
The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

author:Little Red Riding Hood, who loves to be funny

In our ancient country, Liuli Realm, there is such a story, which is about a loving couple who let fate be given to each side of the world. The husband has not been seen for two years, and when he rushes home, he finds that his daughter-in-law is no longer the same person. Our glazed realm, it is a magical place, all year round like spring, flowers bloom like paintings.

In our land, there lives a strong man named Zhao Tiezhu. Tie Zhu's height must be eight feet, with big shoulders and a round waist, infinite strength, a bold personality, and a helpful personality, and anyone in the village has to give a thumbs up. His daughter-in-law, Cuihua, that is a flower in the village, gentle and virtuous, empathetic, the two of them have been childhood sweethearts since childhood, and when they grow up, they become husband and wife, and they are very affectionate.

One day, there was a sudden loud noise in the mountains outside the village, and the rocks rolled down and the smoke and dust rose everywhere. The villagers were panicked and didn't know what to do. It turned out to be a thousand-year-old demon beast sealed in the mountain, the Black Demon Jiao, who broke free from its shackles and wanted to come out to harm the world. In order to save our Liuli Realm, Tie Zhu set out on the road to the mountain without saying a word, vowing to seal this demon beast again and give the villagers a stable life.

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

Before leaving, Cuihua was in tears, holding Tiezhu's hand tightly, choked up and said, "Brother Zhu, you have to be careful!" I'm at home, waiting for you to come back. Tiezhu nodded, turned and disappeared into the smoke.

Time flies, two years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the past two years, Tie Zhu has endured a lot of hardships, and finally found a way to seal the Black Demon Jiao. With courage and wisdom, he sealed the demon beast back into the mountains. But when he came home tired, he found that everything had changed in the house. The house is still so clean, but the emerald flowers are gone. The iron pillar searched and searched, but found nothing.

Just when he was disheartened, a strange woman appeared. The woman was slender and beautiful, but there was a coldness in her eyes. She looked at the iron pillar and said lightly, "You're back?" Tie Zhu was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?" Why are you in my house? The woman smiled and said, "I am your daughter-in-law, Cuihua." When Tie Zhu heard this, he was frightened, and quickly shook his head: "Impossible!" My daughter-in-law Cuihua is gentle and virtuous, completely different from you! Who are you? ”

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

The woman sighed and slowly told the truth. It turned out that not long after the iron pillar left, Cuihua was captured by a mysterious force. They used an evil spell to lock Cuihua's soul in a distant place, leaving only an empty shell. And this empty shell was occupied by a woman who looked exactly like Cuihua. This woman's name is Condensation, she is the right-hand man of the mysterious force, and she came to the Glass Realm to find a legendary treasure - the Glass Heart. Glass Heart, this thing is not simple, it is a divine object that can manipulate time and space. Listening to the older generation, if anyone holds a glass heart in his hand, he will be a cow, he can go wherever he wants, and he can still manage the life and life of all things. Condensing this kid, when he heard that Liulixin was hidden in the Liuli Realm, he secretly planned how to get this treasure. Cuihua, this girl, I don't know why, has become a small chess piece in his plan.

Tie Zhu listened to the nonsense of condensation, and the fire in his heart rose up. He was angry at the that the mysterious forces had done to Cuihua, and he was also worried about Cuihua's safety. He took a hard breath, suppressed the fire in his heart, and said coldly to Condensation: "I don't care who you are or what your plans are." You have to tell me how to get my daughter-in-law out!" The condensing kid smiled slightly, and said, "If you want to save your daughter-in-law, you have to find Liulixin, and use its power to break the shackles of time and space and let Cuihua's soul be free." Hearing this, a hint of resoluteness flashed in Tie Zhu's eyes, he clenched his fists, and said in a low voice: "Okay! I'm going to find Glassheart! No matter how hard it is, I won't back down! ”

In this way, Tiezhu embarked on the road of treasure hunting again. He said goodbye to the condensation and embarked on a journey to find the heart of the glass. Along the way, he suffered all kinds of hardships and all kinds of sins, and finally found the clue of Liulixin in a remote cave. But just as he was about to touch the glass heart, a powerful force suddenly rushed over and knocked him down...... At this time, a voice sounded in his ears: "It's not so easy to get the glass heart." You have to pass the three hurdles I set before you can prove that you are qualified. Tie Zhu looked up, and an old guy in a black robe appeared out of thin air. The old guy looked quite kind, but there was a sharp look in his eyes, as if he could read people's hearts. Tie Zhu took a deep breath, stabilized his nerves, and said, "Senior, in order to save my daughter-in-law, I can do anything. I'm willing to accept any test! The old man nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell you what the first test is." You'll have to go to the deepest part of the Glazed Realm and find a place called the 'Fantasy Flower Sea'. There are all kinds of illusions there, and you can only get through them if you find the real exit. Tie Zhu didn't say much, struggled to get up from the ground, and walked towards the deepest part of the Glazed Realm. He crossed mountains and rivers, crossed forests and valleys, and finally came to the mysterious "fantasy flower sea". As soon as he entered the sea of flowers, Tiezhu felt dizzy. When you look around, you can see that it is full of colorful flowers, and the fragrance is fragrant and intoxicating. But behind this beauty, there are countless traps. The iron pillar walked cautiously, always on the lookout for movement around him. Tiezhu, this buddy, really traveled from south to north, and what kind of illusion made him bump into it. Some illusions made him dream back to his childhood, and the feeling was as sweet as eating a sugar gourd; Some let him see through the future at a glance, and the taste is better than drinking Lao Baigan; Others, directly threw him into the abyss of black and autumn, which is called a grievance. But Tiezhu, this kid, relied on the stubbornness of the Northeast people and the strength of not admitting defeat, step by step, and walked out of his own way.

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

Tiezhu's journey was really bumpy, and after many days and nights, he finally found the real exit. As soon as he stepped out of the illusion, his eyes suddenly opened up, and it felt like winter in the northeast suddenly ushered in spring. A majestic mountain peak stood there so hard, and the light on the top of the mountain was as dazzling as the snow in the northeast, and that was where the glass heart was.

Tie Zhu was excited, just like seeing dumplings during the New Year, and immediately rushed to the mountain. But just when he was about to touch the glass heart, a black shadow suddenly appeared and blocked in front of him. The black shadow was none other than condensation. Her eyes, as cold as winter in the Northeast, said to Tie Zhu: "Do you think the glass heart is so easy to get?" Stop dreaming! ”

Tie Zhu frowned, as if he had eaten a sour date, and asked Condensation: "What are you doing here?" I've passed the test of the old man, why don't you let me take the glass heart? Condensation sneered, and the laughter, which was more piercing than the northeast wind, said, "Test? The old man's test was just a joke. The real test is just beginning! As soon as the words fell, Condensation started, and Tie Zhu hurriedly dodged, the two of them came and went, just like the two people in the Northeast, fighting happily.

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

This battle lasted for a whole day and a night, and Tiezhu finally defeated the condensation with the tenacity and perseverance of the Northeast people. He gasped and walked towards Liulixin step by step, and the feeling was like finally waiting for spring in the northeast. The moment his hand touched Liulixin, a powerful force surged out, enveloping his whole body. Tie Zhu's consciousness began to blur, like drinking sorghum wine from the Northeast and getting drunk.

In that mysterious dream, Tiezhu saw the figure of Cuihua, who was bound by the power of darkness and struggled as hard as the winter in the Northeast. Tiezhu tried to rush over to save her, but was blocked by an invisible force. At this moment, a voice sounded in his ears, and that voice, just like the old man in the Northeast telling a story, said: "Iron Pillar, the power of the glass heart is powerful, but it is also dangerous. You have to use your courage and wisdom to control it in order to save your daughter-in-law. ”

In the deep mountains and old forests of the glazed realm, the iron pillar held the glazed heart tightly, feeling the warm and domineering power in the body. He knew in his heart that this was the only way to save Cuihua. He took a deep breath of the fresh air in the mountains, and that breath carried the boldness and atmosphere of the Northeast land, which made the courage in his heart feel like being beaten with chicken blood.

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

He closed his eyes, silently recited Cuihua's name in his heart, and then slammed the glass heart above his head, and shouted loudly: "Break!" As soon as this sound came out, the glass heart was like a cannon, shining brightly, illuminating the entire glass realm. Under the illumination of that light, the figure of the iron pillar slowly became blurred, and with a final bang, the person disappeared.

When Tiezhu opened his eyes again, he found that he had arrived in a strange place. It was a gray world, surrounded by cold stone walls, like a big prison cell. He looked around, and saw a stone wall not far away, tied with the emerald flowers he had been thinking about. Cuihua's face was pale, and her eyes were closed tightly, as if she had lost consciousness.

Tie Zhu's heart tightened, and he rushed over with three steps and two steps. He carefully untied the rope from Cuihua's body and held Cuihua in his arms. "Cuihua, wake up, look at me, I'm an iron pillar!" Tie Zhu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and his voice was full of anxiety and worry. But Cuihua still didn't react, as if she had slept to death.

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

Tie Zhu was in such a hurry, he didn't know what to do. At this moment, the glass heart in his hand suddenly flashed with a faint light. Tie Zhu's heart moved, and he hurriedly put the glass heart on Cuihua's forehead. The light seemed to have magical power, and slowly seeped into Cuihua's body. After a while, Cuihua's face became rosy, and her eyes slowly opened.

"Iron pillars?" Although Cuihua's voice was weak, she could hear it, and she was surprised, delighted, and moved. "It's me, Cuihua, I've found you!" Tie Zhu was so excited that tears were about to come out, and he hugged Cuihua tightly. The two of them hugged their heads and cried, as if they wanted to cry out all the thoughts and worries in their hearts.

After a long while, Cuihua slowly calmed down, she looked at the glass heart in Tiezhu's hand, and asked curiously, "What is this?" I felt the power of it. Tie Zhu told Cuihua the ins and outs and functions of the glass heart. After Cuihua heard this, she was full of emotion, she didn't expect that Tie Zhu would go through so many hardships and dangers in order to save her.

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

"Iron Pillar, you're stupid." Cuihua gently touched Tiezhu's face, her eyes full of love and gratitude. Tie Zhu grinned, and there was a pride of a Northeast man hidden in that smile, and he said: "For you, we are not afraid of anything!" The two glanced at each other, and the tacit understanding in those eyes seemed to blow away all those difficulties and obstacles. Holding hands, they walked out of the gray realm and returned to the glorious glazed realm.

Back in the Liuli Realm, Tie Zhu and Cuihua lived a sweet and quiet life. With their hands, they made the land warm and comfortable, planted all kinds of flowers and plants, trees and trees, and raised a nest of cute little animals. Their laughter and joy, like the spring breeze, blew all over every corner of the glazed realm, becoming the most beautiful scenery there.

But Tie Zhu knew in his heart that the glass heart in his hand was a baby bump, and he couldn't just take it out to show off. He hid the glass heart in the secret room of the house, and only when it was absolutely necessary, did he take it out and use it.

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."

One night, while Iron Pillar and Cuihua were enjoying the peace of their home, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps and shouting outside. The two of them hurriedly ran out to take a look, good guys, a group of people in black were making noise around the villagers of Liuli Realm. When Tie Zhu and Cuihua saw this posture, they were furious, and immediately rushed up to fight the man in black. But those men in black are not vegetarians, although Tiezhu and Cuihua are very brave, but they gradually feel a little overwhelmed.

At this juncture, Tie Zhu thought of the glass heart at home. He ran into the secret room with a smoke, took out the glass heart, held it high, and shouted: "Break!" As if he understood, the glass heart emitted a dazzling light, shaking those people in black to pieces. Tie Zhu took this opportunity to lead the villagers to fight back and drove all those black-clothed people out of the Liuli Realm.

Since then, the glazed realm has returned to its former tranquility and harmony. Tiezhu and Cuihua have also become great heroes in the glazed realm because of their bravery and wisdom, and they are respected and admired. Their story has been passed down by the villagers to ten, ten, and hundreds, and has become a beautiful legend that has been passed down through the ages, and it has been engraved on the land of Liuli Realm forever.

The husband did not return for two years and was about to have sex with his wife, but she said, "I am not your wife."