
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

author:Guangyuan Cultural Tourism

The seasons change

The ancient city has quietly ushered in the height of summer

Greenery and ancient charm complement each other

The leisurely atmosphere flows slowly in the nineteenth street and eighteen lanes

This summer, let's walk into the ancient city of Zhaohua

Let the mind be in this ancient land

Get truly released with washing

Wake up in the morning and stroll through the ancient streets

Take a cool historical tour


It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

Pass through the Linqing Gate

The stone pavement looks particularly fresh under the moisture of the morning dew

The old streets and alleys are still quiet

From time to time, pedestrians swayed under the wooden lintel

It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

After eating early, the sun is not yet in full bloom

The best place to take a historical in-depth tour

It is one of the earliest counties in China to implement the county system of management

The ancient city of Zhaohua condenses the history of the continuous establishment of local government in China

It has a long history and many relics

County office, examination shed, Confucian Temple, ancient Han city wall......

Every place is worth exploring~

It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

"Silent Sitting Corner"

Cut a slow time in the ancient city


It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

When the sun is high

Those quaint courtyards behind the street

It has become the best place to escape the heat

One door, one window, easy to open

Then there is a fresh breeze

Bring a touch of coolness to this hot summer day

It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

In the afternoon, sit quietly in a corner of the ancient city

Gently shake the fan and squint your eyes slightly

Listen to the owner of the courtyard tell about the past of the ancient city

Enjoy a slow time that is unique to you this summer

It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

Evening "Looking for a Family"

Taste the smell of fireworks at a table


It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

In the ancient city

One of the heartiest meals of summer is often in

The sunset is slanting and the evening is breezy

Hand in hand with family and friends

Walk into a 10-year-old store


Three or five people sit around a table to share food

You can enjoy this rare time together

It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

After the meal, "Sightseeing in the West Market"

Watch a performance through time and space


It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

When the night falls, the lights come on

It is best to take a walk in the West Market to eat

The immersive performance "Jiameng Spring and Autumn" here

A historical legend belonging to the ancient city of Zhaohua is being staged

Lighting and sound

The vicissitudes of history have been vividly interpreted

Walking in here is like stepping back in time

Goodbye to that period of "100,000 lights" Jia Meng years

It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

The night is getting darker, and the ancient city is back to quiet

Choose a unique homestay

Sit quietly in the courtyard under the stars

Or meditate, or laugh and talk

Let the cool breeze of the Jialing River take away the heat of the day

It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~
It's really good to spend a summer in the ancient city like this~

The ancient city of Zhaohua

A place where time can slow down

Waiting for every traveler who loves life and yearns for tranquility

Come to explore the depth of history and taste the charm of life

Write your own summer notes together