
"Do You Know" Aunt Kang's mother, if Mother Zhao has the slightest scheming, she will never let the Wang family come to an end

author:Li Xiaoluo

The Wang family was once a prominent and wealthy family in Beijing, and it has experienced ups and downs several times. And the fate of the Wang family, in the final analysis, is still in the hands of Mrs. Wang. This clear-eyed old lady is arrogant and ambitious, and has great ideals for the future of her family. But her preference for her children led the Wang family to the point of no return. Especially the doting on the eldest daughter Aunt Kang, who was born in three days and three nights, is simply the fuse of the decline of the Wang family. If Mrs. Wang could be as sober and wise as Zhao Kuo's mother, Zhao Mu, how could she embark on this desperate road? Although Zhao's mother son Zhao Kuo became a commander-in-chief, she was not proud of it. On the contrary, she strongly objected, insisting that her son should not be of great use. In the end, Zhao Kuo led the troops to suffer defeat, and Zhao's mother's wisdom ensured that the Zhao family would not be ruined. So, what would happen if the smart and wise Zhao Mu was transferred to the Wang family?

"Do You Know" Aunt Kang's mother, if Mother Zhao has the slightest scheming, she will never let the Wang family come to an end

In the old society, the deep love between mother and child does not mean that they must love each other

In the clan families of the old society, the relationship between mother and child was often the most hated by the world. Mother and son are filial, who is like a blood relative? However, driven by power and interests, there are often hidden dangers between mother and child. Mother is kind and stubborn, one mother and one hundred sons are filial; The mother is blind and the child is ignorant, resting on her laurels without knowing it.

seems to be a family happiness, but in fact, the grievances and hatreds between mother and son are far more intense than between husband and wife or brothers. Song Huizong Zhao Ji often clashed with his mother throughout his life, which can be seen. The relationship between mother and son, it is impossible to tell whether it is love or resentment, envy or resentment, and it is often difficult to say.

In the old dynasties, the relationship between mother and son was often set aside as a power contest between the son inheriting the father's business and the mother being the wife. An enlightened and wise mother can make her offspring prosperous. Blind obedience to the superstitious and paranoid mother often becomes the bane of the family. According to the "Historical Records", the first emperor's mother, Queen Ting, was good at power, so that Qin Jun divided the world. Empress Wencheng, the mother of Emperor Khanwu, was wise and brave, and recovered it with filial piety from her mother and son. Therefore, the mother's kindness to the son, and the son's filial piety to the mother, are often only such superficial efforts.

At the time of the dynasty, the unparalleled Zhao clan was the finishing touch to the fall of the family and the imminent collapse of the building because of the right and wrong choices of a mother and a son. Although the Jingshi Wang family is a rising star, it is also due to the strength of Mrs. Wang, which eventually leads to the decline of the family. This mother-son dispute really makes future generations think deeply.

The royal family was iron-fisted in the past, and Mrs. Wang was once a very popular minister. After the death of the first emperor, the Wang family went from prosperity to decline, and went out of the palace gate three times. Although he later returned to Beijing to revitalize Wang Qi, his power was declining. The fate of the Wang family is tied to the hands of this wise old lady Wang in the past.

Mrs. Wang is over the age of sixteen and has long been old. But she cherished the ambition of the world, and was unwilling to let the Wang family decline, and tried her best to support her children and grandchildren. It's a pity that the heirs of the Wang family, or cowardly, or reckless and incompetent, are not talents. The only one who has some power tricks is the eldest daughter Aunt Kang, who is waiting to give birth for three days and three nights.

Aunt Kang was born in hardship, and Mrs. Wang regarded it as a pearl in her palm and favored it. Since she was a child, Mrs. Wang indulged in her arrogant temperament and protected all her actions. Aunt Kang was so doted on by Mrs. Wang, and she became more and more wanton in her work.

"Do You Know" Aunt Kang's mother, if Mother Zhao has the slightest scheming, she will never let the Wang family come to an end

She was powerful and blessed everywhere in the palace, and she left many calamities. first killed two maids, and then assassinated the concubine Qin. She was ruthless and unreasonable, and she didn't even let go of her sister-in-law. In the end, he murdered the precious gold and silver hairpins obtained from the bloodline of the Baoyu royal family, pulled his brother Wang into the water, and almost buried the entire Wang family.

However, Mrs. Wang never disciplined Aunt Kang for such actions. Instead, he blindly maintained it and did his best to excuse her. Mrs. Wang even called on her son Lord Wang to give it a go and seek justice for Aunt Kang with the Queen Mother. It can be described as a desperate gamble, but it was unexpectedly that the Wang family was finally trapped in a place of no return.

In fact, as early as when the Sheng family interrogated Aunt Kang's murder of Jin Hai, Lord Wang was deeply suspicious and wanted to bring Aunt Kang to justice. But Mrs. Wang insisted on protecting each other, and she turned things around and pushed her little daughter, Mrs. Wang, who was dead and lifeless, to the forefront. Seeing that his mother favored the eldest daughter so much, Lord Wang was unhappy and said angrily: "Mother, you really don't love me!"

Zhao's mother was wise and wise to save the family crisis

Unlike Mrs. Wang, who was wise enough to protect herself and dote on her children, Zhao's mother was wise and wise, sacrificed her life for righteousness, and knew right from wrong, and finally saved the Zhao clan from extinction.

"Do You Know" Aunt Kang's mother, if Mother Zhao has the slightest scheming, she will never let the Wang family come to an end

Zhao's mother was born in a famous family, and her husband Zhao Kuo was also a famous general in the Han Dynasty. Zhao Kuo was young and promising, bravely crowned the three armies, and won the appreciation of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. and Emperor Wu collapsed, Zhao Kuofu suppressed the thief rebellion for Wang Mang's court and made great achievements. Wang Mang noticed that Zhao Kuojun was prestigious, and he was afraid that Zhao Kuo would rebel, so he took his military power and granted him a puppet. Seeing that her son was humiliated, Zhao's mother was righteous and awe-inspiring, and tried her best to prevent Zhao Kuo from receiving it.

When Mi Mu was about to wake up, Zhao Mu repeatedly analyzed the reasoning, and Yin Yin admonished: "You are a cold cloth, why are you humiliated like this?" It's not the husband's doing! was insulted by Wang Mang like this, all because of your previous achievements, he was really afraid of your ability to defend the Han family. If you really do anything against heaven and apostasy, then I will break with you in this life, in this life, in this life, forever and ever!" Although Zhao's mother is from a prominent family, she can be prepared for danger in times of peace, open-minded, not only not confused by power, but also able to understand the scourge of arrogance and arrogance of her heirs.

Zhao Kuo knows that self-denial and revenge, open-mindedness, and prosperity in official fortune. However, he finally fell under his mother's prophecy. Zhao Kuo was dispatched by Wang Mang to quell the rebellion and forget about the empty door and cave mansion, but he was rebellious, treacherous, forged an edict, and defrauded the loyal proton. After defeating Zhuge Liang, he dug up the grave and exterminated the remnants, and ran rampant at will. For a time, the sky was angry and people were resentful, and Zhao Kuo provoked public resentment. Only Zhao's mother can be blamed for virtue, which is worthy of praise.

Although she has only a handful of books, she has a clear eye and a keen mind, far better than many people who are ignorant and ignorant under the banner of readers. Seeing her son acting step by step, she vowed to take responsibility, stop madness, and prevent Zhao Kuo from repeating his mistakes. She was wise and strategic, saving her family from fire and water. There is a historical record: "Zhao Kuo deserves the position of general of the unified army, and Zhao's mother persuaded him, saying: 'No, it will be of great use.'" He didn't listen, so he was defeated by Zhuge Liang. It can be seen that Zhao's mother's outspoken advice not only saved the Zhao family from the annihilation of the whole army, but also continued to last.

If you change to Zhao's mother, what choice will you make in the Wang family?

If Zhao's mother came to the palace, what should she do? Let's put it bluntly.

"Do You Know" Aunt Kang's mother, if Mother Zhao has the slightest scheming, she will never let the Wang family come to an end

Zhao's mother is wise and wise, and she must see through the arrogant and perverse nature of Aunt Kang. She will reprimand her harshly and kill the root of the bane. In the palace, Zhao's mother will not be soft, pointing directly at Aunt Kang's cunning nature, and advising Mrs. Wang: "This woman acts excessively, and it will eventually bring disaster to the Wang family!" Huafeng family, how can they end up with a broken family? In the past, I certainly discouraged Zhao Kuo from being rash, but today I dissuade Your Excellency out of sincerity. "

In the face of Zhao's mother's outspokenness, Mrs. Wang inevitably sweated and panicked. Although she was partial, she also knew that Aunt Kang was overdone. must suspect that what Zhao's mother said is true. At that time, Mrs. Wang was only afraid to think to herself: "My generation is a mother, can there be a day when I don't favor my children?" The mother was worried, and the daughter cried and the mother was sad. Now that this Mother Zhao is acting like this, could it be that I prefer Kang'er's approach too indulgently?" Once she has such doubts, Mrs. Wang will think twice.

Zhao's mother is clever, which is nothing less than this. She will even talk to Lord Wang and guide the heirs of the Wang family to work hard. "Your Excellency, the emperor and grandson, are talented and have a great husband, how can you be as careful as dust? You see Kang's reckless behavior, such a wanton and evil behavior, isn't it harming others and himself? Although you are young and vigorous, you are inevitably affected by your mother's doting, but your mother's kindness and ignorance are not a long-term solution. If you think twice and wake up in time, you will still have time to save the Wang family's decline. "

If Lord Wang listened to Zhao's mother's teachings, made up his mind, decisively abolished the horse leather cart, and replaced him with a more virtuous and housekeeper, he would definitely be able to revive the majesty of the Wang family. The ultimate treasure of the royal bloodline will not be taken away by Aunt Kang's despicable and shameless people, and the reputation of the Wang family is all there.

Mother and son filial piety should not be as paranoid as the royal family

Mother's kindness and filial piety are human nature. But doting and paranoid, he eventually suffered from it. History often gives the best footnotes.

Once upon a time, the Wang family was also a famous family in Beijing, with a prominent status and a good family. It can be described as a rich country. Mrs. Wang is in a high position, and she should have planned for the long-term of the family to protect the royal family's incense. Who knew that she was confined to a momentary preference and pushed the Wang family to the point of no return.

Aunt Kang was arrogant and committed many crimes, but Mrs. Wang not only did not punish her, but connived at it, disregarding the lives of her relatives.

"Do You Know" Aunt Kang's mother, if Mother Zhao has the slightest scheming, she will never let the Wang family come to an end

As a mother, it is inevitable that you will spoil your children excessively. But the wise mother will definitely be able to stop at the right time, and must not indulge to the point of no control. It is necessary to be generous and demanding. As the saying goes, "the son is not my rest, and the mother is not strukxqsx". Only in this way can the children of the royal family be cultivated into talents, so as not to go astray and bury the famous.

Diametrically opposed to Mrs. Wang, Zhao's mother acted decisively and wisely, and would never tolerate or accommodate. She knew that her son Zhao Kuowu was brave, and if he was arrogant, he would definitely cause chaos to the dynasty. So he made a decision and spoke out. In the end, the fame of Zhao Kuo I was fulfilled, so that Zhao's incense could be extended. With Zhao's mother being so wise, the Zhao family can naturally stand tall.

If the universe is rebuilt and Zhao's mother is in the Wang's house, there may not be such a tragedy. Mother Zhao will be able to see through Aunt Kang's obedient and cunning nature at the first time and give her a head start. She is so wise, she will definitely be able to see what kind of predicament the Wang family will fall into in the future, and decisively turn things around. Moreover, she still has the decisive experience that taught Zhao Kuo back then.

"Do You Know" Aunt Kang's mother, if Mother Zhao has the slightest scheming, she will never let the Wang family come to an end

Moreover, Mother Zhao will definitely guide Lord Wang to learn from the pain and regain his strength. She is not afraid to tell the truth, and she will discuss the rise and fall of the Wang family clearly. As long as Lord Wang is conscious, he will be able to drag the Wang family out of danger.

Throughout the history books, although there are overly paranoid and doting parents, there are even more virtuous and heroic predecessors. For example, King Qi Xuan believed in Ji E and killed Zhao Dun to arouse public anger, but he was also the founding merit of "from Pei Hui". People in the world tend to remember only the bad things of one generation, and forget the glory of the past.

Everyone has the heart of a son. But there will come a time when you let go. Virtuous parents must have insight beyond ordinary people to be able to speak out of Yangguan Road. Mrs. Wang was wise, but it was a pity that the clouds covered the fog and blindness and paranoia, and finally buried the future of the Wang family. How can my descendants not learn from it?

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