
The seven-year-old granddaughter always said that there was someone in the water tank, and the grandfather opened the water tank and trembled like chaff in fright

author:Little Red Riding Hood, who loves to be funny

In our northeast Gada, there is a small village where an old man surnamed Li lives, and everyone calls him Daddy Li. Daddy Li's family has a little granddaughter, named Xiaohua, who is seven years old this year, smart and cute, but it's a little weird, Lao Ai muttered to the big water tank at home, saying that there were people in the water tank. This water tank is an old antique of the Li family, it is very thick, and the edges are smooth like something, like the years have been polished. Usually, Daddy Li uses it to store water, and it can be used for drinking, washing, and cooking at home.

When Xiaohua can talk, he likes to walk around the water tank, and from time to time he leans over to take a look, and his mouth is still chattering. Daddy Li didn't take it to heart at first, thinking about children, there are always some strange ideas. But after a long time, he found that every time Xiaohua looked at the water tank, her expression was as serious as the real thing, as if she had really seen something amazing. Daddy Li began to mumble in his heart, could it be that there is really something greasy in this water tank?

That evening, as soon as Father Li came back from the field, Xiaohua hurriedly ran over, took his hand and dragged it to the water tank. "Grandpa, grandpa, look, there's someone in the tank again!" Xiaohua pointed to the water tank and said with a serious face. Daddy Li glanced in the direction of Xiaohua's finger, and there was nothing in the water tank except clear water. He touched Xiaohua's head and said with a smile: "Xiaohua, are you dazzled?" Where's anyone in the tank? Xiaohua was so anxious that she stomped her feet: "Really, grandpa, I didn't lie to you, there is really someone in the water tank, and I still chatter with him!" When Father Li heard this, he had to investigate this matter, so he moved a chair and sat by the water tank, and asked Xiaohua to try to talk to the people in the water tank again.

The seven-year-old granddaughter always said that there was someone in the water tank, and the grandfather opened the water tank and trembled like chaff in fright

Xiaohua closed her eyes and said something in her mouth, and after a while, she suddenly opened her eyes and said in horror: "Grandpa, he said that he was wronged, and he came up with it!" When Father Li heard this, his heart tightened, he looked at Xiaohua, then at the water tank, and muttered in his heart. Could it be that there is something unclean in this tank? He took a deep breath and decided to open the tank to see what was going on. He found tools and carefully opened the lid of the tank. As soon as the lid was lifted, a cold breath came to his face, and Daddy Li couldn't help but shiver. He settled down, looked into the water tank, and saw a pale human face floating on the water, his eyes were closed, his face was pale, and he was terrible to look at. Father Li trembled with fright, and the tools in his hand fell to the ground. He asked in a trembling voice, "You...... Who are you? Why is it in the water tank? The human face suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with resentment, he slowly spoke, his voice hoarse and low: "I am the former village chief of this village, I was framed, I died an unknown death, my body was sealed in this water tank, and I couldn't live beyond my ......" When Father Li heard this, he was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, and he trembled and said, "You...... What do you want? The man smiled wryly and said, "I just want to find out the truth and give me a clean slate." "Gee, that's a real annoyance." I want you to help me find my family, tell them what happened to me, and let them redress my grievances. When Father Li heard this, his heart tightened, and he nodded and said, "Okay, I will answer you." But let's find out first, why are you trapped in this tank? The man's face sank, he sighed, and slowly told his story......

Before dawn the next day, Father Li hurried to the elders in the village and told him about the matter. When the elders heard this, they were all stunned, and they all said that this matter had to be investigated, and the former village chief could not be allowed to die unjustly. So, Daddy Li and the elders in the village began to inquire around, looking for the family of the former village chief. After some tossing, they finally found Xiao Zhang, the son of the former village chief. As soon as Xiao Zhang heard this, tears flowed down his eyes, and he choked up and said: "My father and he are not clear, we always thought that he died of illness, but we didn't expect it...... I didn't expect him to be wronged! Father Li patted Xiao Zhang's shoulder and comforted: "It's not too late to know now, we have to find a way to return your father's innocence." Xiao Zhang wiped his tears and nodded firmly.

So, Daddy Li and Xiao Zhang began to run around, looking for evidence and redress the grievances of the former village chief. This matter spread in the village, and everyone talked about it. Some people say that the former village chief was wronged, some people say that this matter needs to be investigated, and some people say that there are really ghosts in this water tank. However, no matter what you say, everyone thinks that this matter has to be settled.

The seven-year-old granddaughter always said that there was someone in the water tank, and the grandfather opened the water tank and trembled like chaff in fright

At this time, a Taoist priest came to the village. This Taoist priest was wearing a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, looking like a fairy wind and bones. After he heard about this, he took the initiative to find Daddy Li and Xiao Zhang, and expressed his willingness to help solve the ghost problem in the water tank. When Father Li and Xiao Zhang heard that this Taoist priest was willing to help, they were overjoyed. They hurriedly invited the Taoist priest to their home and explained in detail what had happened. After hearing this, the Taoist priest nodded and said, "I understand this matter, don't worry, I will help you solve the ghost problem in this water tank." ”

That night, the Taoist priest came to the water tank. He closed his eyes, muttered words in his mouth, and waved the dust in his hand, only to see a flash of golden light, and a puff of black smoke suddenly came out of the water tank. As the black smoke cleared, the face disappeared without a trace. The Taoist priest opened his eyes and said to Father Li and Xiao Zhang: "This ghost has been overtaken by me, and he will go to reincarnate and become a new person." The resentment in this tank has also been dispelled by me, you can rest assured. When Daddy Li and Xiao Zhang heard this, they were grateful. They hurriedly thanked the Taoist priest and invited him to stay at home for a few days. The Taoist priest politely declined their kindness, saying that he would continue to travel all over the world and act chivalrous and righteous.

Soon after the Taoist priest left, Father Li and Xiao Zhang found enough evidence to clear the grievances of the former village chief. As soon as this matter is over, the people in the village can be regarded as relieved, after all, no one wants to have a ghost in their village to make trouble. The matter between Father Li and Xiao Zhang has also become a good story in the village. The former village chief's family can be regarded as getting the compensation and comfort they deserve. Since then, no one in our village has ever mentioned the ghost in the water tank, and everyone has lived a peaceful life. Xiaohua, this girl, since the Taoist priest overtook the ghosts in the water tank, she never said anything about the shadow in the water tank. She has become more lively than before, playing with her friends every day, and she is happy.

The seven-year-old granddaughter always said that there was someone in the water tank, and the grandfather opened the water tank and trembled like chaff in fright

Father Li looked at his granddaughter's joy, not to mention how comfortable he was. After this matter spread in our village, everyone gave a thumbs up to Daddy Li and Xiao Zhang, praising Daddy Li as a good person with affection and righteousness, and Xiao Zhang is also a good son who is filial. As for the Taoist priest, because he helped our villagers solve the problem of ghosts in the water tank, his reputation has risen and he has become a legend.

The secret in the water tank was finally revealed, and the people in our village also learned: you must be honest and kind, and you can't wronged good people; When you encounter problems, you have to face them bravely, and you can't dodge. In this way, we can live a happy and peaceful life. Daddy Li and Little Tweed, they still live that ordinary and warm little life. Every morning, Daddy Li went to work in the fields; Xiaohua helps with housework and takes care of her grandfather at home. Although the family conditions are average, they are quite happy.

The water tank is still quietly placed in the yard, watching the bits and pieces of this home. As the days passed, the water tank of Daddy Li's house still stood quietly in the yard, as if telling the secrets of the past. However, since the Taoist priest overtook the ghost, the people in the village have stayed away from this water tank and dare not mention it easily. Daddy Li and Xiaohua are not like this, they still live a simple and peaceful life.

The seven-year-old granddaughter always said that there was someone in the water tank, and the grandfather opened the water tank and trembled like chaff in fright

As Xiaohua grows up, she becomes more and more intelligent and clever, and can always come up with some novel ideas to make her grandfather happy. Father Li also loves this granddaughter more and more, and regards her as all the hope of his life. One day, Xiaohua suddenly said to Daddy Li: "Grandpa, I want to turn this water tank into a scene in our house, so that the guests who come to our house can know the story of this water tank." When Daddy Li heard this, he smiled happily: "Good idea, Xiaohua!" Let's turn this tank into an attraction! ”

Xiaohua, this girl, is also becoming more and more capable in this process. She learned how to cook good food, entertain guests, and mingle with tourists. Her intelligence and warmth make guests feel like they have come back to their own home, warm and comfortable.

The seven-year-old granddaughter always said that there was someone in the water tank, and the grandfather opened the water tank and trembled like chaff in fright

As time passed, Daddy Li's farmhouse became more and more famous, and tourists flocked to enjoy one pleasant vacation after another here. Xiaohua has also made a lot of new friends, and her life has become more colorful. No matter how life changes, Daddy Li and Xiaohua remember the story of the water tank that gave them a headache for many years. They often sit by the water tank and reminisce about that time that was both mysterious and touching. They know that it is the story of the water tank that makes their lives more exciting.

In the end, Daddy Li and Xiaohua changed the name of the farmhouse to "Water Tank Edge". They hope that the name will always remember the water tank that accompanied them through difficult times, and that touching story. Now, the "Water Tank Edge" farmhouse has become a tourist hotspot here, and tourists have left good memories and deep feelings here. Daddy Li and Xiaohua continue to live their simple and happy lives, using their enthusiasm and wisdom to write their own legends.

As for the water tank that once gave Daddy Li and Xiaohua a headache, they are now standing quietly in the yard and watching the family's change from hardship to happiness. It seems to tell everyone in its own way: no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter in life, as long as we face them bravely and actively deal with them, we will definitely be able to create a better future of our own.