
This little thing, although small, will make the child better and better!

author:Tianjin Bao Ma Parenting

Parents always want their children to grow up healthy and happy. However, in a busy life, we often focus on children's academic performance, extracurricular classes and interest development, and ignore some seemingly trivial but important things.

This little thing, although small, will make the child better and better!

I once had a student named Xiaohua (pseudonym), and she was a very smart and hard-working girl. But every time it was time for the end of class, she was always the first to pack her schoolbag and leave the classroom. When I asked her why she did this, she said, "The teacher said, 'Don't hang out in the classroom after class'. ”

Actually, in the process of my education, I did not particularly emphasize this point. But for Xiaohua, my words became her reason to follow her actions. Gradually, the other students began to follow Xiaohua's example, and quickly left the classroom after packing their school bags. This good habit is passed on to more students in the class.

Through observation and reflection, I have found that seemingly ordinary and even old-fashioned rules and conventions such as "leave the classroom in time after class", "keep the desk tidy", and "respect each other's opinions" are very important for children and teenagers.

This little thing, although small, will make the child better and better!

First of all, the goal of "rule training" is not simply to cultivate good habits or overcome some bad problems - at a deeper level, "rule training" can subtly shape the qualities and qualities that children need for healthy physical, mental and spiritual development.

For example, "leaving the classroom in time" can not only avoid delaying time and wasting energy, but also subtly improve their communication skills and adaptability; For example, "keeping the desktop tidy", in addition to making it easier for you to find things, you can also exercise self-control and time management skills; For example, "mutual respect for other people's opinions" can promote the improvement of social skills and emotional intelligence.

This little thing, although small, will make the child better and better!

Secondly, the method of "rules training" is not limited to daily verbal reminders or fines and deductions. Innovative activities such as "gamification", "multiple intelligence training" and "team role-playing games" can transform the original obscure, boring, and even disgusting and boring "rules and regulations" into lighthearted, pleasant, challenging, experiential, comprehensible, participatory and other excellent characteristics, and combine them to form a more three-dimensional, vivid, colorful, colorful, novel, interesting, easy to operate, easy to copy, easy to promote, easy to accept, and have strong attraction and appeal.

Finally, the effect of "rules training" needs to be quantitatively monitored through an effective evaluation mechanism. "Scoreboard system", "star evaluation method", "trust model evaluation method" and other scientific, objective, fair and visual indicators can be used to measure children's step-by-step work, complete tasks, actively communicate and express shared resources, pay attention to safety, care for the environment, be positive, bravely climb the peak, treat others well, the inner world is stable, comfortable, and happy, whether the expected goals are achieved or the tasks are exceeded.

This little thing, although small, will make the child better and better!

Therefore, in the construction of family and campus culture, books such as "Encyclopedia of Etiquette", "Grassroots Civilization", "Self-cultivation and Governance", "Fairy Tale of Virtue" and related content on the Google search engine are worthy of our reference and sharing.

In short, the core of "rules training" is to relieve stress by creating a good behavioral atmosphere, release anxiety, enhance trust, establish a sense of security, transmit positive information, and provide support for helpers to succeed. Therefore, parents must keep in mind: do not underestimate those basic etiquette that seem insignificant but really affect the direction of children's destiny and happiness!