
Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)

Cicada molt is the shell of the cicada larva when it becomes an adult, it can be dried after it is collected and can be used in medicine, it contains a variety of medicinal ingredients. The cicada was first published in the "Famous Doctors". "New Revision of Materia Medica": ""Don't Record" cloud, the main child epilepsy, women do not give birth to children. Ash obedience, the Lord has diarrhea for a long time. Subsequently, the Tang Dynasty's "Treatise on Medicinal Properties" said that it could "treat children's body heat, epilepsy, and quench thirst". Let's talk about cicadas today.

Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)
The application of traditional Chinese medicine to cicadas begins with the insect itself, that is, the grasshopper cicada in the "Shennong Materia Medica". The cicada molts, and the "Famous Doctor's Catalogue" is attached to the grasshopper strip, saying that "the shell name is withered cicada, and a volt". The Tang Dynasty's "Treatise on Medicinal Properties" is called "cicada molt". "Tujing Materia Medica" is called cicada shell because it is "the shell of the cicada". There are also Taurus, cicadas retreat, cicada clothes, and there are still many doctors who use the name of "insect retreat" in recent times.

Chinese medicine

The cicada in traditional Chinese medicine metamorphoses into the skin shell shed by the black grasshopper nymph of the cicada family when it emerges. It is mainly produced in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Collected in summer and autumn, the sediment is removed and dried. This product has a slight gas and light taste. It is better to be light and yellow in color. Raw.

This product is sweet and cold. Return to the lungs and liver meridians. It has the effect of evacuating wind and heat, improving pharyngeal opening, diaphragm, brightening the eyes, and relieving wind and spasms.

Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)

"New Edition of Materia Medica"

The cicada molts, removing the pannus in the eyes and invading the flesh of the eyes. Pediatric acne is an indispensable medicine for eye protection. Or ask the cicada to protect the eyes and remove the pannus in the eyes, yes? Said: Yes. But it is advisable to use it. Cicadas protect their eyes, protect the eyes that have not yet come out, and do not protect the eyes that have been damaged by acne. If there are many sores on the face, they must take care of their eyes. If you use a cicada to metamorphose into the publication first, there is no reason for the acne to appear in your eyes. If you have seen the point in your eyes, how can you save it?

Or ask the cicada to metamorphose in the eyes, it is advisable to have all the eyes in the eyes, but to stop protecting the eyes, so that the eyes are not born, and the eyes cannot be eliminated. Is it a product of cicada metamorphosis but not dissipation? Day: The cicada is called by the ancients. The ancients said that the one who eliminated the puff of the eyes of the mortal eye, not the puff of the acne. Where the eyes are clear, you can use less to succeed, and the acne scabies, even if you use more, it is not beneficial.

Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)

"Materia Medica"

Light, dispersed wind heat.

The cicada is transformed by the residual qi of civil engineering, drinking wind and dew without eating. Its qi is clear and weak and the taste is sweet and cold, so it removes wind and heat; Its body is frivolous, so it has acne rash and its sex is good at shedding, so it retreats and gives birth to lower cells; It metamorphoses into a shell, so the treatment of skin sores and sores (equal to peppermint, for the end, wine to serve) its sound is clear, so the treatment of stroke and loss of voice; It is also a day and night, so the children stop crying at night.

There are many cicadas, but the large and black ones are used in medicine, washed away the soil, wing feet, boiled in slurry, and dried (for attacking poison).

Grasshopper: Treat children's epilepsy and night crying, kill chancre to remove heat, and give birth to cells (Shi Zhen said: Treat skin sores and sores and wind heat, when using cicadas; To treat the viscera meridians, the cicada body should be used. each according to its own class also).

Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)

Seeking Truth in Materia Medica

The cicada molts exclusively into the liver and into the skin. Stop a worm shell, sweet and cold, how to treat a lot? The residual gas of the cover cicada is dissolved, and the wind and dew are not eaten. His words can cure the liver meridian wind and heat, because of the light qi and the taste of sweet and cold; His words can cure a woman who has no children, and who is full of flesh and muscle, because of his sexuality; It is said that it can cure skin sores and scabies, and it means that it is taken in the shell; The skin is used to treat the skin, and the time is cherished: to treat skin sores and sores and wind heat, when the cicada is used. To treat the viscera meridians, when using the cicada body, each according to its own kind. His words can cure strokes and are silent, and his cicada sound is also meaningful; sound to sound. His words can cure children who cry at night, and it means that they sing day and night. The ancients established medicine to cure diseases, why is there no righteousness, but people carefully judge themselves with their ears! "Debei Materia Medica": salty, cold. Start with the Taiyin Sutra. In addition to wind and heat, acne rash, twins, milk, kill chancre, cure addiction rash. Get cinnabar, stop children crying at night. With mint, it treats wind, heat and itching. adjust the saliva of onions and apply tetanus; into the sheep liver, after the treatment of acne. Into the cold medicine, directly to the lung meridian, quenching fever and thirst.

Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)

Modern pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine cicada molt mainly contains chitin, chitosan, protein, histamine, amino acids and trace elements.

The cicada molt in traditional Chinese medicine has an antipyretic effect, and the cicada molt has a stronger antipyretic effect than the body. Cicada molt has anticonvulsant effect, its liquor can prolong the average survival time of experimental tetanus rabbits, can reduce the formation of tetanus convulsions in rabbits, cicada molt can resist strychnine, cocaine and other central stimulants caused by the death of convulsions in mice, anticonvulsant effect cicada molt is stronger than cephalopod. This product has a sedative effect, can significantly reduce the spontaneous activity of normal mice, prolong the sleep time of sodium pentobarbital, and fight the excitatory effect of caffeine.

Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)

Mint, burdock and cicadas

Peppermint, burdock and cicada can evacuate wind heat, diaphragm, pharynx, can be used for external wind heat or the beginning of warm disease, fever, slight wind chill, headache; Measles at the beginning, poor penetration; rubella itching; Wind and heat attack, sore throat and other symptoms. However, mint is spicy and cool, light and cool, and has strong sweating power, so mint is the first choice for those who feel wind heat and fever without sweating. And peppermint can clear the leader, soothe the liver and qi. Burdock is bitter and bitter, cold and smooth, and can also promote lung expectoration, so it is especially suitable for those who feel wind and heat, fever, cough, and phlegm. At the same time, the cow next to the son of the outside disperses wind and heat, and the inside detoxifies heat and toxin, and has the function of clearing heat, detoxifying and reducing swelling. The cicada is sweet and cold, and it can not only evacuate the lungs through wind and heat and benefit the pharynx, diaphragm, and relieve itching, but also be good at evacuating the liver through wind and heat and retreat from the eyes, cool the liver and relieve spasms.

Time: 2024
Cicada molt (divergent wind and heat medicine)