
What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

author:Strange Fantasy Shop9527

We ordinary people don't have so much money, but wealth is relative, for example, after you work, for your younger brothers and sisters who go to school, you have the capital to show off your wealth, drink milk tea casually, and eat spicy hot as you like, which is beyond the reach of primary school students.

Sister: The school is run by my family!

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

Teacher: Do you think the school is run by your family? Oh, sorry, really!

This method is very good for scumbags, but it is more expensive.

In fact, most of the rich study is also very good, don't be brainwashed by TV dramas, if you are not rich, you don't like to study, only poor children will roll in, in fact, it's all the same.

The boldness of eating spicy skewers

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

When I was in elementary school before 98 years, I picked up a 100 bill outside the game hall, and it was cool to turn over in those days, and various food stalls were next to each other.

For the little ones, happiness is as simple as that.

First Class at the Globe

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

What is the difference between First Class and Global First Class?

Universal First Class: Located in front of the front service area, there are 10 seats in total, which is very spacious, and belongs to the white people, who are very tall and fat, and can lie completely flat.

First class: Located behind the service area, there are many seats, small space, and tall foreigners cannot lie flat.

Global Warehouse also provides menus, à la carte dishes, for normal Chinese physique, first class is enough to fly comfortably.

The former and backward of the sales lady

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

You are guilty of embezzlement of public funds!

Thankfully, she missed a zero at first, giving you the perfect excuse to slap her in the face and slip away, and it can also make her regret it for a while!

Nouveau riche mentality

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

Boss: Give you a donkey?!

Donkey meat was about 35 pounds at that time. You have a fire-roasted skin, with a pound and a half of meat added!!

I'm hungry for what I said!

In the past, those who did business often felt that the customers they spent time and money to take care of did not end up with results, but the customers who did not take care of themselves brought them great gains.

As the saying goes, a blind cat meets a dead mouse. Now this may be less so.

Take a slip of paper to pay the tuition

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

Then the school let you repeat the grade for fifty years, and also paid off the project money owed to your family!

It is not easy to do the project now, for Party A to advance the money by itself, but the wages of the workers can not be arrears, and many people who contract the project are dragged down alive.

This is vicious competition, if you don't advance money, you won't be able to get the project.

An all-you-can-play arcade

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

When I was a child, I went to play in a game hall, and I fantasized about how good it would be if there were countless game coins, and when I grew up, I realized that if you open a game hall or have a relative or friend who opens a game hall, you can have countless game coins, and that thing is not worth much.

But the temptation for a small child is still very great.

Cards in the hands of children

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

Do you still rely on gacha? There is a store near our elementary school that introduced pirated cards, and primary school students can't see it at all, what Song Jiang and Lu Junyi buy casually, and then the whole market collapses with inflation...

Dad sells the house to provide for you to go to school

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

Remembering that incident, the freshman said that in order to pay for tuition, the family sold the two cows he had raised since he was a child, so his roommates took care of him openly and secretly for four years, and after wondering if he was equipped with a super luxury computer, he asked him if there were still cows at home? He said there were a few thousand!

Meal card for the cafeteria

What's your best experience showing off your wealth? Sister: The school is run by my family!

This is the real show off your wealth, show off your kindness!

It's very good, the family is very poor, but my sister and brother are in college, work-study, good character, there is no unnecessary feeling that others are giving to themselves, and they have the power to give back, they have already gone to college, and the future will be better!

Have you ever flaunted your wealth? Feel free to leave a message
