
Vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators and promote the great cause of national rejuvenation

author:Green China
Vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators and promote the great cause of national rejuvenation

Text/Yao Hongchang

Open the classics and talk to the sages, let us feel happy. "Qiantang has been prosperous since ancient times", and it is endless, because Zhejiang has always had beautiful mountains and rivers and outstanding people, among which there are countless Zhejiang educators who have struggled for it. They always stand on the high ground of history, create an extraordinary reputation for Zhejiang education, lead the way for the progress of Zhejiang's social civilization, and sing for the inheritance of human civilization.

1. The historical contribution of "100 Zhejiang School of Education".

Zhejiang is one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization, and it can really be said that the heroic spirit is obtained from the landscape, the atmosphere of the landscape is obtained from the heaven and the earth, and the clarity of the world is obtained from the talent. According to archaeological historical data, as early as 1 million years ago, there were traces of human activities in the territory, and more than 100 Neolithic sites have been discovered. In ancient times, the evolution of human civilization in Zhejiang became more and more obvious, among which the famous ones are 7000-8000 years ago across the lake bridge culture, 6000 years of Majiabang culture, 5000-7000 years of Hemudu culture, 4000-5000 years of Liangzhu culture, in recent years, the largest ancient city ruins in China 5000 years ago have been found in Liangzhu......

For the understanding of the 100 schools of Zhejiang education, we have chosen a broad vision. For example, the Encyclopedia of China Education believes that "education is a social phenomenon that cultivates people, and it is a necessary means to convey production experience and social life experience." The "Dictionary of Education" believes that "education generally refers to various activities that affect people's knowledge and skills, physical and mental health, and the formation of ideology and morality"; According to the "Pedagogy" compiled by Nanjing Normal University, "education generally refers to all activities that improve people's knowledge, skills, physical health, and form or change people's ideological consciousness. Therefore, "education in a broad sense is a concept with infinite extension, which covers the two historical development stages of education, 'free' and 'self-made', and includes all stages of education from ancient times to the present, which coexists with human beings; Spatially, it includes all fields of education and all forms of education, mainly including human education, family education, social education and school education. [1] Hence the inference: where there are human beings, there is education. It is the educational practice of the ancestors that has been accompanying and promoting the civilization and progress of Zhejiang society.

Ancient times. According to accurate written records, before Qin Shi Huang unified China, schools had already appeared in Zhejiang during the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Wu and Yue fought for hegemony, and the Yue King Gou practiced lying on his back and tasted his courage, "ten years of life and gathering, ten years of lessons", and he already knew how to revitalize the country through education. In the eleventh year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (35 years), there was a library in Shangyu County, "Wang Chong was eight years old and came out of the library, and there were more than 100 small servants in the library." [2] Wang Chong became the first person in the "100 schools of education in Zhejiang". It has left a strong mark on the history of education in Zhejiang. All kinds of historical and historical materials are included in the entry of "Wang Chong", and it is he who has established Zhejiang's lofty position in Chinese academic history. In the same way, he used the simple dialectical materialist viewpoint to criticize and inherit the ideas of the sages, put forward his own educational values, educational principles, and training goals, and opposed "believing in teachers is ancient"; Advocating the role of educationalization, the requirements of broad-based learning, the way of understanding things by learning, the qualifications of teachers who are specialized and thorough, and the talent standards of respecting Hongru were undoubtedly empty valley foottones, shocking swan songs, and the benchmark banner of Zhejiang education. Since then, the style of learning has flourished like a prairie fire, and education has appeared one after another, such as Pingyang School Palace, Yongjia County School and other local government schools began to rise. Famous teachers from all over the country have set up museums to teach apprentices, all kinds of talents have been highly used, and the economy and culture have continued to prosper.

Sui and Tang dynasties. Since the Sui and Tang dynasties, feudal society has entered its heyday, and education in Zhejiang has gradually improved. With the Jin Dynasty moved east and the capital of Jiankang (now Nanjing), prompted a large number of famous families and scholars and famous teachers in the Central Plains to flock to the south, Zhejiang also belongs to the "near the water building", the Southern Qi Dynasty, Longyou "Mengshan Jingshe" became one of the nine famous academies in the country, Xu Bozhen Hongyi tenacity, hard study for ten years, proficient in scripture and history, and Taoism, become a person of full learning, but he is indifferent to Shijin, continue to build Mengshan Jingshe, prosperous students up to more than 1,000 people. Historically, in the Tang Dynasty, most of the state capitals in Zhejiang set up state schools, and many counties and counties set up county schools. For example, Dr. Zheng Qian of Guangwen was demoted to Taizhou to join the army, he attached great importance to the development of education, opened a school in the state city of Linhai, absorbed the children of the common people, and personally taught Taizhou to "gradually improve morale and folk customs".

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhejiang's culture and education flourished unprecedentedly, Fuzhou county schools were widely established, and there were many academies in secluded places, and many scholars were keen to preach and teach. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Hu Ying presided over the state school in Huzhou, and the "Suhu Teachings" created by him became famous for a while; During the Qingli period, Du Alcohol, Yang Shi, Lou Yu, Wang Zhi, and Wang Shuo, who were known as the "Five Gentlemen of Qingli", were all actively engaged in educational activities in eastern Zhejiang; During the reign of Emperor You, Wang Kaizu set up Dongshan Academy in his hometown of Huagai Mountain, with hundreds of scholars. Zhejiang in the Southern Song Dynasty was even more prosperous in literary style, with a large number of talents: "Mr. Yongshangsi" Shu Phosphorus, Shen Lian, Yang Jian, and Yuan Xie gave lectures to apprentices in Fenghua, Dinghai, Cixi, Yinxian and other places; In his later years, Lu Zuqian presided over Lize Academy, personally compiled teaching materials, and formulated the "School Rules"; Chen Liang and Ye Shi were appointed as lecturers at Yongkang Wufeng Academy and Dongyang Shidong Academy respectively, and were interested in cultivating talents who saved the world and made contributions. In the Yuan Dynasty, Cheng Duanli's "Cheng's Family School Reading Schedule" detailed the process of reading the scriptures and learning history, which became a model for the teaching plan of the family school, and was also regarded as the reading criterion for the county school.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, in the second year of Jianyan (1128), the 48th generation of Confucius descended to the Holy Father, crossed to the south, and built a family temple in Quzhou. The descendants of Southern Confucius have been born in large numbers to promote the development of Confucianism in Jiangnan. Especially after the capital was established in Lin'an Mansion in the eighth year of Shaoxing (1138), Zhejiang became the political, economic and cultural center of the country at that time, and education entered a prosperous period. Guozijian, Taixue (Guozijian and Taixue were the highest institutions of learning at that time), Zongxue, martial arts, painting, medicine and other central government schools successively settled in Hangzhou. All kinds of state and county academies basically cover all state and county governments, reaching 155; Subordinate rural private schools and schools have sprung up, and it is difficult to count many of them. Many famous Confucian scholars went to academies and schools all over Zhejiang to give lectures, which had a far-reaching impact. For example, Zhu Xi has traveled back and forth to Zhejiang for many years and many times, and has lectured at more than 10 academies. Education flourished in various parts of the province, such as Gao Hong, a native of Yinxian County, and Mr. Chunxi of Mingzhou (Shu Fu, Shen Huan, Yuan Xie, Yang Jian) and other members of the Siming School; Zheng Boxiong, Xue Jixuan, Chen Fuliang, Ye Shi and others from Yongjia County constitute the Yongjia School; There are also the Jinhua School represented by Lu Zuqian and the Yongkang School represented by Chen Liang, who interact with each other in academic thought. For a time, the state and county governments learned, and there were many talents, and rural schoolchildren competed in singing and poetry. It makes Zhejiang the prosperity of humanity and the crown in the country. A number of famous educators have appeared in various parts of Zhejiang.

The Yuan Dynasty pursued a policy of discrimination against Han Confucianism. In the thirteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1276), after the Yuan army captured Lin'an Mansion, the Taixue, Wuxue, and Zongxue of the Song Dynasty were abolished, and each Fuxue was renamed Luxue. Education at the government level has been greatly reduced, but in the non-governmental circles, farmers have been persuaded to establish new societies and promote social studies, and grassroots education is still thriving. The Qing Dynasty followed the Ming system, and Zhejiang continued to follow the imperial court's respect for Confucianism, advocating the rule of the world with literature, but implementing cultural autocracy. In the local government, prefecture, and county schools were still set up, supplemented by social studies, volunteer schools, and private schools, but the education of the academies was declining from time to time, and the tendency of the academies to become official schools became more and more serious. In the early years of Kangxi, Zhejiang's administrative structure was renamed as a province, with 11 prefectures under its jurisdiction. In the first year of Qianlong (1736), after the edict of erudition, social studies, volunteer schools, and private schools throughout the urban and rural areas were further developed, and the family learning of some famous families was still continued. For example, the Cha family of Yuan Hua in Haining Prefecture and the Chen family in Yanguan Town are all famous scholars. There are also Yuyao Huang Zongxi, who is respected as the sect of Zhejiang Studies, Dinghai Huang Yizhou, Deqing Yu Yue, Yu Hang Zhang Taiyan, Tongxiang Zhang Luxiang, etc., these people not only have high academic attainments, but also have made significant contributions to local education.

Ming and Qing dynasties. Since the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, Zhejiang's education has been prosperous for a long time, the road of running schools has been continuously broadened, the ideas of running schools have been continuously improved, the education and culture have been continuously prosperous, and the cultivation of talents has been emerging, the main manifestations of which are:

First, prefectural, prefecture, and county schools have been widely established, and Mongolian learning institutions such as social studies, volunteer schools, and private schools have developed from urban to rural areas. Social science is an educational institution located in rural areas to use the spare time of farming to target the children of peasant families, which was founded in the Yuan Dynasty and flourished in the Ming Dynasty. In the eighth year of Hongwu and the sixteenth year of Hongwu, the imperial court successively ordered the establishment of social studies, which promoted the flourishing of social studies in various places, and there were 221 social studies in Renhe County and 176 social studies in Qiantang County at that time.

Second, a large number of academies were established, and the style of lecturing was extremely prosperous. There were nearly 300 academies in Zhejiang, and the number increased to more than 570 in the Qing Dynasty. Most of these academies emphasize science, or mainly study the arts, but during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, the governor of Zhejiang, Ruan Yuan, ran a unique style of study in Hangzhou, and the students studied astronomy, geography, and mathematics at the same time as studying the scriptures and history. It existed for more than 100 years before and after, and when the famous scholar Yu Yue was hired as the keynote speaker in the later period, "the people of the two Zhejiang, who inherited the training of Di, were generalists, and there were countless people."

Third, folk reading and book collection have become a common practice. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, Zhejiang has many library buildings and rich collections, which is the highest in the country. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the "Qingluo Mountain House" library building of Jinhua Song Lian was the first to open up the atmosphere, and then the "Baihua Building" of Wuxing Maokun and the "Play Easy Building" of Shen Jiefu, the "Tianlai Pavilion" of Xiang Yuanbian of Jiaxing, the "Tianyi Pavilion" of Ningbo Fanqin and the "Shixue Building" of New Shixi, etc., can be called famous book collection buildings. In the Qing Dynasty, the library buildings that followed were Huang Zongxi's "Continuation Banknote Hall", Cixi Zhengxing's "Erlao Pavilion", Ningbo Quanzuwang's "Double Leek Mountain House", Jiaxing Cao Rong's "Jingti Hall", Hangzhou Wu Zhuo's "Vase Flower Zhai" and so on. Among the many library buildings, "Tianyi Pavilion" is the most famous, and is known as the first book collection in eastern Zhejiang.

Fourth, the prosperity of talents ranks among the top in the country. According to the regional distribution statistics of the number of Jinshi in the Ming and Qing dynasties in the Ming and Qing dynasties, among the more than 50,000 Jinshi, Zhejiang ranked first with 6,379 people. Among the 1,771 people collected in the history of the Ming Dynasty, 258 were from Zhejiang, accounting for 14.6%, ranking first among all provinces. In the first year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1736), the edict promoted erudition and great words, and 267 people were raised in the whole country, and there were 68 people in Zhejiang. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, many famous educators emerged in Zhejiang. The most influential was Wang Shouren, who inherited and developed the doctrine of Lu Jiuyuan in the Southern Song Dynasty and founded the "Yangming School", which was very different from Cheng Zhu's science, and its ideas appeared as "anti-traditional" and became widely popular after the middle of the Ming Dynasty. He advocated the idea of teaching according to the child's temperament and according to the child's receptivity, "which is more consistent with the progressive educational doctrine of modern times." During the Ming and Qing dynasties, with the germination of capitalism and the formation of the citizen class, a group of early enlightenment thinkers appeared in the ideological and academic fields, among which Zhu Zhiyu, Chen Qu, and Huang Zongxi were outstanding representatives. While criticizing the feudal system and seeking a good way to change, they also put forward the idea of education with the flavor of modern democracy.

Modern period. Beginning with the First Opium War (1840), China was forced to sign the unequal Sino-British Treaty of Nanking with Britain, and Ningbo became one of China's first ports to open to the outside world, followed by Wenzhou in 1897. The opening up of these two places had an unprecedented impact on Zhejiang's education and culture, which was manifested in the fact that foreign missionaries gradually penetrated first from the port and then into the interior, and their educational infiltration strategy was to start from the child. In 1844 (the twenty-fourth year of Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty), Aldersay, a missionary of the British Methodist Church and a member of the Oriental Women's Association, opened a girls' school in Zhuduqiao, Ningbo (the earliest church girls' school in China); In 1845, the American Presbyterian missionary and physician John McEddy opened a boarding school for boys in Ningbo. Subsequently, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Jinhua, Taizhou, and Wenzhou (except Quzhou, Lishui, and Zhoushan) also successively set up a number of primary schools, middle schools, and specialized schools. At the same time as the spread of foreign culture, some local schools are also competing to follow suit, and play an improvement role in the form of running schools, teaching content, and teacher training.

With the eastward expansion of Western learning and the real social changes, the drawbacks of the emptiness and uselessness of feudal education have been exposed. Long before the Opium War, the Qing Dynasty thinker Gong Zizhen had a sharp pen to deeply criticize feudal education, and loudly called for "not sticking to one pattern to reduce talents." "After the Opium War, there was a fierce collision between the introduction of Western education and culture and China's traditional education and culture, forcing every intellectual to face a painful choice. Among them, for most people, it is difficult to change the ideology, values, and ways of thinking they have formed in the long-term feudal traditional education. However, there are also some intellectuals who have been influenced by the style of study of their predecessors and have abandoned the traditional psychology of blind arrogance; in the comparison of Chinese and Western cultures, they have felt the strength of Western countries and the progress of Western education, and have begun to shift their eyes from the classics of ancient sages to the foreign world, hoping to seek a good recipe for China's prosperity and strength from the road to prosperity and strength of advanced capitalist countries. When the Restoration Movement to save the country and survive arose, the reformists in Zhejiang gathered in Beijing, Shanghai, and Zhejiang (such as Zhang Yuanji of Haiyan in Beijing and Shanghai at that time, Huang Tifang, Huang Shaoji, Huang Shaodi of Wenzhou, Shen Zengzhi and Shen Zengtong of Jiaxing, Wang Kangnian of Qiantang, Zhang Kunde of Tongxiang, Taiyan of Yu Hangzhang, Ye Han of Renhe, Luo Zhenyu of Shangyu, etc.; In the province, there are Tang Zhen in Shaoxing, Chen Qiu, Song Shu in Wenzhou, etc.), they carry out propaganda activities in various ways to criticize the old and advocate the new learning, run publications, create societies, spread Western learning, and open up people's wisdom. They encourage each other, echo each other, the number is not small, the energy is not small, influence, drive, provoke the start of modern education and culture in Zhejiang, and create a good ideological atmosphere.

In 1894-1895, the Sino-Japanese Naval War took place between China and Japan, and the feudal traditional education was already terminally ill. Zhejiang's education has set off a trend of reformism. A number of locally organized Western-style schools for dialect education, military preparation education, and science and technology education have emerged in various localities. The first to break through the barriers of old learning and create a new school was Sun Yerang, who lived in southern Zhejiang. He was originally an accomplished master of scripture, but in the face of a serious national crisis, he could no longer calm down and continue to immerse himself in studying according to the evidence, and resolutely embarked on the road of education to save the country by living in his hometown. In 1896, he took the lead in establishing the Ruian School of Planning in his hometown, and then set up the Ruian Dialect Museum, the Yongjia Sericulture Museum and the Ruiping Chemistry Hall. After the new prefect of Hangzhou, he adhered to the theme of "Chongshi" with the "Quzhou experience" and successively established three schools of great significance in the history of modern education in Zhejiang, namely Qiushi Academy in 1897, Hangzhou Sericulture Museum in 1898 and Yangzheng School in 1899. Shaoxing and Ningbo are not far behind, in 1897, Xu Shulan, a gentry from Shanyin County, Shaoxing Prefecture, donated money to establish the Shaoxing County Chinese and Western School, and in 1898, the Ningbo prefect founded the Chucai School in Chongxiao Temple in Huxi. The feudal education system was on the verge of extinction, and in 1901 the Qing government had to order the whole country to change academies into schools. Because Zhejiang has long had a material and ideological foundation, all parts of the province have been moved, and for a time the academies have been changed into large, middle and primary schools. In January 1904, the Qing government promulgated the "Statutes of the Concerted Schools", promulgating specific regulations on the study period and curriculum of various types of schools at all levels. Zhejiang schools will abide by the rules and regulations, and all schools will embark on the road of standardized schooling with rules to follow. In September 1905, the Qing government ordered the abolition of the 1,300-year-old imperial examination system. As a cultural state, Zhejiang, compared with many gentry in other regions, has a broader vision, is more receptive to new ideas, and is more willing to donate funds to run schools. According to the statistics of the first "China Education Yearbook", before the Republic of China, there were 118 scholars who donated more than 1,000 yuan in the country, and 19 in Zhejiang, accounting for 16%, ranking second in the country (the first Jiangsu), and the donated funds amounted to 220,000 yuan, ranking first in the country (nearly 50,000 yuan higher than Jiangsu), showing the strong cultural sentiment of Zhejiang's folk education.

In 1911, the Xinhai Revolution ended more than 2,000 years of feudal rule. After the founding of the Republic of China, the Ministry of Education of the Nanjing Provisional Government promulgated a new education policy, marking the beginning of the transition from traditional education to modern education. All kinds of schools in Zhejiang have developed greatly: while primary education has been established in large numbers of new-style primary schools, old-style private schools have also been renovated and utilized; While secondary education focuses on the establishment of ordinary middle schools, normal and industrial schools have been developed accordingly; Higher education is somewhat weaker than basic education, but there has been a significant increase in specialization.

In 1919, the "May Fourth" New Culture Movement was ushered in. The old ideas, old concepts, and old customs of feudalism have been impacted at a deeper level, and education in modern Zhejiang has been further promoted. After returning to China, most of them served in the education circles, some presided over educational administrative affairs, some managed a school, opened new courses, reformed teaching methods, made Zhejiang's basic education in the forefront, and introduced foreign progressive educational ideas to colleagues in the education circles at home and abroad through various channels, exchanged ideas and academic trends, and promoted the change of people's educational concepts.

From 1927 to 1937, the political situation was relatively stable, investment in education increased year by year, and the Nationalist Government and the Ministry of Education successively promulgated various education laws and decrees. Zhejiang's education has also entered a period of relative stability: first, the education pattern has been comprehensively adjusted, and all types of schools at all levels have developed in a coordinated manner; Second, compulsory education has been fully implemented, and an upsurge of promoting compulsory education has emerged; The third is the establishment of popular education, such as the establishment of popular education centers, popular schools, cram schools, public questioning and ghostwriting offices, public newspaper reading offices, etc., and a large number of civilian education and cultural atmosphere.

In 1937, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out. In winter, Hangzhou, Jia, and Hu counties fell in advance. From 1940 onwards, the province fell. In order to preserve their strength and persist in running schools, schools above the middle school level in the occupied areas have undergone a major strategic transfer, with most of the national colleges and universities turning to the southwest to run schools, and the provincial secondary schools moving to the mountainous areas of western and southern Zhejiang, and teachers and students have shown great patriotic enthusiasm. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Zhejiang successively established three anti-Japanese base areas and guerrilla areas behind enemy lines in eastern Zhejiang, western Zhejiang, and southern Zhejiang. The schools in the base areas flexibly adopt national primary schools, half-day primary schools, itinerant schools and other educational institutions, all of which pay attention to adapting measures to local conditions, combine production and labor, and actively serve the local anti-Japanese war struggle. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, schools of all levels and types moved back one after another. The War of Liberation (1946-1949) was marked by civil war and economic decline. As a result, although the number of schools at all levels and types has expanded greatly, it has been struggling due to financial difficulties, and at the same time, the basic livelihood of teachers and students has not been guaranteed due to soaring prices. Patriotic and democratic movements in the educational circles have sprung up one after another, and the calls for "anti-hunger, anti-civil war, and anti-persecution" have risen in various parts of the province, and teachers and students have eagerly awaited independence, freedom, peace, and democracy, and finally ushered in the birth of New China.

Zhejiang's modern new-style education, starting from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, through the exploration, reform and development from the early years of the Republic of China to the May Fourth period, has formed a system in the twenties and thirties of the 20th century, and has begun to take shape. In the development of Zhejiang's new education, behind every major historical event, there is always the growth of a group of Zhejiang educators. They went forward one after another, continued the cultural roots of the Zhejiang school, and held up the hope of education in Zhejiang. For example, Tang Zhen and Chen Zhu, who propagated the idea of reform; Sun Yerang, Lin Qi, etc., who led the revival of education in the late Qing Dynasty; Jing Hengyi, who held high the banner of "May Fourth" new culture, and Zhu Kezhen, who made outstanding contributions to the rise of Zhejiang University, etc.; There are also Wang Guowei, who advocated Western educational thought, Cai Yuanpei, who presided over the educational reform in the early years of the Republic of China, Zhang Yuanji and Du Yaquan, who were committed to the cause of modern education and publishing, Yang Xianjiang, who disseminated Marxist education theory, and Chen Heqin, Zhang Menxue, and Zhang Zonglin, who pioneered modern early childhood education, etc., who made indelible contributions to the inheritance of Zhejiang's educational culture.

The present (current) period. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the country was poor and white, and all walks of life were in ruins. Under the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, the economy was rapidly restored and the nascent regime was consolidated. The party and the government are fully aware of the basic, forward-looking and foundational role of education in social development, and constantly explore the road of socialist education in Zhejiang, so that education can reflect the people's nature to the greatest extent.

16 years before the Cultural Revolution (1949-1965). Public schools have been taken over by the Military Management Commission in various localities; the full recovery of the sovereignty of the Church, the Society, and the education of the schools; Takeover of private primary and secondary schools in phases and batches; Implement the proletarian educational and cultural ideology. Vigorously establish amateur cultural education for the masses of workers and peasants, and carry out literacy education for workers, peasants, and citizens. In 1953, the country's first five-year education plan was implemented, and the Soviet education model was learned and implemented. rectifying and strengthening the construction of colleges and universities; identify a number of provincial key middle schools (16) and key primary schools (3); All administrative departments are required to run one key middle school, and each county and city is required to run one key primary school. In 1958, the CPC Central Committee implemented the policy of "education serves proletarian politics and combines education with production and labor", focusing on labor education. From 1958 to 1960, under the background of the construction of socialism and the Great Leap Forward, schools of all kinds at all levels expanded rapidly, surpassing the country's economic capacity, violating the law of education itself, and the education culture appeared impatient. From 1961 to 1965, all localities conscientiously implemented the eight-character principle of "readjusting, consolidating, enriching, and improving" put forward by the CPC Central Committee, and education returned to the track of healthy development.

10 years of the "Cultural Revolution" (after 1966-1976). Zhejiang's education has suffered unprecedented chaos and disaster. All kinds of schools at all levels "suspend classes to make revolution" and carry out a great series of revolutions; Teachers were described as "bourgeois intellectuals" and persecuted; A large number of educational administrative leaders and school cadres were classified as "capitalist roaders" and "ghosts, snakes, and gods" and were brutally tortured. Beginning in 1966, colleges and universities stopped recruiting students for 4 years and higher education was interrupted for 7 years. The blind expansion of high schools and junior high schools in various places has led to the recruitment of a large number of private and substitute teachers; School textbooks are re-added, deleted, or compiled; The original management system of the school was completely rejected, and the leadership of the revolutionary committee with the participation of the working class, the poor middle peasants, and the People's Liberation Army was implemented. During this period, although there were perverse actions in their careers, there were still many educators who chose to "hide in a small building and become unified" and "keep the clouds open and see the sun".

Reform and opening up for more than 40 years (1978-present). In October 1976, in accordance with the deployment of the central government, Zhejiang's education entered the stage of "putting things in order", comprehensively restoring, implementing, rehabilitating and rectifying all the upside-down educational chaos, and regaining the law of normal development of education. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978, all educational work gradually moved towards the track of healthy development. The provincial party committee and the provincial government have established that "in order to develop the economy, education must take precedence" and "education should be grasped as well as economic construction"; the education funds in the budgets of governments at all levels have increased steadily and substantially, and the investment in school capital construction, education and teaching facilities and equipment, and teachers' salaries and benefits have been basically guaranteed. Many educators have been reborn like Nirvana, and their long-suppressed wisdom has gushed out, and various educational development indicators are in the forefront of the country, showing a thriving atmosphere.

Since the 80s of the last century, Zhejiang has taken the lead in popularizing nine-year compulsory education in the country, and was commended by the State Council in 2012. In 2016, it passed the basic balanced acceptance of national compulsory education, and launched a national high-quality and balanced demonstration county. In 2000, the Provincial Party Committee deployed the provincial education modernization and put forward the plan of creating a strong county in provincial education. After completing the set goals in 2010, it was transferred to the plan of creating modern counties for education, and in 2014, the first batch of counties that have basically realized the modernization of education in the province began to be selected, and the goal was reached by 2019. Since 1995, the strategy of separating junior and senior high schools has been implemented, and the selection and establishment of provincial-level key high schools have begun, and a number of provincial key high schools with national influence have been set up, so as to consolidate the foundation of high-quality basic education. Since 2019, the selection of provincial modern schools has been deployed in all types of schools at all levels, continuously improving the quality of compulsory education in the province, and meeting the wishes and requirements of ordinary people's children to go to good school. From beginning to end, we have grasped the key points of teacher team construction, and began to select the first batch of provincial special-grade teachers (6 people) in 1979, and went to normal in 1982 (a batch every four years). So far this year, a total of 1,942 provincial special-grade teachers have been selected in 13 batches in the province. How to let more teachers grow into Zhejiang school education masters is a new topic entrusted to us by the times.

To sum up, the Zhejiang school of educators has probably gone through four stages of development: first, the thick Zhejiang culture has established the superior position of Zhejiang education and bred a large number of Zhejiang school educators; Second, due to the impact of the "Opium War," the Zhejiang educators entered a "short-term" hesitation and anxiety, but they immediately woke up and decided to learn advanced educational ideas from abroad, stir up turbidity and promote the Qing Dynasty, apply Western learning in China, and attach importance to the teaching and application of natural sciences and science and engineering. Third, we are determined not to forget the responsibility and mission of education to save the country and strengthen the country through education, and no matter how difficult and difficult the current situation is, we are sticking to the confidence and determination to cultivate talents and save the country through education; Fourth, when the country is in a period of prosperity and development, especially after the reform and opening up, Zhejiang educators are like a spring breeze, full of spirit, teaching and educating people, and producing many talents.

Vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators and promote the great cause of national rejuvenation

(Overview of 100 Thoughts on Zhejiang School Education, August 2023, published by Zhejiang Education Press.) A total of 445,000 words, a total of 103 ancient, modern and modern educators of the Zhejiang School have written their thoughts)

Second, the growth law of "100 schools of Zhejiang education".

According to the social science research method, "the premise or assumption of any science is that its object of study is regular and not chaotic or accidental." [3] The research we carry out on the "100 schools of education of the Zhejiang School" is also a basic "premise" or "law", but it is completely different from the absolute, repeatable, and even universal laws in natural science. It often contains some essential associations of determinism, choice theory, and probability theory. It is often manifested as a trend, a tendency, and individual characteristics are also peculiar. Based on the analysis of the growth process of more than 103 "Zhejiang School Education Hundred Schools", the following rules are roughly obtained:

(1) Rain and dew moisten the roots and seedlings to thrive. The so-called "rain and dew moisturization" mainly refers to the "family background, family style, and family education" that educators have grown up in, and they have benefited from the influence of good family education since childhood; "Roots and seedlings are strong" mainly refers to the conditions under which educators grow. Judging from the situation of the "100 schools of education in Zhejiang", first of all, most of them were born in relatively wealthy feudal bureaucratic families, with superior family conditions, and can fully enjoy a life without worrying about food and clothing (among them, there are also many due to the decline of their families, but the real living standards are better than ordinary people); Secondly, most families have a good family style, and the ancestors, especially the parents, have good quality and cultivation, and the rules for their children since childhood are done well and firmly kept, and they have a good family style inheritance. Most of them enjoy the education of profound traditional culture, and if they have the conditions, they specially hire tutors, or their parents work part-time, or go to better private schools, and the content of education is mostly Confucian culture (compared with the content of foreign educators of the same era, in addition to traditional cultural tutors, they pay more attention to the body, character, specialties and hobbies, and will also add philosophy, mathematics, natural science and aesthetic education, etc.), especially focus on or prefer the content requirements of the imperial examination, because they have to meet various selections on the road of life, In the era of the imperial examination, they were among the examinations of Xiucai, Jinshi, Juren, champion, etc., and in modern times, they are striving to enter all kinds of famous schools at all levels, or go abroad to receive new education overseas, compared with ordinary people, they all have a high starting point and high quality; The boat of life is always on the cusp of the times. According to the statistics of the "100 Zhejiang School of Education": before the end of the imperial examination system, there were 49 people, including 37 champions and jinshi; After the end of the imperial examination, a total of 54 people entered the modern period, 40 of whom studied abroad, including 17 in Japan, 14 in the United States, and 9 in France.

(2) Home-school cooperation to take root in the foundation. Based on the comprehensive analysis, the "100 Zhejiang School of Education" attaches great importance to basic education. First of all, parents should be good teachers for their children. Secondly, they can receive a good enlightenment education, and the content is mostly Confucianism or Chinese classics, so as to cultivate children's reading habits and interest in reading. The key is in the education after enlightenment, about the same as today's basic education, excellent parents see the same, they will carefully choose excellent schools or excellent teachers for their children, through this stage of learning, children begin to open up the grade and distance from others. From a psychological point of view, children gradually move from dependence to independence, from the original teacher as a "god" to a "human". In the end, he gradually surpassed his parents and teachers, and grew into a "100 Zhejiang School of Education" with cultural upbringing, social responsibility and freedom of thought. Their growth is the result of their ambitions and their superior educational environment.

(3) Take care of each other and work together. Zhejiang School Education has a strong sense of community and a spirit of cooperation. Although modern Zhejiang educators do not have a clear sense of forming gangs and factions, and they are running around for their careers all day long, gathering less and leaving more, the objectively existing relationships between fellow villagers, the same year, colleagues, teachers and students, friends, and relatives are intertwined into a huge group network, so that they constantly interact with each other in the form of mutual support, mutual help, and mutual cooperation in schools, magazines, publishing houses, and other cultural and educational institutions, in daily life, academic research, and educational activities. For example, in 1903, Zhang Yuanji not only tried every means to help Cai Yuanpei go abroad, but also specially helped him compile books for the Commercial Press, and funded his study abroad in Germany in the form of advance remuneration; In 1913, after Cai Yuanpei's failure to participate in the "Second Revolution", Zhang Yuanji immediately hired Cai Yuanpei as an editor and consultant outside the museum, and funded him to study academics in France and recuperate. Cai Yuanpei, on the other hand, returned to the Commercial Press with high-level academic works, which greatly increased the popularity of the Commercial Press. They grow independently, like a tree, deeply rooted in the land of Zhejiang; When contributing to the country, it is like a forest, hand in hand with each other, and the weather is myriad.

(4) Live up to the times and live up to the time. Human society, ukiyo-e three layers. People living at the bottom of society are trying to get rid of the situation of crowding each other, and the only way is the imperial examination, "everything is inferior, only reading is high". Despite the brutal selection process, there have been attempts at other alternatives, only to be unconvincing in the end. It should be said that most of the people who can really pass the rigorous examination are the wise people of their generation. "Zhejiang School of Education" is such a group of "wise men", but this group of "wise men" is different, they all have great ambitions, live up to the times, live up to the time, only wish the people of Li happiness and health. Based on the situation of the "100 schools of education in Zhejiang", most of them have undergone two transformations: first, they enriched themselves in their youth, and successfully transcended survival and went to the upper echelons of society; Then they are dissatisfied with the status quo, and when they encounter setbacks in their lives, they choose to "not be a good teacher, but a good teacher", retire from politics and return to religion, devote themselves to teaching and educating people, write books and speak quietly, and enjoy the balance of body and mind.

(5) Famous teachers and schools complement each other. Fellow villagers, the same year, the relationship between colleagues, teachers and students, friends, and relatives are like countless warps and wefts, interweaving educators who are traveling in foreign lands into a huge network, condensing into a force to be reckoned with, so that they can continue to gain support and help, courage and strength from them. Most of these educators have one or more kinship, geography, and karmic ties with each other, especially in modern times. For example, Cai Yuanpei and Zhang Yuanji, the two are called "fellow villagers, the same year, colleagues, and fellow people". For example, Cai Yuanpei has a deep teacher-student friendship with Jiang Menglin and Zhu Kezhen. In 1919, Jiang Menglin was hired as a professor of education at Peking University. After the May Fourth Movement, he acted as Cai Yuanpei's president of Peking University three times, and the extraordinary teacher-student relationship for 10 years not only became a friend who forgot the year, but more importantly, let Cai Yuanpei recuperate and prepare for the future. Another example is that when Hengyi was appointed as the principal of the first division of the province, when he returned to Shangyu in Shaoxing to establish Chunhui Middle School, Cai Yuanpei, Li Shutong, Jiang Menglin, Xia Yazun, Chen Heqin, Yu Pingbo, and Zhu Ziqing went to support.

3. The contemporary responsibility of "100 schools of Zhejiang education".

Over the past 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhejiang education has always practiced the spirit and culture of "pragmatism, innovation, agility and openness". Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, Zhejiang has always adhered to the scientific concept of educational ecology of "priority development, reform and development, open development, coordinated development and all-round development". After entering the new century, Zhejiang's education has been guided by modernization, highlighting the development of informatization, characteristics, greening, scientificization, and human culture. 20 years ago, under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "88 Strategy", we made great efforts to "promote the province through science and education, strengthen the province with talents, and strengthen the construction of a major cultural province", and implemented the strategic goal of "rejuvenating the country with education, and strengthening the country with strong education." Building a strong country in education is the strategic precursor to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, an important support for achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, an effective way to promote common prosperity for all people, and a basic project to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. In 2022, the "First Zhejiang School of Education" forum was successfully held in Lin'an, Hangzhou. After the meeting, the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Educational Ecology conscientiously implemented the requirements put forward by the Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Education Society, took positive actions, and organized experts to re-study and sort out such as "General History of China" (edited by Bai Shouyi), "Zhejiang General Chronicles" (edited by Jin Pusen and Chen Yuyong), "Zhejiang Education Chronicles" (edited by Zhejiang Provincial Education Chronicles Compilation Committee), "Zhejiang Education History" (edited by Zhang Bin), "History of Chinese Educational Thought" (edited by Wang Bingzhao and Yan Guohua), "Famous Teachers of Chinese Dynasties" (edited by He Ziquan), Famous Schools and Educators in Modern Zhejiang Province (Editor-in-Chief of the Cultural and Historical Materials Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference) and other historical classics. It selects and summarizes the educational ideology and spiritual culture of 103 deceased "100 schools of education in Zhejiang" in ancient and modern times. The content of the writing refers to the general requirements of the "Education Dictionary", and condenses the growth history, struggle history and performance history of the "100 Zhejiang School of Education". Striving to read a case study of a famous educator is like reading a miniature biography.

The publication of the book "Overview of 100 Thoughts on Zhejiang School Education" aims to clarify the historical origin, development context and basic trend of Zhejiang School education. Refining the unique creation, value concept and distinctive characteristics of Zhejiang school education culture; Explore the cultural essence, contemporary value and practical significance of Zhejiang education, and make unremitting efforts for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Supplement: "The country will prosper, and the master will be valuable." As early as the 90s of the last century, some wise people in Zhejiang, who got rich first, began to attach importance to the research of educators, looking for the spirit of Zhejiang educators, and promoting the reform, innovation and development of education in Zhejiang. At that time, some leaders invited me to participate in it, but due to my own time and energy (then the principal of Quzhou No. 1 Middle School, a century-old famous school), I did not see systematic research results. In August 2022, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Education Society and the Zhejiang Institute of Educational Ecological Sciences held the "Zhejiang School Education Hundred Thoughts Seminar" in Lin'an, Hangzhou. Zhejiang School Education 100 Lectures" held at the book launch.

Vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators and promote the great cause of national rejuvenation

(This article is the "preface" of the "Overview of 100 Thoughts on Zhejiang School Education", and the author has slightly deleted it)

However, the publication of "Overview of 100 Thoughts of Zhejiang School Education" is only the first step in the study of 100 schools of thought in Zhejiang School of Education. Among them, only the ancient, modern and modern parts of Zhejiang are taken. Compared with the situation of contemporary Zhejiang education masters and talents, especially today, with the high-quality development of education in Zhejiang, I deeply feel that yesterday's efforts are far from enough. As a result, since August last year, we have reorganized our outfits and started the work of "Overview of 100 Thoughts on Zhejiang School Education" (continued). In response to General Secretary Xi's call, we must "vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators" and "make new and greater contributions to the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation" (the photos in the article are provided by the author).

[1] Yao Hongchang, ("The Long Song of the Rivers": Quzhou Education from a Cultural Perspective), Zhejiang People's Publishing House, April 2019, p. 8.

[2] Zhejiang Education Chronicles Compilation Committee: Zhejiang Education Chronicles, Zhejiang University Press, November 2004, p.1.

[3] Yuan Fang, ed., A Course in Social Research Methods, Peking University Press, 1997, p.66.

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