of husband has no other thoughts, and he will be able to treat Yanran like a pearl in his palm, and never hurt him in the slightest.

The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?

So, when Yu Yanran was only sixteen years old, she married in Yunnan. Although the dowry money is only 1,500 taels, it is far less than other concubines. But the Yu family only wants her to be good from now on, escape from the disturbances of right and wrong, and be healthy and long-term, isn't it beautiful?

After marriage, Yu Yanran lived a peaceful and peaceful life. Her husband was quite doting and treated her well. Although there is a huge difference, no other concubines have been accepted. Yu Yanran started from scratch, served carefully, was filial to her in-laws, and put her godson first. Gradually, the old things in the capital were forgotten by her and she started a new life.

5. The weak Yu Yanran finally got a place to live

In Dali, Yunnan, Yu Yanran gradually got used to life here. Although her husband has a leg disease and is over the age of six, he takes meticulous care of her. Yu Yanran is gentle by nature, and she is not arrogant and coquettish at all, but focuses on filial piety to her in-laws and is diligent and thrifty.

The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?

Although her husband is old and frail, he sees that Yu Yanran is so virtuous, and he loves her again and again. Even though there is a huge age difference between the two, her husband has never accepted other concubines, and only loves Yu Yanran alone. When he has children, he regards Yu Yanran as a pearl in his palm and takes care of her.

Under the protection of her husband, Yu Yanran stayed away from the chaos of the capital and forgot the shame of the past. She only focuses on teaching her children, taking care of household chores, and living a peaceful and healthy life. I want to be only 16 years old when I suffered tongue moxibustion, but now I live a pure life without fighting with the world.

Although her husband is not a powerful person, Yu Yanran is not a wealthy family. But she finally got rid of Zhu Manniang's troubles, and she no longer needed to get involved in the rights and wrongs of the Marquis of Ningyuan's mansion, let alone be bullied in the power field. It can be said that it was the ancestors of the Yu family who carefully arranged for her, so that she is now safe and stable.

Yu Yanran was weak since she was a child, but now she has avoided the troubles, stayed away from the competition, and finally got a place to live. Although he is not a wealthy nobleman, such a peaceful and healthy life is also a great celebration of life. Rather than being forced to be in the midst of famous right and wrong, it is better to live in seclusion in the city and live a quiet and quiet old age.

The original work of "Do You Know": She is Minglan's best friend and from a famous family, why did she marry a lame husband?