
Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

author:Zhuxiao Institute
Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset
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Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

Behind the glamour of the entertainment industry, there is a little-known story that is quietly being staged. The well-known host Cheng Lei, a man of the hour on Shanghai TV, hides a heavy secret.

In 2000, a physical examination report was like a bolt from the blue, and Cheng Lei was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis. This hereditary disease is like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, threatening his health and career at all times.

Cheng Lei bears the weight of this secret alone until love comes. In 2013, when he was about to enter the marriage hall with Wang Mengmeng, who was 18 years younger than him, his inner struggle reached its peak.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

He knew it was time to uncover the long-hidden scar.

On a quiet night, Cheng Lei finally mustered up the courage and confessed his illness to his fiancée with trembling hands. His eyes were filled with fear and unease, and his voice became choked.

He was afraid that this cruel truth would destroy their hard-won relationship, and he was even mentally prepared to be abandoned.

However, Wang Mengmeng's reaction was beyond his expectations. She did not flinch or accuse, but firmly held Cheng Lei's hand, with a resolute glint in her eyes.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

She said softly: "I love you as a person, whether you are sick or not, I will be by your side." This simple but powerful promise, like a good medicine, soothed the wounds in Cheng Lei's heart.

In this way, Wang Mengmeng proved with her actions that the power of love can overcome all difficulties, and also laid a solid foundation for their upcoming married life.

In 2007, the recording site of Dragon TV's "Meet on Saturday" ushered in a young and beautiful intern - Wang Mengmeng. At that time, Cheng Lei, as the host of the show, didn't care too much about this fledgling little girl.

He even commented contemptuously: "Wang Mengmeng is only suitable for making a beautiful ornament." Although this sentence was harsh, it inspired Wang Mengmeng's inner fighting spirit, and she was secretly determined to use her strength to prove her worth.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

With the passage of time, Wang Mengmeng's diligence and intelligence gradually attracted Cheng Lei's attention. She not only performs well at work, but also often takes the initiative to ask Cheng Lei for business knowledge.

Cheng Lei gradually discovered that this young girl was far from being as simple as it seemed. Her humility and courtesy, dedicated attitude, and calm attitude in the face of criticism have impressed Cheng Lei.

The communication between the two has become more and more frequent, and the mutual understanding and trust between them have also deepened unconsciously. Cheng Lei was attracted by Wang Mengmeng's intelligence and tenacity, while Wang Mengmeng appreciated Cheng Lei's humor and connotation.

Despite the 18-year age gap, their hearts are getting closer.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. There are endless doubts from the outside world, some people think that Wang Mengmeng is trying to cling to fame and fortune, and some people think that Cheng Lei is taking advantage of his position.

In the face of these criticisms, the two chose to remain silent, using time and action to prove their sincerity.

Finally, at the 2012 SMG "Famous, Excellent, and New Broadcaster" award ceremony, Cheng Lei couldn't hold back his excitement and announced his relationship with Wang Mengmeng in public.

He affectionately took Wang Mengmeng's hand and explained to everyone present: "Our feelings are not deliberately concealed, but as staff of public institutions, we think that the relationship is a private matter."

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

But now, I want to share my happiness with everyone.

At this moment, all doubts and criticisms vanished. The audience applauded thunderously, witnessing the sincere feelings of this pair across age boundaries. Cheng Lei also humorously said: "In the future, everyone should stop joking that they want to marry their daughter to me, otherwise my family may fall into crisis."

These words caused Wang Mengmeng to bow her head shyly, and the scene continued to laugh.

From acquaintance to love, Cheng Lei and Wang Mengmeng broke the world's prejudice with two sincere hearts and composed a moving love song. Their stories tell us that true love knows no age, as long as two people have the same heart, they can create their own happiness.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

In September 2013, Cheng Lei and Wang Mengmeng officially entered the marriage hall with the blessing of relatives and friends. Only half a month later, on October 11, they held a romantic and grand wedding in Shanghai.

At the wedding scene, the newlyweds were filled with happy smiles on their faces, and the blessings of the guests came and went. The well-known hosts Ni Lin and Ji Xueping served as the wedding master of ceremonies and sent the most sincere blessings to the couple.

婚礼上,《All I Ask Of You》的优美旋律萦绕在空中,见证了这对新人的甜蜜时刻。

However, this happiness soon met a severe test. Soon after the marriage, Cheng Lei's hepatitis condition suddenly deteriorated. He had to give up his beloved job as a host and begin the long and arduous process of treatment.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

Every day, he needs to take his medication on time, have regular check-ups, and his diet needs to be strictly controlled. Looking at his increasingly thin self in the mirror, Cheng Lei felt deeply powerless and frustrated.

At this moment, Wang Mengmeng made a decision that surprised everyone. She resolutely resigned from her rising hosting job and devoted herself to taking care of her husband.

Every day, she carefully prepared a nutritious and balanced diet for Cheng Lei, accompanied him to the hospital for examinations, and even learned nursing knowledge in order to better take care of her husband.

In the face of his wife's dedication, Cheng Lei was both moved and guilty in his heart. He once persuaded Wang Mengmeng not to sacrifice his career for himself, but Wang Mengmeng just smiled and said: "We are a family, and your business is my business."

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to overcome the disease. This firm commitment gave Cheng Lei infinite strength and courage.

Their lives have not been smooth sailing during this difficult time. Financial pressures, health issues, and skepticism from the outside world have all brought challenges to the newlyweds.

But they chose to support each other and face it together. Cheng Lei worked hard to cooperate with the treatment and actively adjust his mentality; Wang Mengmeng used meticulous care and care to hold up a piece of the sky for her husband.

In 2014, during this challenging time, they ushered in a dawn in their lives - the birth of their son "Xiao Chenglei". This cute little life brings infinite joy and hope to the family.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

Cheng Lei looked at his infant son, tears flashed in his eyes, and he secretly vowed to work hard to recover and contribute to this happy family.

The arrival of "Little Cheng Lei" not only brought joy to the family, but also gave Cheng Lei more motivation to fight the disease. Watching his son grow up healthily day by day, Cheng Lei's physical condition has gradually improved.

Wang Mengmeng's efforts finally paid off, and there was a little more gratifying smile on her face.

Cheng Lei's hosting career can be called brilliant. On Shanghai TV, his programs such as "Commenting on the Head" and "Five Minutes of Gossip" were widely popular and won the love of countless audiences.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

His handsome and chic image and witty and humorous hosting style have made him the "national male god" in the hearts of Shanghai audiences. Some enthusiastic viewers even called the TV station and expressed their willingness to marry their daughter to him, which shows the charm of it.

However, in 2004, just when his career was in full swing, Cheng Lei had to temporarily leave the "Family Studio" program due to his aggravated illness. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to him.

He had to put down his beloved job and go home to recuperate. This year was long and painful for Cheng Lei, but he never gave up his love for the hosting career.

After a year of recuperation, Cheng Lei returned to the screen and continued his hosting career. The warm welcome from the audience made him feel the meaning and value of his profession. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

In 2021, Cheng Lei attended the 60th birthday party of Zhou Zhengyi, the former richest man in Shanghai, who had just been released from prison. This seemingly ordinary invitation to attend caused an uproar.

Late at night on April 18, Shanghai Radio and Television Station issued a number of announcements in succession, revealing many details of the birthday party in detail. As a result of this incident, many hosts, including Cheng Lei, were unable to continue to participate in TV shows.

Cheng Lei was forced to leave his beloved stage again, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to him who had just returned to work at Dragon TV.

Facing the ups and downs of his career, Cheng Lei was full of frustration. But every time he saw his wife Wang Mengmeng's firm eyes and heard his son's innocent laughter, he regained the motivation to move forward.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

He began to experiment with the transition, putting his vast experience to work behind the scenes and contribute to the planning and production of TV shows.

This experience made Cheng Lei deeply realize that the road of life is not always smooth sailing, but as long as there is love in his heart, he will never be defeated. His story also teaches us that success is defined not only by being in the spotlight, but also by stepping back into the background.

The love story of Cheng Lei and Wang Mengmeng has been questioned from the beginning. The 18-year-old age gap has become the focus of discussion in the outside world, some people think that this relationship is difficult to last, and some people even maliciously speculate that Wang Mengmeng has ulterior motives.

However, the couple proved that sincere feelings can overcome all obstacles.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

In the face of Cheng Lei's health problems, Wang Mengmeng showed extraordinary courage and love. She resolutely gave up her hosting career, which was on the rise, and devoted herself to her family.

Since then, she has not only become Cheng Lei's wife, but also his personal nurse, nutritionist and psychological counselor. Whenever Cheng Lei was depressed due to his illness, Wang Mengmeng could always give him strength with gentle words and firm eyes.

Cheng Lei is also trying to adjust his mentality and actively cooperate with the treatment. He often sighed: "It is the greatest luck in my life to meet Meng Meng." I want to try to live for her and for our children.

This spirit of mutual support has deepened their feelings in the midst of difficulties.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

In the face of criticism from the outside world, they chose to respond with actions. Their relationship is not for fame and fortune, but from mutual appreciation and understanding. Wang Mengmeng once said in an interview: "The meeting of two people may be accidental, but to be able to get along for a long time, it must be to discover the quality of the other party that is worth devoting a lifetime to love."

The story of Cheng Lei and Wang Mengmeng tells us that love knows no age, and sincere feelings can overcome all difficulties. They used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son".

In this world full of uncertainties, their love is undoubtedly a warm light that illuminates the hearts of many people.

Today, Cheng Lei and Wang Mengmeng have a happy family life and have become a model of sincere feelings in the entertainment industry. Although they still have to face Cheng Lei's health problems and career challenges, their relationship is getting deeper and deeper.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

The healthy growth of his son "Xiao Chenglei" has brought infinite joy and hope to the family. It is gratifying that the child did not inherit his father's hereditary disease, but showed a smart and clever nature.

Whenever they saw their son's innocent smile, Cheng Lei and Wang Mengmeng felt that all their efforts were worth it.

Although Cheng Lei's health still needs long-term attention, with his wife and son by his side, his mentality has become more positive and optimistic. The warm daily life of their family of three is often praised by netizens as "the benchmark of happiness".

The story of Cheng Lei and Wang Mengmeng tells us that true love can cross the age gap, overcome the troubles of illness, and withstand the test of time. They interpreted the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son" with practical actions, and injected a warm medicine into this impetuous society.

Well-known host Cheng Lei: Married an 18-year-old wife with hepatitis, and his wife no longer went to work to accompany him after the onset

In this world full of uncertainties, Cheng Lei and Wang Mengmeng's family is undoubtedly a beacon, guiding the direction of happiness for many people. Their stories will continue to inspire more people to bravely pursue true love and build happy families.

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