
American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

author:Nongnong Cultural Society
American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside
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American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

As the sun shines on the river, American engineer Tom Brown frowns as he stands in front of an old dam about to be demolished. His gaze crossed the wide river, but his thoughts drifted to the far east.

While the United States is aggressively dismantling dams, China is aggressively building hydropower plants. This stark contrast baffled Tom.

"We're demolishing, they're building, why is that?" Tom muttered to himself, his fingers tapping unconsciously on the engineering drawings. The United States has dismantled more than 1,300 dams in recent years, while China is pushing ahead with large-scale hydropower projects like the Three Gorges Dam, which can generate a staggering 100 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity each year.

What are the considerations behind this seemingly contradictory phenomenon? Is it purely eco-friendly, or is it an ulterior motive? Tom decided to delve into the issue and unravel the mystery behind the construction of the hydropower plant.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

He clenched the notebook in his hand and prepared to embark on a journey of discovery into the complex world of hydropower station construction.

Tom recalls the shocking scene when he visited the Three Gorges Dam ten years ago. The giant dam across the Yangtze River not only provides China with a steady stream of clean energy, but also boosts the economic development of the surrounding impoverished areas.

At that time, he became interested in China's hydropower construction capacity.

However, what really amazed Tom was the construction of the Baihetan Hydropower Station. Located in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, the megaproject faced a daunting set of technical challenges: deep overburden, extremely high in-situ stresses, huge head pressures, turbulent water flows, and large amounts of sediment.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

Tom once believed that these technical hurdles were almost insurmountable.

"How did they do it?" Tom recalls interacting with his Chinese counterparts with the enthusiasm of a professional in his eyes. Chinese engineers proudly presented a range of cutting-edge technologies they have developed: deep overburden tunnel group construction technology, high geostress tunnel construction technology, and the world's largest diameter flood discharge tunnel construction technology.

These innovations not only solved the problem of Baihetan, but also propelled China's hydropower projects to a leading position in the world.

The successful completion of the Baihetan Hydropower Station not only provides strong clean energy support for China's economic and social development, but also demonstrates the strength of "Created in China" to the world.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

From scheme design to project implementation, every link has condensed the wisdom and hard work of Chinese engineers.

Tom shook his head slightly, a mixed expression on his face. He couldn't help but wonder: In the face of such an astonishing achievement, is the criticism of China's hydropower construction still valid in the American engineering community? Does this technological progress mean that China has found a way to balance development and environmental protection? With these questions in mind, Tom decided to explore the pros and cons of hydropower development.

As he learned more about China's hydropower development, Tom fell into deep thought. He sat in his office, with a notebook spread out in front of him full of the pros and cons of the construction of the hydropower plant.

Sunlight shone onto the paper through the window, illuminating his tangled expression.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

Tom began by listing the advantages of hydropower development. As a clean, renewable and green energy source, hydropower produces almost no pollutant emissions. He remembered reports on China's power network that hydropower could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

In addition, hydropower plants provide a stable source of irrigation water and promote agricultural development. In particular, Tom noted that reservoirs can also mitigate flooding by regulating river flows, which is critical in densely populated riparian areas.

"It's true that hydropower has significant economic and environmental advantages," Tom said to himself, tapping his fingers lightly on the table. He recalled the staggering power generation of the Baihetan hydropower station and its contribution to the optimization of China's energy structure.

However, as an environmentally conscious engineer, Tom can't ignore the ecological problems that hydropower construction can bring. He flipped to another page of notes that his American counterparts were concerned that the dam would flood large swaths of land, destroy the original ecological environment and threaten the habitats of flora and fauna.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

Reservoirs can alter the natural flow of rivers and affect fish migration and reproduction. More seriously, reservoirs can lead to eutrophication, affecting water quality.

Tom frowned, recalling America's decision to dismantle the old dam. "Has China really taken these ecological issues into account?" He muttered to himself. He realizes that it doesn't seem reasonable to deny the value of hydropower altogether, especially given China's huge energy demand and environmental pressures.

Standing up, Tom walked to the window and looked at the river in the distance. He was caught in a dilemma: how to find a balance between developing clean energy and protecting the environment? This is a problem that not only bothers him, but also the entire industry.

"Perhaps," Tom thought, "the key is how to develop and use hydropower more intelligently." He decided to learn more about China's efforts and innovations in this area.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

With this in mind, Tom turned off the lights in his office and prepared to continue his investigation. He knows that only a comprehensive understanding of China's practices can make a fair judgment on hydropower development.

With questions in mind, Tom decided to learn more about how China is dealing with the environmental challenges of hydropower construction. He reached out to several of his Chinese counterparts and pored over reports on China Energy News.

As the investigation deepened, Tom gained a new understanding of China's approach.

To Tom's surprise, the Chinese government and people have a clear and deep understanding of the pros and cons of hydropower development. He found that as the world's largest developing country, China needs to vigorously develop clean energy to meet the needs of economic construction.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

At the same time, China also attaches great importance to ecological and environmental protection and upholds the concept of sustainable development.

"They're not blindly pursuing development," Tom wrote in his notebook, "but they're trying to find balance." "

Through conversations with Chinese engineers, Tom learned that China conducts a comprehensive environmental impact assessment during the planning and construction of hydropower plants. They have taken a variety of measures to mitigate the impact on the ecosystem, such as building ecological river crossing facilities and adjusting the discharge volume to protect the river ecology and fish migration.

What is even more interesting to Tom is that China is actively promoting the construction of small, decentralized hydropower plants. This approach makes use of hydroenergy resources while minimizing the impact on the environment.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

Tom drew an exclamation point in his notebook, "It's a clever balancing act," he said to himself.

Tom also noted that China's hydropower development strategy reflects the concept of economic development and ecological protection. He recalled the words of a Chinese colleague: "We know that the economy can only achieve truly sustainable growth on the basis of green development."

This balancing act has given Tom a new perspective on hydropower development in China. He realizes that criticism is easy, but finding practical solutions is the real challenge.

China's approach may not be perfect, but it certainly demonstrates the pursuit of sustainable development.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

Closing the notebook, Tom fell into deep thought. He began to question whether the U.S. criticism of China's hydropower construction was fair. "Perhaps," he thought, "we should look at this more objectively than simply deny it."

With this new understanding in mind, Tom decided to re-examine the U.S. position and explore the real motives behind the criticism.

As he learned more about China's hydropower development, Tom began to question the real motives of the United States in criticizing China's hydropower construction. He sat in his study at home, the leaves rustling in the breeze outside the window, a serenity that contrasted with the confusion in his heart.

As an American engineer, Tom has always been proud of America's leadership in global environmental protection. However, when he set his sights on the international stage, he discovered that things were not as simple as they seemed.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

He recalled the various performances of the United States in the field of environmental protection in recent years, and a trace of doubt rose in his heart.

"Are we really just concerned about the environment?" Tom asked himself, his fingers tapping unconsciously on the table. He realized that by educating the public about the environmental impact of dam construction, the United States has not only raised public awareness of environmental protection, but also strengthened its image as an environmental leader.

After thinking deeply, Tang had to admit that the United States' actions may contain more complex strategic considerations. He laid out in his notebook a few points: limiting the energy self-sufficiency of potential competitors, maintaining global and regional influence, and guiding other countries to shape environmental policies.

All of these factors may be influencing the position of the United States.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

Tom recalled the words of a Chinese colleague: "The United States has always portrayed itself as a leader and advocate in the field of global environmental protection." Now, the phrase has taken on a new meaning in his ears.

He was aware that international political and economic factors played an important role in environmental issues. This realization gave him a new perspective on the critical attitude of the United States.

Tom took a deep breath and decided that as an engineer, he should look at the issue more objectively rather than simply following the mainstream view.

"Perhaps," Tom thought, "true environmental protection requires global cooperation, not finger-pointing at each other." With this new understanding, he began to think about the future direction of the hydropower industry.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

Standing on the threshold of a new era, Tom is looking forward to the future of hydropower. He stood in front of his office window, looking at the river in the distance, thinking about the future of the hydropower industry.

Despite the controversy, Tom realizes that hydropower will continue to play an important role in the global energy mix for the foreseeable future. He recalled a recent report he read, saying that emerging renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, although promising, are unlikely to completely replace the stability and adjustability of hydropower in the short term.

Tom is particularly interested in the development of new hydropower technologies. He wrote in his notebook "pumped storage power stations" and "micro-hydropower", innovations that promise to further improve the flexibility and applicability of hydropower.

"Perhaps," Tom thought, "the hydropower of the future will be smarter, greener and more efficient." He believes that with the advancement of science and technology, the hydropower industry will usher in new development opportunities.

American engineer: I can't understand the Chinese, vigorously develop hydroelectric power, but I don't know the harm inside

Closing the notebook, Tom's eyes sparkled with hope. He knows that there is still a long way to go for hydropower, but the possibilities for the future are exciting.

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