
New Chat New Scene丨Lotus Lake Scenic Area: Lotus flowers are blooming and the fragrance attracts guests

author:Liaocheng News Media

  On June 30, the plank road of the Lianhu Water Conservancy Scenic Area of Tuxiao River attracted many citizens and tourists. As a national water conservancy scenic spot, the Lianhu Scenic Area, which covers an area of nearly 1,000 acres, has clear water and picturesque scenery, and tourists flock to it, becoming a popular check-in place in summer.

New Chat New Scene丨Lotus Lake Scenic Area: Lotus flowers are blooming and the fragrance attracts guests
New Chat New Scene丨Lotus Lake Scenic Area: Lotus flowers are blooming and the fragrance attracts guests
New Chat New Scene丨Lotus Lake Scenic Area: Lotus flowers are blooming and the fragrance attracts guests
New Chat New Scene丨Lotus Lake Scenic Area: Lotus flowers are blooming and the fragrance attracts guests

  In recent years, Liaocheng has built beautiful rivers and lakes and built a beautiful water city, and the Liaocheng section of the Tuxiao River has become a well-known waterfront sightseeing line.

  Text/Picture Reporter Xu Jinsong