
How many of the five things you can do to make your child feel happy?

author:Tianjin Bao Ma Parenting

When we become parents, happy children are often our greatest wish. However, it is not easy to make children feel truly happy. Here are 5 things that can make your child happy.

How many of the five things you can do to make your child feel happy?

First, accompany them

In today's fast-paced society, most families are very busy. But no matter how busy you are, be sure to make time for your child. Activities such as playing games, watching movies, reading books, or traveling with your child can deepen the bond and create memories for them.

Second, listen to them

As parents, we play an important role in our lives. But we should remember that everyone has their own unique ideas and perspectives. Please respect your children and listen to what they have to say. It is even more important for younger and taciturn children.

How many of the five things you can do to make your child feel happy?

Third, give praise and encouragement

Anyone loves to be praised and encouraged. This is especially true for small children. "Well done! I'm sure you can do better! Such simple and warm words are enough to make a child full of self-confidence to face the difficulties ahead.

Fourth, provide a sense of security

The home environment should give the child a sense of security and create a stable, positive and calm place where he can express his or her inner thoughts and emotional changes honestly.

Fifth, supervise learning

Education is always the most basic and crucial part; Stimulate enthusiasm for learning and encourage the learners to develop a sense of initiative and a source of self-motivation; To ensure that your path to success can be unlocked, you need to pay attention to and monitor each step of the way, and provide timely feedback on the results so that you can adjust your strategy.

How many of the five things you can do to make your child feel happy?


These 5 things may seem simple, but they are not easy to achieve. "Time", "patience", "understanding", "care", etc. are all crucial; If you can take enough time to listen and understand your loved ones, it will be worth a lot. Remember: Raising a happy child starts from the small details of daily life; so that they can acquire the experience and skills they need to grow within the appropriate age group, thus forming a virtuous circle; Always stand by their side to support and guide them, and help them find the right direction when they encounter challenges. After all, "behind all success there is a teacher or parent who is considerate, conscientious and even more professional than the educated". ”